S&T Meeting #39 - 27 February 2018

S&T Meeting #39 - 27 February 2018


Team:   Drew Bagley, Jamie Hedlund, Laureen Kapin, Carlton Samuels

Guests:    /

Observers:    /

Apologies:    Gao Mosweu, Calvin Browne, David Taylor, Alice Jansen

ICANN Org:     Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Brenda Brewer, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Brian Aitchison, Karen Lentz


  1. Welcome, roll-call
  2. Review of recommendations updates:
  3. Recommendation A, B: Drew
  4. A.O.B.

Discussion documents: 


Chat Transcript:  EN

Transcript:  EN

Decisions Reached:  /

Action Items:

  • Rec A: Laureen to suggest new language to rationale/related findings section.
  • Rec B.: Drew to correct typo.
  • Drew to send an email to the review team for them to review the latest version of the DNS Abuse Chapter before the plenary call tomorrow.