S&T Meeting #15 - 26 July
- DNS Abuse Study - Progress
- Discussion papers
Discussion documents:
- ST- Discussion Paper Topics Ownership
- ST-1. Is there more or less DNS Abuse the newg TLD
- ST-2. Have the safeguards been fully implemented
- ST-3. Did the safeguards help to prevent DNS abuse
- ST-4. Have new gTLD registry operators complied with the safeguards
- ST-5. How was Specification 11 implemented by new gTLD registry operators
- ST-6. Did the use of PICs help prevent DNS abuse
- ST-7. How are RPMs for new gTLDs different from those for legacy gTLDs
- ST-8. Have the new dispute resolution processes reduced trademark infringement
- ST-9. Are consumers aware of new gTLDs
- ST-10. Do consumers trust new gTLDs
- ST-11. Are the new procedures effective in enforcing safeguards
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN
DNS Abuse Study RfP should be issued on 1 August.
ACTION ITEM - Send any last minute comments/edits ASAP.
Discussion papers -
TOPIC 1 Progress made
TOPIC 2 Laureen, Carlos, Calvin to start filling in template based on resources
TOPIC 3 No progress to date
TOPIC 4 No progress
TOPIC 5 No progress - Safeguards chart will be helpful for this template.
TOPIC 6 No progress made. Volunteer PICs will inform paper. DNS Abuse study correlations.
TOPIC 7 No progress made. All the data is already available
TOPIC 8 No progress made - Carlton taking lead
TOPIC 9 - ACTION ITEM: Carlton to populate gsheet with initial findings
TOPIC 10 - No progress made
TOPIC 11 - No progress made
ACTION ITEM: Team leads to start filling in documents and not wait for team members. Start writing!