S&T Meeting #41 - 20 March 2018

S&T Meeting #41 - 20 March 2018


Review Team Members:  Drew Bagley, Carlton Samuels, Jonathan Zuck, David Taylor, Jamie Hedlund, Calvin Browne, Gao Mosweu

ICANN Org:  Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Alice Jansen, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Brian Aitchison, Brenda Brewer

Apologies:  Laureen Kapin, Fabro Steibel

Guest:  /

Observers: /


- Welcome, roll-call, SoI
Consolidated Recommendations 11, 13, 15, 33: Laureen
- Consolidated recommendation: 19, 34: Drew
- Recs. 40, 41, 42: David
- Recommendation D: David/ Drew
- A.O.B.

Recording:  mp3

Chat:  N/A, Adobe Connect not available

Transcript:  PDF


Decisions Reached:

  • Safeguards & Trust subteam agrees on consolidation of Recommendation C, 19, 34

Action items:

  • Drew to update recommendation C language based on input received during the call. Subteam to send any further comments to Drew.
  • David to work on Rec. 40, 41, 42 consolidation and share for comment on the subteam list
  • David/Drew to refine language of Recommendation D and share for comment on the subteam list