APRALO Hybrid General Assembly Draft Agenda

APRALO Hybrid General Assembly Draft Agenda

Day 0 - Monday, 11 September 2023

Time TRT



15:00 - 16:00

Welcome Reception

Dining Room, Grand Hyatt Hotel 

Mezzanine (M) floor (pass through the Restaurant 34)

No Remote Participation 

Day 1 - Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Meeting Room: Grand Ballroom -  Lobby (L) floor



Moderator & Presenters

Description Reference Documents & links/Presentations
09:00-09:3006:00 - 07:30  

Welcome and Introduction to the General Assembly (09:00-09:30)

  1. Welcome and Introduction - Amrita Choudhury (20 min) (09:00-09:20)
  2. Staff Housekeeping - Gisella Gruber (10 min) (09:20-09:30)

Moderator: Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair 

  1. Welcome and a brief overview on what to expect in the next two days
Opening Slide 

Interaction with the ICANN Board (09:30-10:30)

Guest Board Members:

  • León Sánchez, Board Director selected by At-Large
  • Edmon Chung
  • Maarten Botterman
  1. Vision and Objectives before the ICANN Board
  2. Areas of Focus for the Board
  3. Expectations from At Large/ APRALO end user community
  4. Questions & interaction with the participants -15 mins

Moderator: Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Member 

  1. Get updated on the vision and objectives before the ICANN Board ; their areas of focus; expectations from At Large/ APRALO end user community. Interact & ask questions to the ICANN Board.


Coffee/Tea Break

Grand Ballroom Foyer 

11:00-12:0008:00 - 09:00

Summary of Key Policy and Policy Advice Issues for APRALO

Moderator: Justine Chew, ALAC Liaison to the GNSO and incoming ALAC Member
  1. Continued discussion with ICANN Board.
  2. Summarizing the policy and policy advice issues of importance to APRALO based on the discussion.

12:00 - 12:3009:00 - 09:30

Interaction with the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) APAC and Middle East Teams

  1. Introduction to GSE (15 min) (09:00-09:15)
    1. What GSE does 
    2. How GSE works with APRALO 
    3. Who are the GSE team members
  2. Q&A (15 min) (09:15-09:30)

Moderator: Satish Babu, ALAC Member


Jia-Rong Low,VP, Stakeholder Engagement and Managing Director - Asia Pacific

Baher Esmat, VP, Stakeholder Engagement - Middle East and Managing Director Middle East and Africa

Savenaca (Save) Vocea, VP, Stakeholder Engagement - Oceania

  1. Meet the GSE team, hear what their mandate is and how they can help support the ALS and UIMs in the region, ask questions.
  2. Learn about the RALO Partnership and the regional teams available for support.
Presentation Slides


Restaurant 34 - Mezzanine (M) floor

14:00-15:0011:00 - 12:00

At-Large Loop and Campaign Book

  1. Presentation of the At-Large Loop - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (20 mins) (14:00-14:20)
  2. Discussion and Next Steps - All (40 mins)(14:20-15:00)

Moderator: Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair 

  1. Get to know what the At Large Loop and Campaign Playbook is, ask questions, share your comments on it.
Presentation slides
15:00-15:3012:00 - 13:30

Coffee/Tea Break

Grand Ballroom Foyer 

15:30-17:0012:30 - 14:00

Introduction to the APRALO Rules of Procedures (ROP)

  1. Presentation and introduction of the current ROPs 
Moderator: Cheryl Langdon-Orr 
  1. An introduction to and review of, all major changes proposed to the 2014 APRALO RoPs to update to a 2023 version.
Presentation slides 
17:00-17:3014:00 -14:30

Share your views

  1. Comments on Day 1
  2. Overview of Day 2
Moderator: Aris Ignacio, APRALO Vice-Chair 
  1. Share your comments, views on day 1
  2. Overview of Day 2



Restaurant OKRA - Rooftop of The Marmara Taksim Hotel

Walking distance from Hotel. Meet in Foyer 

Please wear a touch of red

Day 2 - Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Meeting Room: Grand Ballroom -  Lobby (L) floor

Please wear the RED Polo shirts for a photo in the morning



Moderator & PresentersDescription Reference Documents & links/Presentations

APRALO General Assembly Plenary 

  1. Resolutions to adopt RoP
  2. Significant edits (in sections) to 2023
  3. Draft subject to final ICANN Legal Review
    1. Discussion and drafting of some Resolves relating to proposed changes to the APRALO RoPs to a 2023 version     
  4. Call for participants to contribute to APRALO RoP Review residual work including further drafting and development of Adjunct documentation.
    1. Resolutions to create specifically chartered and/or limited in scope Working Groups and Working Teams including Metrics,
    2. other adjunct documents proposed for the 2023 RoPs
  5. AGM

Moderators: Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair

ROP Document: ONLY  use comment mode

Presentation slides

Coffee/Tea Break

Grand Ballroom Foyer 


Discussion on the New gTLD Round & Opportunities

Moderators: Cheryl Langdon-Orr

& Justine Chew

See Program notes r\tab for details AND the doc at this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b5qzCjSXDeTPaUzZ9GhasJrV_AZQskqRVLIgrYV_UOQ/edit?usp=sharing


Restaurant 34 - Mezzanine (M) floor

14:00-15:3011:00 - 12:30

Capacity Building on Effectiveness related to the Campaign

Moderators:  Aris Ignacio, Jonathan ZuckInteractive exercise to discuss three questions (15 min for discussion and 5 min reporting each in small groups and a zoom room for remote)Presentation slides 

Coffee/Tea Break

Grand Ballroom Foyer 


Outreach & Engagement Planning

  • Share overview of ICANN Strategic Plan and Regional Plans, and framework of mapping the APRALO FY24 Outreach and Engagement Plan to align with Strategic and Regional Plans - Jia-Rong Low (10 mins)(16:00-16:10)
  • Review of draft FY24 O&E Plan [Amrita Choudhury, (10 mins)(16:10-16:20)
  • Breakout Discussion (To breakout based on sub-regions e.g. Middle East, EECA, Asia, Oceania):
    • Firm up activities and targeted outcomes under the O&E plan for the FY24 (until 31 June 2024).
    • Discuss how ICANN GSE and regional teams can partner/support APRALO [25 mins](16:25-16:45)
    • Sharing by each breakout group (10 mins)(16:45-16:55)
  • Next Steps & Wrap-Up (5 mins)(16:55-17:00)

Moderators: Amrita Choudhury and Jia-Rong Low (Add Baher - TBC)  

Leads: Shah Rahman (Central Asia), Gunela Astbrink (Pacific), Aris Ignacio (Asia), Ali AlMeshal (Middle East)

Work together along with APRALO Leadership Team & GSE Teams to design the FY24 APRALO Outreach and Engagement Plan
17:00 - 17:4514:00 - 14:45

Key Takeaways & Final Comments

Moderator: Gunela Astbrink, APRALO Vice-ChairShare your key takeaways and comments on the General Assembly


Restaurant Feriye 

Meet in Lobby at 18:30

18:30 - Bus to Restaurant 

19:00 - Dinner 

 Return Bus to Hotel Hyatt

Thursday 14 September 2023

For those in Istanbul, hoping to see many at breakfast!

Thank you all for joining the APRALO GA in person or remotely! Looking forward to continuing the work achieved here at the APRALO General Assembly

Safe travels to all those here in Istanbul.

_ Gisella _