APRALO ROP Review WG meeting 2014-03-06
Date: Thursday, 06 March 2014
Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0314/1
How do I participate in this meeting?
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/apralo-rop/
Conference ID: 1638
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
AC Chat Transcript: EN
Attendees: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Maureen Hilyard, Gunela Astbrink, Siranush Vardanyan
Apologies: Ali AlMeshal, Olivier Crépin-Leblond
Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Julia Charvolen
Call management: Julia Charvolen
Meeting transcript from February 20th to be reviewed by all WG Members and recording and other Meeting records can be found here.
1 - Recording of Attendance/Apologies - (staff 2 mins)
2 - Review of any Outstanding Action Items - 2014.01.20 (5 mins)
- CLO to send draft ROPs to the ROP review WG list and will put it in a doc format, in addition to a google doc for collaboration by any WG Mmeber.
- Staff to post document on the WIKI.
- Deadline to have the Final Draft ready after incorporation of any ageed and discussed changed and to sent to the full APRALO list for comment is the 8th of March. To allow for final approval of new AP- RoPs during Singapore Meeting.
- All WG Members to review draft in full and comment by next meeting on March 6th to allow for finalisation of Drafting during the call.
- Silvia Vivanco to follow up with ICANN Legal on the issue of APRALO change of name.- Awaiting respons
3 - Work Teams and Activities Updates from Pen Holders / WT Leads (5 mins)
Charter was adopted by APRALO on December 27th 2013 and is now completed. Staff needs to update the document found here to reflect this date of final status (please check if any minor edits were required from this version with APRALO Leadership the WG is unaware of any)
Any Other Updates will be called for 'from the floor' during the call.
4 - Review of Draft (WG list modified) new APRALO 'Rules' any annotations and suggestions proposed, as well as discussion and agreement on final text. - (WG discussion 40 mins)
Noting the following major contributions from Maureen and some proposals that, as requested, need to be discussed at this meeting.
1. Edited version with questions and queries all over the place
2. A look at the draft of the edited version but without questions and queries answered and a whole lot of formatting and text changes still needing to be done
- MH ~added the new APRALO logo. Reduced the doc already from 56 to 38 pages
- MH ~Proposes that it could still get chopped further and we could just refer to formal procedures like voting procedures, etc to the ALAC RoP (??)
5 - Review/Discussion of the *Time Line* for our work and Next Steps. - (CLO/staff 3 mins)
Noting that the end point date of 1st or at latest 8th March 2014 for final ROP's to be with the APRegional ALS Membership allowing for online and proposed adoption during the ICANN #49 Meeting in Singapore later that month.
Do we wnt to recommend an online poll or consensus call during the Meeting or post APRALO F2F Meeting in Singapore?
6 - AOB. - Next Meeting(s) (3 mins)
7 - Administration Matters and Review of any Action Items - (CLO/staff 2 mins)
APRALO Operating Principles
Operating Principles of the APRALO as agreed and modified in March 3rd 2009: MSWORD: Operating%20Principles%20FINAL%20-%20Amended%20March%202009.doc .
New ALAC Rules of Procedure
Proposed Structure of new Bylaws Proposed Structure
Relevant ICANN Bylaws https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/APRALO/pages/115182387/Relelvant+ICANN+Bylaws+to+consider. Refer to update in Child Pages.