Issue 7 Dashboard and Progress Chart
Issue 7 - ALAC and the At-Large Working Groups | |
Work Track Leader(s) | Maureen Hilyard, Ricardo Holmquist |
Work Track Members | Maureen Hilyard, Ricardo Holmquist, Heidi Ullrich, Evin Erdogdu, Alan Greenberg |
Final Proposal as approved by the Board | The ALAC has begun to review our WGs, ensuring that the ones we have are active and relevant. We have also started the process to revamp our WG web and Wiki presence to ensure that all WGs are properly represented and documented. Groups no longer active will be segregated, but still documented for historical purposes |
Prioritization | 1:1:1 (Low resource needs : Low risk : 1st priority) |
ARIWG comments | Comments relating to this issue focused on the website listing Working Groups that had been retired and were no longer active due to their irrelevance to what was important to At-Large, thus giving outsiders a false impression of what was happening within At-Large. A recommendation was made for a one-stop shop or dashboard to direct potential participants to active working groups within one of the three work streams, through a link which would indicate the purpose of the working group and some brief context, its intended timeframe, and information about how to join up. June 2019: This Issue specified it would further the ALACs review and rationalisation of the listed WGs, ensuring that the ones we have are active and relevant. Staff and members of the ARIWG work track have also started the process to revamp the web listing of Working Groups (WGs) and Wiki presence to ensure that all WGs are properly represented and documented. Groups no longer active have been segregated, but are still documented for historical or archive purposes. To date, changes have already been initiated, through the development of the Organigram and with the successful use of the relatively new Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) that provides an overarching umbrella group for discussing ICANN policies that impact Internet end-users. The CPWG involves a growing number of committed Policy contributors who work together on the preparation of ALAC policy advice. The only Working Group that reports to the CPWG and seeks guidance on inputs to the discussion, is the EPDP. The Outreach and Engagement Sub-Committee, on the other hand has a specific set of Work Tracks that prepare capacity building and outreach activities for both within and outside of ICANN. The Organisational stream works similarly with its ARIWG and ATLAS III working groups. The ALT has also begun to establish goals and objectives for each of the three streams of At-Large activity, so that there is clear direction and opportunity for member participation, engagement and leadership. Considerable progress has been made in relation to the wiki page listing the web pages has been made towards this being updated and audited. This work also needs to be ongoing has progressed to the reportable implementation progress of around 85% completion at the time of the writing of the June 2019 Interim Report. |
Status of improvement effort. / Staff lead | Staff Leads: Heidi Ullrich with Evin Erdoğdu. To date, changes have already been initiated, through the development of the Organigram where the CPWG (Consolidated Policy Working Group) provides an overarching umbrella group for discussing ICANN policies that impact Internet end-users. The CPWG involves a growing number of committed Policy contributors who work together on the preparation of ALAC policy advice. The only Working Group that reports to the CPWG and seeks guidance on inputs to the discussion, is the EPDP. Outreach and Engagement, on the other hand has a specific set of working groups that prepare capacity building and outreach activities for both within and outside of ICANN. The Organisational stream works similarly with its ARIWG and ATLASIII working groups. |
Activities, if any, on which implementation is dependent, or that are dependent on implementation of this recommendation | The At-Large Leadership Team must establish goals and objectives for each of the three streams of At-Large activity, so that there is direction and opportunity for member participation, engagement and leadership. |
Who will implement the recommendation: ICANN community, ICANN Board, ICANN Organization, other? | The staff will be required to address website and wiki space issues and to provide appropriate support for the Workstream teams to carry out their roles effectively. The ALAC Chair and the Leadership team will ensure that goals and objectives are established and will add their support for the workstreams to achieve their goals. |
Anticipated resource requirements (FTEs, tools) | Current At-Large staff support is anticipated to be able to work with community leaders to implement this issue. |
Expected budget implications | No additional resource requirements are expected. |
Proposed implementation steps: |
Metrics | Resolution of perception issues with existing Web site(s) and Wiki within a 6 month time frame. |
How long will it take to implement this plan? | 6 months* *Variation here may be required to fit with IT Program of changes to Web site schedule. |
Issue 7 Progress Chart
The At-Large Review Implementation dashboard aims to update the ICANN Community about the progress of the work of the At-Large Review Implementation Working Group (ARIWG).
Name | Link |
2020-06-01 Jun 2020 ARIWG Dashboard | The Working Groups Home Page was revamped by Alperen Eken, to identify more clearly the working groups in the different workstream areas of At-Large, as well as those working groups to which At-Large members play significant roles as leaders and contributors to the work of cross-community and other working groups outside of At-Large. |
2020-05-01 ALAC-GAC page creation | Pending: Creation of the ALAC-GAC page to include: joint document; participation in ICANN meeting policy exchanges; meetings with GAC working groups |
2020-04-01 Policy statement to WG page | Pending: Policy statement added to the Working Group page |
2019-12-19 ARI Interim Report | Interim report presented to the Board |
2019-06-23 ARI Interim Report | Interim report presented to the Board |
2019-05-01 WGs organized in WGs page under three categories | Completed sub-tasks
2 May - meeting of Working Group team (Ricardo, Maureen, Heidi) - Tasks to be done.
2019-04-01 Priority ares, RoPs |
2019-03-01 ICANN64 meeting regarding WG updates |