Issue 1 Dashboard and Progress Chart
Issue 1 - ALAC Advice Quality vs Quantity | |
Work Track Leader(s) | Jonathan Zuck with staff support Evin Erdoğdu |
Final Proposal as approved by the Board | Staff, under the direction of At-Large leadership, has already begun to rework the website and Wiki to ensure that our “Policy Advice” pages are accurate and understandable. This will continue as volunteer and staff resources allow. We will also ensure that as documents are published, the classification of the document is clear. |
Prioritization | 1:1:1 (Low resource needs : Low risk : 1st priority) |
ARIWG comments | This is one of the recognised issues that the Community, ALAC and At-Large had already noted the cause of and had prior to the At-Large Review 2 Final At-Large Review Recommendations Feasibility Assessment & Implementation Plan (FAIP) and ARI started to remedy. Specifically, as proposed and approved by the Board, At-Large staff, under the direction of At-Large leadership, has already begun to rework the website and Wiki to ensure that our “Policy Advice” pages are accurate and understandable. Further that recently and ongoing ALAC Statements, Public Comments and Advice are clearly classified and that the classification of each type is clear. Fundamentally, this issue is meant to address some confusion inherent in the current presentation of the ALAC document database. Implementation on this matter had already begun prior to ARIWG activity and is part of the ALAC’s continuous improvement process. Work will continue throughout 2019 and 2020 before formal review in 2021. There are two main aspects in this issue to address: Fundamentally, this issue is meant to address some confusion inherent in the current presentation of the ALAC document database. There are two main issues to address:
Accordingly, At-Large staff together with At-Large leadership, will categorize the existing documents (as advice, public comment, correspondence, etc.) in a more granular fashion and provided enhanced tools with which to filter search results based on these categories. Staff have also created a new field in the database for “End User Issue” and At-Large leadership now populates this field both in current documents and those generated going forward. Additional staff resources are needed for any ongoing work deemed necessary. Initially around 40-50 hours of staff time between January 2019 through to June 2019 has been utilized to improve clarity of wiki and web pages. When additional staffing resources are made available under Issue 3 Implementation, policy advice development work and communication will be a primary focus of existing staff resource time freed up from other activities. Specifically:
Status of improvement effort / staff lead | Already underway, continuous improvement to continue / Heidi Ullrich; Evin Erdoğdu Two goals to address under this issue: (1) Confusion about the type of document (ie “Advice” vs “Comment”) Completed: Historic ALAC Advice & Comments (found on the At-Large Policy Summary). Completed: New Executive Summaries: ALAC Policy Comments & Advice page differentiates between ALAC comment, advice and correspondence, with tags and posts since ICANN60. Completed: ALAC Advice & Comments marked accordingly since ICANN60 on At-Large website (found on At-Large Policy Summary). (2) The “End user” justification for intervention Completed: ALAC Hot Policy Topics and Policy Platform Documents (Jonathan Zuck & Joanna Kulesza to present draft at ICANN65) Completed: New (ongoing) system of ICANN meeting "Talking Points" for At-Large community members (started at ICANN64), and At-Large Policy Workshop(s) (started at ICANN64). Completed: At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) presentation format for penholders, weekly meetings.
Activities, if any, on which implementation is dependent, or that are dependent on implementation of this recommendation | N/A |
Who will implement the recommendation: ICANN community, ICANN Board, ICANN Organization, other? | ICANN Staff in conjunction with ALAC/At-Large Leadership |
Anticipated resource requirements (FTEs, tools) |
Expected budget implications | Initially no additional, beyond already allocated, resources to At-Large. However, as noted in Issue 3, additional staff resources are needed for any ongoing work deemed necessary. |
Proposed implementation steps: |
Metrics |
How long will it take to implement this plan? | Implementation on this matter had already begun prior to ARIWG activity and is part of the ALACs continuous improvement process. Work will continue throughout 2019 and 2020 before formal review in 2021. |
Issue 1 Progress Chart
The At-Large Review Implementation dashboard aims to update the ICANN Community about the progress of the work of the At-Large Review Implementation Working Group (ARIWG).
Activity | Status |
2020-07-01 Work tasks completed | ICANN68 - virtual meeting - 5x policy sessions during ICANN68 and 2 pre-ICANN webinars |
2020-06-01 Additional Policy resources completed for the Policy Toolkit | Additional At-Large Policy Resources:
Following on from a successful introduction during the virtual ICANN67 meeting, a series of At-Large policy sessions will be regularly proposed for |
2020-05-01 | Executive Summaries have been linked on a separate wiki page since ICANN60 (2017) and clearly differentiate between ALAC comment and advice. First meeting of the Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group - purpose formally introduced - first operational topic "ICANN Travel Guidelines" |
2020-03-01 | ICANN67 - virtual meeting - talking points developed - 4 x policy sessions presented Completed: The introduction of the At-Large Policy Platform (video), with an ongoing system of ICANN meeting "Talking Points" and At-Large Policy Workshop(s) to support and encourage policy backgrounding for At-Large community members (initiated at ICANN64). Redevelopment of a combined Operations and community input into FBSC activity to create the "Operations, Finance and Budget WG" (OFBWG) |
2020-02-01 Discussion about CPWG work overload | Due to an overload of CPWG of public comment expectations, the CPWG have suggested that non-policy issues could be removed from CPWG activity. Chair is considering an alternative venue for non-policy discussions Completed: A more effective format for penholders to introduce policy comment and encourage participant discussion, was established for weekly meetings of the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) |
2020-01-01 "Subtype filters" added to website | Completed: The ICANN product development team have worked with the ICANN Board Operations team to update the At-Large website with "sub-type" filters as well as to reclassify historic ALAC Advice/Statements/Correspondence. |
2019-12-01 Completed historic ALAC advice and comments. Completed policy resources - to be added to Policy Toolkit | Completed: Historic ALAC Advice & Comments have been listed since 2003 on the At-Large website, with tags for easy access. Currently used At-Large Policy Resources:
2019-11-01 | Now in Regular use: ALAC Hot Policy Topics Document (Jonathan Zuck & Joanna Kulesza - utilised at ICANN66 with plans to continue) |
2019-10-01 Historic ALAC Advice page progressing | Progressing : Historic ALAC Advice & Comments (found on the At-Large Policy Summary ). ICANN66 Talking Points developed |
2019-09- Follow up with ICANN Board Ops re historic ALAC policy advice | Follow up with the ICANN Board Operations team regarding historic ALAC Advice/Statements/Correspondence. Specifically, as proposed and approved by the Board, At-Large staff, under the direction of At-Large leadership, has already begun to rework the website and Wiki to ensure that our “Policy Advice” pages are accurate and understandable |
2019-08-01 Type of ALAC statement on website more clear | Recently and ongoing ALAC Statements, Public Comments and Advice are clearly classified and that the classification of each type is clear. Request to ICANN product development team to update At-Large website with "sub-type" filters. |
2019-07-01 Hot Policy Topic and Talking points regularly used | Now in Regular use: ALAC Hot Policy Topics Document (Jonathan Zuck & Joanna Kulesza presented a draft at ICANN65 Now in Regular use: ICANN meeting "Talking Points" for At-Large community members continues @ICANN65 |
2019-06-01 CPWG format for penholders completed | Report due to the Board - 23 June 2019 Completed: At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) presentation format for penholders, weekly meetings. |
2019-05-01 Historic Advice and Hot policy topics in progress | Report drafts should be ready by May 23 with sub-tasks completed Two goals to address under this issue: |
2019-04-01 Advice/comment differentiation identified with tags on website | Completed: ALAC Advice & Comments marked accordingly since ICANN60 on At-Large website (found on At-Large Policy Summary). Completed: New Executive Summaries: ALAC Policy Comments & Advice page differentiates between ALAC comment, advice and correspondence, with tags and posts since ICANN60. |
2019-03-01 Action items for Issue 2 work team |
2019-02-01 | Completed: New (ongoing) system of ICANN meeting "Talking Points" for At-Large community members (started at ICANN64), and At-Large Policy Workshop(s) (started at ICANN64). |
2019-01-01 Preparation for Issue 2 workplan | Implementation steps: