Recommendation 15
Independent Examiner’s Final Recommendation | Using the same qualification system as for policy rapporteurs, ALAC should select 5 rapporteurs to contribute to ICANN’s plans for a demand driven multi sectoral approach to outreach, and learn from the work of the ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement group. Rapporteurs would serve for one year (3 meetings) to encourage turnover and more genuine grass roots input. |
Issue Identified | Need to reinforce impact of outreach and engagement activities. |
Does ALAC Support Recommendation? | Reject with qualification |
If Not, Please Provide Reasoning. | The ALAC is rejecting the concept of policy rapporteurs as defined in the Review. It is unclear exactly what the "Outreach Rapporteurs" would do at the ICANN meetings they attend. |
If ALAC Does Not Support Recommendation, Does It Suggest an Alternative Recommendation? If so, please provide a suggested alternative Recommendation. | The ALAC does note however that there are at times opportunities at ICANN meetings for outreach activities and does believe that volunteer travel to such meetings should be available if applicable. |
Prioritization | |
At-Large Comments | The ALAC notes that ICANN does do extensive outreach related to its three annual meetings, through the Fellowship and NextGen programs and through explicit support of other outreach efforts. It also supports explicit outreach events sponsored by AC/SO and constituent organizations. The ALAC agrees with all of these activities. The ALAC has also initiated its indigenous peoples outreach programs which involve travel to ICANN meetings. The At-Large General Assembly and ATLAS programs, also include a component of outreach in that many such attendees are relatively new to ICANN. |
Possible Dependencies | |
Who Will Implement? | |
Resource Requirements | |
Budget Effects impact? | |
Implementation Timeline | |
Proposed Implementation Steps |