2015-09-16 At-Large Review Working Party Informal Call
2015-09-16 At-Large Review Working Party Informal Call
Informal Meeting #2: 2015-09-16
Date: Wednesday 16 September 2015
Time: 22:00 UTC - 23:00 UTC
How can I participate in this meeting? English Conference ID = 1638
Adobe Connect room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/atlarge-review/
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: Chat
Transcription: EN
EN: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Holly Raiche
Apologies: Heidi Ullrich
Staff: Ariel Liang, Larisa Gurnick, Charla Shambley, Gisella Gruber
Call Management: Gisella Gruber
A G E N D A:
Progress since BA
- Board Resolution 2015.07.28.11 “Board adopts the following schedule for the conduct of upcoming Bylaws mandated Organizational Reviews on or about the following dates: the second At-Large Review—April 2016; the second review of the Nominating Committee—February 2017; the second review of the Root Server System Advisory Committee – April 2017; and the second review of Security & Stability Advisory Committee—June 2017.”
- Proposed clarification:
- Self-assessment – preliminary assessment involving At-Large Review Working Party evaluating At-Large’s progress made since the last review in implementing prior review recommendations. This activity can take place now – see template.
- Survey – a tool to be used by the Independent Examiner to collect data in support of the current review. The survey will be one of the primary fact gathering mechanisms; it will be targeted to At-Large primarily, but also to other relevant ICANN communities and groups. This activity will take place in 2016, after independent examiner is engaged and will be done in consultation with the At-Large Review Working Party.
Next steps
- Self-assessment activities – did the prior review recommendations get implemented – for answers see ALAC/At-Large Improvements Project Final Report. Have the improvements been effective?
- Preparation for the Competitive Bidding Process – Larisa and Charla to manage the details; At-Large Review Working Party to provide feedback on scope of work and requirements/criteria for selection
- Development of FAQs – staff to draft in consultation with At-Large Review Working Party
- Issues raised in BA
- ALS’s effectiveness
- Evaluation of the Summit as a mechanism
- Need for a holistic review – out of scope for the At-Large Review, but being considered by the Organizational Effectiveness Committee
Plans for Dublin