04 August Summary Minutes
Participatnts: Yaovi Atohoun, Pastor Peters, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Michel Tchonang, Abdelaziz Hilali, Hawa Diakité, Baudouin Schombe
Apologies: Fatimata Seye Sylla, Dave Kissoondoyal
Staff: Matthias Langenegger, Gisella Gruber-White, Seth Greene, Heidi Ullrich
Review of Action Items
Tijani: the two action items from the last meeting have been addresses. C
Staff gave an overview of the recently submitted ALAC Statements and the statements which are currently being developped
Call for regional members of the ALAC/At-Large Improvements work teams
Seth Greene presented the four At-Large Improvements workteams and asked the AFRALO members to join the workteams they were most interested in. Please contact At-Large Staff at staff@atlarge.icann.org by 11 August 2010.
Tijani: I think we need at least one AFRALO member in each of the four workteams.
Review of the AFRALO Elections
Tijani: I personally thank Khaled for nominating me for the ALAC position. I will put all my strenght and energy in this position. Aziz Hilali has been nominated by Dave Kissoondoyal for the Secretary position. I proposed Yaovi for another term in the NomCom.
Yaovi: thanks to all for supporting my nomination.
Aziz: thank you for all the support
Discussion on ccNSO Working Group Paper on Delegation, Redelegation and Retirement of ccTLDs
Hawa: I am interested in this topic and would like to participate in the production of this Statement
Discussion on GNSO Vertical Integration WG Initial Report
Yaovi: we had a briefing on the topic yesterday, it an interesting although complicated issue.
Update on the At-Large Board Selection process
Yaovi: we recently sent out the call for nominations. SOIs need to be submitted in English, until now I am not aware of any African applicants.
Tijani: I don't understand why in the call for nomination still refers to a short term.
Recent and Upcoming Activities of AFRALO
Tijani: I have submitted a proposal with the support from Cheryl but unfortunately I have not received a response. I have continued to pressure Kevin without success. Heidi also followed up with Kevin. The response I received from Kevin was very disappointing. There was not a single new element.
Heidi: thanks for this initiative, Tijani and everbody understand how much effort you put into this and I understand your disppointment. However, I think that this was an important step forward and I am hopeful that projects such as the one you suggested will receive funding in the future.
Yaovi: thanks all for your effort. don't be discouraged,we will try to influence the budget earlier in the next cycle.
Tijani: if ICANN can't find more money to make itself more visible. ICANN does not have only friends and in order to change that, we should not only rely on speeches from the CEO, we need to particiapte with real, actual work. That's why we need to look at the budget implications from another POV, it's money spent on ICANN's visibility, not on At-Large.
Heidi: I would like to draw your attention to the call from next week with Kevin. At-Large decides how it wants to spend the re I urge you to attend the call next week and share your thoughts directly with Kevin and David Olive.
Tijani: ICANN has a budget for At-Large travel support which is only to attend ICANN meetings. IMO, the money we asked for should come from the communications department, not policy. It is not the same thing.
Mohamed: your initiative was very worthwile. don't be too disappointed, your activity will open future doors.
Any other business
Yaovi: I'd like to talk about visas for the next ICANN conference in Colombia.
Heidi: there has been a lot of discussion on this issue among the travel staff and Cheryl. I will talk further to Steve Antonoff, the responsible Staff person. You will soon receive news on this.