Action Items: 2018-06-14 LACRALO Activities in Panama Call

Action Items: 2018-06-14 LACRALO Activities in Panama Call

  • Due to logistical challenges, the Asado was cancelled. Gisella Gruber will organize the regular ALAC dinner on Wednesday 27 June (subject to restaurant options within walking distance). 
  • Entertainment -  maritza.aguero confirmed the typical dance and  will send more details to be placed on the LACRALO website.
  • Open House meeting Agenda - humberto.carrasco and maritza.aguero to discuss the topics and Agenda and to decide on facilitators. 
  • Silvia Vivanco a enviar calendar Invitations to all Speakers of the Networking Open House on behalf of LACRALO Leaders.
  • Catering for both events: Gisella Gruber to obtain a reduced quote reducing it to 50 pax for drinks; 60 pax for food.