AFRALO 11.07.12 Summary Minutes EN

AFRALO 11.07.12 Summary Minutes EN

Summary Minutes & Action Items


1. Review of Public consultations.

The current consultations were reviewed.




Stated that the Whois technical requirement statement it was agreed that no statement was needed, so we do not have the people within our community to have people dealing with it.

Some others also, it was decided that no statement would be produced.

OCL provided an update on the issues one by one.

The Security and Resiliency report is a very important one. Julie Hammer drafted the previous statement.

The GNSO operating procedures is a complex GNSO internal matter, very few of us understand.

The .name registry renewal, we are still a long time.

The two very important for AFRALO:

-The IDN prioritization (drafted by Rinalia)

-The second on SAC 0.4 published by the ASAC. this document is technical. Julie hammer will be collecting the statement.


OCL: Addressed the issue of the comment period

When people start commenting there will be a dialogue, which will start and has brought up. Is short for us, 21 days is very short, to bring the issues from the edges of the community. We have been able, on occasions to ask for an extension. It is understood that in the near future the term will be improved. We have done in occasions, extend the periods, and we have done it in a small number of occasions.


Item 3.8

Upcoming activities of ALAC



Seminar organized in Morocco for the ISOC Anniversary.

It was a very well organized conference and we would like to thank the Board of ISOC. It was a week before the Prague meeting.




She was not in the Prague meeting but the interest is the draft statement on new gTLD. As Ralo we can ensure we make the comment. In terms of what else happens in the ALAC, how the ALAC should be in 2012. What would you like to see ALAC become, not only ALAC, but also the RALOs. I am really looking forward to hearing the briefing of Prague.

Other parts of report includes - requesting we as AfraLo looking into how we can develop a strategy to engage on WCIT: Working with governments, creating a document to be shared locally on how the Internet can be managed - is currently managed and what the advantages are for us as Africa, etc.




Thanked Titi of the review the WCIT issues which will take place in December, and there will be a lot of discussions about this.

Part of the issues is that of the standards and regulations of telecommunications, which will have the effect on the Internet. One of the issues of the Internet is that of the issue of people to get in touch with the representatives that deal with these issues and make sure that they do not do so, in a way that affect negatively the internet.


Victor: I will be working with the WCIT on the issues. I will try to work on the issues and the local community was very much involved with the gTLD Program.

ISOC Cameroon will have its general Assembly.


Aziz: For the Prague meeting, I tried to send the most important meeting, we met with Regional members. Conflict of interest, we had a very important meeting because we celebrated the 10th anniversary of ALAC and the RALO president got the chance to address the audience. We had a meeting with the Board, we had a meeting with the ALAC and the GAC, and how we can coordinate the efforts of both organizations as regards conflicts of interest.

We also have our traditional AFRALO-AFRICANN Meeting, where we drafted the join statement. The statement that we send to ICANN on gTLD applications underlined the number of applications for the support program and we addressed the lack of communication from ICANN and that the Board of ICANN make its communication policies more focus on the developing world and AFRICA.

ICANN tries to fund the travels to IGF Baku and mainly the Workshop with AFRALO to try to bridge the digital gap.


The African Union is now working as a member of the GAC and it is an important new and it is the way of recognizing the importance of Africa, when we ask for the advice and this is important for the strategy we have.


Enhancement of At-Large. There is the statement prepared by ALAC and which was accepted. It is a working group which work on the enhancement of At-Large and the proposal was accepted by the Board. Is there anyone who would like to add something?

Objection process: We are in the comment period of the application, which will end at the end of August. There is a strong message sent to the community please review the application and do some comments. We have received some comments. Please send your comments to the email address or the WIKI.


AZIZ: We have to see at the African level there are no names linked. We have to check this list to work with the committee and to see if we can signal the problem that can exist on some issue.


Yaovi: Will read the document that was sent (see link)


AOB: Regarding the work of the review team of gTLD. We need to show the procedures that are going to be implemented in the comment period.


Dev:  As Fatimata said ICANN has published all the applications and there is a 60 day comment period, for the evaluation panel, we need string similarity, geographic. ALAC has possibility to file an objection on public interest and community grounds.


If there are no more questions we finish the meeting.

Fatimata thanked interpreters and all those who join the teleconference.