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This page summarizes all the action items identified and necessary to carry out a successful ATLAS II event. 


Action#DescriptionLeadOpenDueStatusLatest Report
029Populate the information in the ATLAS II Participants Wiki pageUnlicensed user02/03/1414/03/14Started

(05/06/14): ATLAS II Participants page is updated on an ongoing basis. (Two changes today). Mónica Abalo  [Chat]  [Recording]  [Transcript] [Reference Meeting Page]

044Verify with ICANN Legal if the Fayre of Opportunities background music can be used without a copyright licenseUnlicensed user03/06/1410/06/14Started(05/06/14): In progress. Waiting for Legal to respond.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 3]  [Reference Meeting Page ]


Coordinate Fayre of Opportunities Event

Unlicensed user12/01/1427/03/14Started

(05/06/14): Wolfgang Kleinwächter and Nnenna Nwakanma have been confirmed as keynote speakers. Other than that, everything else is going well. [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 4]  [Reference Meeting Page ]

014Coordinate the ATLAS II Mentoring ProgramUnlicensed user13/01/1427/03/14Started

(05/06/14): List of mentors and mentees have been published in the WIKI. All the groups of mentor/mentees have received an  email  presenting  their  own  groups. We have set up a doodle for a call for all the groups of mentors and mentees, to clarify any doubt.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 19]  [Reference Meeting Page ]

040Develop draft agendas for the Thematic Groups, including using abstracts and questions produced by the TG SMEs

Unlicensed user

15/05/1422/05/14Started(05/06/14): Sent this alert reminder to the people involved, to get their thematic group coordination started among each other, for each group, and to make sure to be ready possibly prior to London.
 [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 2]  [Reference Meeting Page ]
042Coordinate the ATLAS II Thematic Sessions EventUnlicensed user15/05/1415/06/14Started(05/06/14): Sent this alert reminder to the people involved, to get their thematic group coordination started among each other, for each group, and to make sure to be ready possibly prior to London.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 15-16]  [Reference Meeting Page ]
045Balance the number of people attending the Thematic Groups sessionsUnlicensed user03/06/1410/06/14Started(05/06/14):  A meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss this. It is expected to be completed by next week. [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 3]  [Reference Meeting Page ]
016Coordinate the ATLAS II Communications Working Group

Unlicensed user Unlicensed user Unlicensed user 


(05/06/14):  Unlicensed user reported: website is expected to be ready to be promoted by next Monday. [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 19-20]  [Reference Meeting Page ]

025Coordinate the ATLAS II Public Relations Sub-Working GroupUnlicensed user20/02/1427/03/14Started

(05/06/14):  Unlicensed user reported: On the PR call this morning, Murray gave  an update on the  call he had with Jim  Trengrove from meeting staff.  For those who don’t know, there’s now an ATLAS II announcement on the main ICANN homepage.  If someone from staff can put the link in, for that?   It’s quite prominent.   There was a long discussion on social media  activities, so  we’re moving  ahead  with that.    There  was  also, earlier, a Social Media Working Group call, which continued on that.  I’m really impressed with the work that’s going to be made in social media. There is also a call from the ICANN Communications Team, for a list of about four or five members of the ATLAS participants, who might be useful for some media profiled.  Staff will be sending the list to the PR list today, just to get some names on that. [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 20]  [Reference Meeting Page ]

024Coordinate the ATLAS II ROI Sub-GroupUnlicensed user18/02/1431/01/15Started

(05/06/14):  QR codes will be added to badges of ATLAS II participants to assist with capturing attendance. Badges will need to be scanned at every session. Once logistical details are confirmed, staff will work with identified community members to implement the pilot program. [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 22-25]  [Reference Meeting Page ]



Completed Action Items



(10/01/14): Completed.Events sub-group has incorporated this as part of the events agenda  (draft agenda @ 7/1/14). [Reference page]Unlicensed user
Action#DescriptionLeadOpenDueStatusLatest Report
002Follow up with Meetings TeamUnlicensed user05/12/1318/12/13Completed(19/12/13): Consolidated into AI 007. [Reference page] 
005ATLAS II Overarching-theme, Public Relations (PR) Message and strategic goalsUnlicensed user16/12/1319/12/13Completed(23/01/14): Reached consensus on the following PR msg suggested by Duncan Burns: "The At-Large community in ICANN is the voice of the end-user around the world into the policies that govern the Domain Name System" and the rest of the following strategic goals: (3) "Strengthen At-Large as a reservoir for civil society allies pursuing like-minded goals in terms of public interest", (4) "Make At-Large broader, inclusive and stronger (like one ALS per country)" , (5) "Improve inclusiveness and participation of existing and new member ALSs",  (6) "Bridge knowledge gaps between At-Large insiders and the broader membership and RALO organizations", (7) "Exchange of members / ALSs experience and strengthen of bottom-up approach", (8) "Better understand concerns, ideas, working areas and expectations of our members", (9) "Help the At-Large community to learn more about ICANN’s work, functioning and current issues" [Transcript: Page 23 Reference Page]
030Reminder for survey regarding thematic sessions and result updatesUnlicensed user15/03/1427/03/14Completed

(17/04/14)New thematic working groups were determined at ICANN 49 in Singapore, so a new survey will be sent to ATLAS II Participants after thematic working group descriptions are received. COMPLETED. [Chat]  [Transcript - Pg.2]  [Reference Meeting Page] 

032Send a note to all RALOs suggesting to add a quick ATLAS II status update in their monthly meetings.Unlicensed user26/03/1425/04/14Completed(02/05/14): We’ll continue to do leading up to the event in June. [Chat]  [Transcript - Pg.2]  [Reference Meeting Page] - COMPLETED
035New thematic working groups were determined at ICANN 49 in Singapore, so a new survey will be sent to ATLAS II Participants after thematic working group descriptions are receivedUnlicensed user17/04/1407/05/14Completed(29/05/14): Thematic Working Group survey has been distributed and is now closed.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Pag 2]  [Reference Meeting Page ]
041Coordinate an ATLAS II Thematic Working Group coordination call to take place before end of May 2014Unlicensed user15/05/1422/05/14Completed(29/05/14): Coordinated.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript Page 12]  [Reference Meeting Page ]
003Note to Meeting Staff regarding room allocation.

Unlicensed user

06/12/1319/12/13Completed(19/12/13): Consolidated into AI 007.  [Reference page]
012Ensure ATLAS II Working Group to incorporate global Internet governance issues as planning continuesUnlicensed user20/11/1310/01/14Completed
022Coordinate the ATLAS II Event AgendaUnlicensed user18/02/1427/03/14Completed

(05/06/14): We now have the full agenda, and we now have the full agendas for Monday through Friday, and we're just waiting for a few more on Saturday and Sunday. This AI has been completed.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 4]  [Reference Meeting Page ]

023Survey to help with the formation of the ATLAS II 5 thematic break out sessionsUnlicensed user18/02/1421/02/14Completed(06/03/14): COMPLETED.  Just over half of the ALSes participating in ATLAS II completed the survey. The survey will remain open to assist with the creation of Thematic Groups.  [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page] 
037Cancel the Multi-stakeholder Roundtable meeting on Monday - 23/06/14SURVEY



Completed Action Items



Unlicensed userUnlicensed userUnlicensed userPUBLIC RELATIONS09/0106/02Unlicensed userUnlicensed user
Unlicensed user
Unlicensed user2605/05
Action#DescriptionLeadOpenDueStatusLatest Report
002Follow up with Meetings TeamHeidi Ullrich05/12/1318/12/13Completed(19/12/13): Consolidated into AI 007. [Reference page] 
005ATLAS II Overarching-theme, Public Relations (PR) Message and strategic goalsEduardo DIaz16/12/1319/12/13Completed(23/01/14): Reached consensus on the following PR msg suggested by Duncan Burns: "The At-Large community in ICANN is the voice of the end-user around the world into the policies that govern the Domain Name System" and the rest of the following strategic goals: (3) "Strengthen At-Large as a reservoir for civil society allies pursuing like-minded goals in terms of public interest", (4) "Make At-Large broader, inclusive and stronger (like one ALS per country)" , (5) "Improve inclusiveness and participation of existing and new member ALSs",  (6) "Bridge knowledge gaps between At-Large insiders and the broader membership and RALO organizations", (7) "Exchange of members / ALSs experience and strengthen of bottom-up approach", (8) "Better understand concerns, ideas, working areas and expectations of our members", (9) "Help the At-Large community to learn more about ICANN’s work, functioning and current issues" [Transcript: Page 23 Reference Page]
030Reminder for survey regarding thematic sessions and result updatesCarlos Reyes15/03/1427/03/14Completed

(17/04/14)New thematic working groups were determined at ICANN 49 in Singapore, so a new survey will be sent to ATLAS II Participants after thematic working group descriptions are received. COMPLETED. [Chat]  [Transcript - Pg.2]  [Reference Meeting Page] 

029Populate the information in the ATLAS II Participants Wiki pageCarlos Reyes02/03/1414/03/14Completed

(12/06/14): ∫This item has been COMPLETED.

032Send a note to all RALOs suggesting to add a quick ATLAS II status update in their monthly meetings.Carlos Reyes26/03/1425/04/14Completed(02/05/14): We’ll continue to do leading up to the event in June. [Chat]  [Transcript - Pg.2]  [Reference Meeting Page] - COMPLETED
035New thematic working groups were determined at ICANN 49 in Singapore, so a new survey will be sent to ATLAS II Participants after thematic working group descriptions are receivedCarlos Reyes17/04/1407/05/14Completed(29/05/14): Thematic Working Group survey has been distributed and is now closed.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Pag 2]  [Reference Meeting Page ]
041Coordinate an ATLAS II Thematic Working Group coordination call to take place before end of May 2014Gisella Gruber15/05/1422/05/14Completed(29/05/14): Coordinated.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript Page 12]  [Reference Meeting Page ]
044Verify with ICANN Legal if the Fayre of Opportunities background music can be used without a copyright licenseHeidi Ullrich03/06/1410/06/14Completed(12/06/14): This item has been COMPLETED.
003Note to Meeting Staff regarding room allocation.


06/12/1319/12/13Completed(19/12/13): Consolidated into AI 007.  [Reference page]
012Ensure ATLAS II Working Group to incorporate global Internet governance issues as planning continuesEduardo DIaz20/11/1310/01/14Completed(10/01/14): Completed.Events sub-group has incorporated this as part of the events agenda  (draft agenda @ 7/1/14). [Reference page]


Coordinate Fayre of Opportunities Event

Glenn McKnight12/01/1427/03/14Completed

(12/06/14): This item has been COMPLETED.

014Coordinate the ATLAS II Mentoring Programfatima.cambronero13/01/1427/03/14Completed

(12/06/14): This item has been COMPLETED.

016Coordinate the ATLAS II Communications Working Group

Carlos Dionisio Aguirre Natalia Enciso maricarmen sequera 


(12/06/14): This item has been COMPLETED.

022Coordinate the ATLAS II Event AgendaTijani BEN JEMAA18/02/1427/03/14Completed

(05/06/14): We now have the full agenda, and we now have the full agendas for Monday through Friday, and we're just waiting for a few more on Saturday and Sunday. This AI has been completed.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 4]  [Reference Meeting Page ]

023Survey to help with the formation of the ATLAS II 5 thematic break out sessionsCarlos Reyes18/02/1421/02/14Completed(06/03/14): COMPLETED.  Just over half of the ALSes participating in ATLAS II completed the survey. The survey will remain open to assist with the creation of Thematic Groups.  [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page] 
037Cancel the Multi-stakeholder Roundtable meeting on Monday - 23/06/14Heidi Ullrich15/05/1422/05/14Completed(29/05/14): The cancellation of the multistakeholder round table meeting on Monday the 23rd.  That has been completed.  And in its place is going to be a WHOIS meeting to be led by Holly and Carlton.  [Chat]  [Recording]  [Transcript Page 10] [Reference Meeting Page
038holly.raiche &  Carlton Samuels are to organize a 90 min session on Privacy/Proxy and EWG issues on Monday 23/06/14 with the agreement they take full responsibility for the organization of the session.Heidi Ullrich15/05/1422/05/14Completed(29/05/14): The cancellation of the multistakeholder round table meeting on Monday the 23rd.  That has been completed.  And in its place is going to be a WHOIS meeting to be led by Holly and Carlton14): Scheduled.  [Chat]     [Recording]     [Transcript - Page 10]   [Reference Meeting Page 038Unlicensed user &  Unlicensed user are to organize a 90 min session on Privacy/Proxy and EWG issues on Monday 23/06/14 with the agreement they take full responsibility for the organization of the session.
Unlicensed user039Develop draft agendas for the plenary groups based on Tijani Ben Jemaa's descriptions.Heidi Ullrich15/05/1422/05/14Completed(29/05/14): ScheduledDone.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 10]  [Reference Meeting Page ] 039Develop draft agendas for the plenary groups based on Tijani Ben Jemaa's descriptions.Meeting Page ] 
040Develop draft agendas for the Thematic Groups, including using abstracts and questions produced by the TG SMEs

Heidi Ullrich


(12/06/14): This item has been COMPLETED.

042Coordinate the ATLAS II Thematic Sessions Eventwolf.ludwig15/05/142215/0506/14Completed






 Done.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 10]  [Reference Meeting Page ] 

This item has been COMPLETED.

043Define SO/AC chair's function during the ATLAS II eventsUnlicensed userTijani BEN JEMAA15/05/1522/05/14Completed(05/06/14): Olivier to send and invitation letter to SO/AC chairs. There will be a 90 second recognition for the ones present during the ATLAS II opening ceremony on Saturday.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Pages 8-14]  [Reference Meeting Page ]
045Balance the number of people attending the Thematic Groups sessionsHeidi Ullrich03/06/1410/06/14Completed

(12/06/14): This item has been COMPLETED.


Sponsorship updates

Unlicensed userOlivier Crépin-Leblond




Mailing list for participating ALSs

Unlicensed user

(05/06/14): No additional changes from the three main sponsors that we’ve had – that sponsored lunch, the sponsored dinner, and the general sponsor for the At‐Large Summit [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript - Page 21]  [Reference Meeting Page ]. Item Completed.


]   [Transcript - Page 21]  [Reference Meeting Page ]. Item Completed.


Mailing list for participating ALSs





(23/01/14):  Completed. [Transcript: Page 2 Reference page] matt.ashtiani

006Finalize list of ALS travelers by 31 January 2014Carlos Reyes20/11/1331/1201/1314Completed(2306/0102/14):  Completed: The database is done. There are a total of 151 individual RALOs participating in the event: 23 from AFRALO, 30 from APRALO, 28 from EURALO, 37 from LACRALO, and 22 from NARALO, plus the full ALAC and its liaisons. Total will be approximately 176 participants. [Transcript : Page 2 Reference page] Unlicensed user006Finalize list of ALS travelers by 31 January 2014Pages 3-7] [Reference Meeting Page]
007Provide Tijani Ben Jemaa with list of rooms and their availabilities for ATLAS II by 2 DecemberCarlos Reyes20/11/133102/0112/1413Completed(0609/0201/14): The database is done. There are a total of 151 individual RALOs participating in the event: 23 from AFRALO, 30 from APRALO, 28 from EURALO, 37 from LACRALO, and 22 from NARALO, plus the full ALAC and its liaisons. Total will be approximately 176 participants. [Transcript Pages 3-7] [Reference Meeting Page]007Provide Tijani Ben Jemaa with list of rooms and their availabilities for ATLAS II by 2 December TB and HU have been in touch with Meetings Team regarding room availability. Everything is on track.  [Reference page]
008Ask Constituency Travel about visa application invitation letters for ATLAS II participants.Heidi Ullrich20/11/13TBDCompleted(19/12/13): Consolidated into AI 009. [Reference page]
009Ask Constituency Travel about visa application invitation letters for ATLAS II participants and ensure that the list of approved travelers is sent to the Foreign Office for distribution to the UK Embassies and UK Consulates around the worldHeidi Ullrich20/11/130231/1201/1314Completed






TB and HU have been in touch with Meetings Team regarding room availability. Everything is on track.  [Reference page]
008Ask Constituency Travel about visa application invitation letters for ATLAS II participants.Unlicensed user20/11/13TBDCompleted(19/12/13): Consolidated into AI 009. [Reference page]
009Ask Constituency Travel about visa application invitation letters for ATLAS II participants and ensure that the list of approved travelers is sent to the Foreign Office for distribution to the UK Embassies and UK Consulates around the worldUnlicensed user20/11/1331/01

 Visas need to be in minimum 15 calendars day before arrival. No need to send list to embassies according to a foreign office contact. They are aware of the ICANN meeting. Hear recording for more details. [Chat]  [Recording]  [Reference Meeting Page]  COMPLETED

021MILESTONE: Provide list of all ATLAS II ALS travelers to Constituency TravelCarlos Reyes13/02/1413/02/14Completed(06/03/14): COMPLETE. The ATLAS II ALS Participants database was provided to Constituency Travel on 20 February 2014.   [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page] 
031Update on room assignments for ATLAS summit events as follows: ATLAS II plenary, thematic sessions and Fayre of OpportunitiesHeidi Ullrich15/03/1401/04/14Completed(1529/05/14):  Visas need to be in minimum 15 calendars day before arrival. No need to send list to embassies according to a foreign office contact. They are aware of the ICANN meeting. Hear recording for more details. 14): Rooms have been allocated. See transcript for more details  [Chat]  [Recording]  [Transcript Pages 8-9] [Reference Meeting Page]  COMPLETED021MILESTONE: Provide list of all ATLAS II ALS travelers to Constituency TravelUnlicensed user13/02/1413/02
010Ensure that an ICANN Staff Public Relations Working Group for ATLAS II is established with Duncan BurnsHeidi Ullrich20/11/1309/01/14Completed(0609/0301/14):  COMPLETE. The ATLAS II ALS Participants database was provided to Constituency Travel on 20 February 2014.   [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page] 031Update on room assignments for ATLAS summit events as follows: ATLAS II plenary, thematic sessions and Fayre of OpportunitiesUnlicensed user15/03/1401/04Duncan Burns has joined the ATLAS II PR mailing list. [Reference page]
011Ensure that the ATLAS II Public Relations Sub-Working Group convenes and discusses expected achievements and have a joint meeting with ICANN Staff Public Relations Working GroupHeidi Ullrich20/11/1331/01/14Completed(2920/0502/14): Rooms have been allocated. See transcript for more details  [Chat]  [Recording]  [Transcript Pages 8-9 This item will be taken by the ATLAS II PR Sub-working group. Completed. [Transcript page 12] [Reference Meeting Page]
 010Ensure that an ICANN Staff Public Relations Working Group for ATLAS II is established with Duncan BurnsUnlicensed user20/11/13
017Develop outreaching ATLAS II strategic goalsmuarray.mckercher06/02/1427/03/14Completed






Duncan Burns has joined the ATLAS II PR mailing list. [Reference page]
011Ensure that the ATLAS II Public Relations Sub-Working Group convenes and discusses expected achievements and have a joint meeting with ICANN Staff Public Relations Working GroupUnlicensed user20/11/13

This item will be merge with #025 to be discussed within the PR WG. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg. 16-17] [Reference Meeting Page] 

018Welcome Message to participant ALSsOlivier Crépin-Leblond30/01/1431/01/14Completed(2006/02/14):  This item will be taken by the ATLAS II PR Sub-working group. Completed. [Transcript page 12] Messages was sent 08/0214 [Message] [Reference Meeting Page] 017Develop outreaching ATLAS II strategic goalsUnlicensed user
019Define ATLAS II likely impact and call to actionmuarray.mckercher30/01/1427/03/14Completed

(17/04/14): This item will be merge with #025 to be discussed within the PR WG. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg. 16-17] [Reference Meeting Page] 

018Welcome Message to participant ALSs
Unlicensed user020Coordinate and maintain an ATLAS II Web Pagemaricarmen sequera30/01/143127/0103/14Completed(06/02/14):Messages was sent 08/0214 [Message]  This group is being merged with the Newsletter Working Group Action Item 016. The Newsletter WG name will be changed to ATLAS II Communications Working Group. [Transc[Transcript pages 11-15]ipt pages 7-10] [Reference Meeting Page]
019025Define Coordinate the ATLAS II likely impact and call to actionUnlicensed user30/01Public Relations Sub-Working Groupmuarray.mckercher20/02/1427/03/14Completed





06/14): This

item will be merge with #025 to be discussed within the PR WG. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg. 16-17] [Reference Meeting Page] 
020Coordinate and maintain an ATLAS II Web PageUnlicensed user30/01/1427

item has been COMPLETED.

026Coordinate having a special lanyard or a special sticker at the bottom of the name tags to identify ATLAS II participants Heidi Ullrich20/02/1431/03/14Completed






: This group is being merged with the Newsletter Working Group Action Item 016. The Newsletter WG name will be changed to ATLAS II Communications Working Group. [Transc[Transcript pages 11-15]ipt pages 7-10

: Meeting staff confirmed that they will provide the special sticker as posted in the WIKI. The ATLAS II PR WG will make the final selection on the proposed lanyard currently posted in the WIKI. COMPLETED [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.5] [Reference Meeting Page] 

026027Coordinate having Propose a design for the special lanyard or a special sticker at the bottom of the name tags tag that will be used to identify ATLAS II participants participants. (see AI 026 also)Carlos Dionisio Aguirre
Natalia Enciso
maricarmen sequera

(17/04/14): Meeting staff confirmed that they will provide the special sticker as posted in the WIKI. The ATLAS II PR WG will make the final selection on the proposed lanyard currently posted in the WIKI. COMPLETED 03/14): This item is being merged into action item #26 [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.513] [Reference Meeting Page] 

027028Propose a design for the special lanyard or a special sticker at the bottom of the name tag that will be used to identify ATLAS II participants. (see AI 026 also)Prepare a "wish-list" of items to give a way (memorabilia) for the ATLAS II Participants

Carlos Dionisio Aguirre
Natalia Enciso
maricarmen sequera 

20/02/1431/03/14Completed(17/0304/14):  This item is being merged into action item #26 This item will be merge with #025 to be discussed within the PR WG. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg. 1316-17] [Reference Meeting Page]028Prepare a "wish-list" of items to give a way (memorabilia) for the ATLAS II Participants

Unlicensed user
Unlicensed user
Unlicensed user 

033Explore possible use of RFID/QR Codes tags as part of the participant badgesmuarray.mckercher26/03/1415/05/14Completed


This item will be merge with #025 to be discussed within the PR WG

Group agreed to use QR codes. PR WG to decide on final design and suggest how it can be used during the event. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.




24] [Reference Meeting Page] 

033Explore possible use of RFID/QR Codes tags as part of the participant badgesUnlicensed user
034Select a hashtag for the ATLAS II eventmuarray.mckercher17/03/141530/0504/14Completed

(17/04/14): Group agreed to use QR codes. PR WG to decide on final design and suggest how it can be used during the eventThis item will be merge with #025 to be discussed within the PR WG. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg. 16-17-24] [Reference Meeting Page] 

034Select a hashtag for the ATLAS II event
Unlicensed user036Distribute ATLAS II promotional video to ATLAS II participant listHeidi Ullrich17/0304/143005/0405/14Completed(1729/0405/14):This item will be merge with #025 to be discussed within the PR WG. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg. 16-17]   This has been completed.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript Page 10]  [Reference Meeting Page ] 
036Distribute ATLAS II promotional video to ATLAS II participant listUnlicensed user17/04/14004

Generate a feedback form in conjunction with the ROI Sub-group to capture summit feedback from attending ALSes

wolf.ludwig/Cheryl Langdon-Orr19/12/1312/02/14Completed(2906/0503/14):  This has been completed.  [Chat]   [Recording]   [Transcript Page 10]  [Reference Meeting Page ]

Generate a feedback form in conjunction with the ROI Sub-group to capture summit feedback from attending ALSes

Unlicensed user/Unlicensed user19/12/1312/02/14Completed(06/03/14): Feedback form submitted. Need to be updated before London. This action item will be updated as part of AI 024. Feedback form submitted. Need to be updated before London. This action item will be updated as part of AI 024.
024Coordinate the ATLAS II ROI Sub-GroupCheryl Langdon-Orr18/02/1431/01/15Completed

(12/06/14): This item has been COMPLETED as far as the ATLAS II event.  UPDATE - 10/10/14: This item is being updated as an action item within the ALAC monthly calls and at this moment is in progress. Please refer to the ALAC monthly calls wiki for more information about its progress.