S&T Meeting #21 - 4 October

S&T Meeting #21 - 4 October


Team:  Jonathan Zuck, David Taylor, Laureen Kapin, Drew Bagley, Carlton Samuels, Jamie Hedlund, Calvin Browne, Gao Mosweu

Observers:  /

Apologies:  /

Staff:  Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Brian Aitchison, Eleeza Agopian, Margie Milam, Antonietta Mangiacotti



Deliver overview of discussion papers and findings:

         -    Have these efforts had an impact on public perception of the DNS? i.e.

    • What is the level of consumer awareness of the new gTLDs?
    • Have consumers expressed trust in the new gTLD program efforts?
    • Has consumer trust in the DNS improved overall since the introduction of new gTLDs?

-    Has the New gTLD Program put mechanisms in to improve trustworthiness in the DNS? i.e.

    • Background of History of GAC Safeguards and new Registry Agreement
    • Description of Technical Safeguards and Implementation
    • Description of Safeguards Applicable to all gTLDs and Implementation
    • Description of Safeguards Applicable to sensitive/highly regulated gTLDs and Implementation
    • Description of Voluntary Public Interest Commitments
    • Description of Rights Protection Mechanisms

Discussion documents: 


Chat Transcript:  EN

Transcript:  EN


  • ACTION ITEM - Carlton and Laureen to touch base on PICs and Laureen to include a placeholder in list of assignments
  • ACTION ITEM - David to send RPM descriptions 
  • ACTION ITEM - Laureen to circulate new version of safeguards implementation
  • ACTION ITEM - Send comments on Carlton / Gao's paper What is the level of consumer awareness of the new gTLDs? - preferably by using google-doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/12yRnhRvcpt1eWwol4OcXxsI7cod8mDJzCc5BhaM3Cgw/edit. Deadline (per roadmap) - is OCT 7
  • ACTION ITEM - Staff to send justification of New gTLD program