S&T Meeting #17 - 23 August
1. Questions/issues/challenges re: Discussion Paper Drafts
a. Any additional data needs?
b. Any other resources/assistance needed?
2. Feedback re: Discussion Paper Drafts
3. Assigning presenters for each paper (everyone will present something for Vienna). Here is a link to the proposed agenda for Vienna: (with break-out times etc): https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CCT/pages/102140818/CCT+Meeting+17+-+29+30+August+2016+Vienna (we may adjust this after reviewing discussion paper drafts)
4. AOB
Discussion documents:
ST-05.HowwasSpecification11implementedbynewgTLDregistryoperators (1).pdf
LK Consumer Trust Issue Paper worksheet.pdf
LK GAC Safeguard Implementation Worksheet.pdf
Carlton_ Are the New Procedures Effective in Enforcing Safeguards.pdf
Carlton_Are Consumers Aware of New gTLDs.pdf
Drew_ 01.IstheremoreorlessDNSAbuseinthenewgTLDs (1).pdf
Drew_03.WhatroledidthenewgTLDsafeguardsplayinpreventingDNSabuse (1).pdf
Fabro_04.HavenewgTLDregistryoperatorscompliedwiththesafeguards (1).pdf
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN
- ACTION ITEM: Ping David and make sure he is engaged in his topics
- ACTION ITEM: Laureen and Calvin to connect on Technical Safeguards
- ACTION ITEM: Jamie to connect with his sub team members to ensure he is engaged on best topics
- ACTION ITEM: Carlos continue work on discussion paper 5 - Laureen to send further feedback
- ACTION ITEM: Carlos to connect with Drew on paper 6
- ACTION ITEM: Gao to connect with her sub team to ensure engagement
- ACTION ITEM: Fabro to connect with David
- ACTION ITEM - All team members to take a big picture look at discussion topics and see if some can be consolidated, or if there are any missing topics
- ACTION ITEM - All leads to engage team members for presentation in Vienna - no "lead only" presentations