Meeting #37 - 11 February 2019
Leadership Members: Laurin Weissinger, Eric Osterweil, Russ Housley, Denise Michel
ICANN Organization: Jennifer Bryce, Negar Farzinnia, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: /
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- Technical writer - leadership discussion on potential need and criteria
- Post-LA blog update: Blog is finalized and will be posted this week - staff to circulate to SO/AC/SG/Cs and Board
- Develop agenda for Thursday plenary meeting
- Confirm action items / decisions reached
Documents: PDF
AC Chat: N/A
Action Items:
- Staff to provide in-writing the process for contracting a technical writer and expected timeline for each step in the process.
- Leadership team to define in writing the scope of work for the technical writer, and skills, knowledge and expertise that the review team requires.
- Staff to post blog and share with SO/AC/SG/Cs and Board
- Staff to send answers to the questions to the list, and identify the RT members who had volunteered for the relevant topics
- Russ to reach out to Kerry-Ann to see if she’s available for the call on Thursday, then circle back to staff after the discussion, to confirm Thursday’s agenda.
- Next Leadership call to 2pm ET on Wednesday 20th February = 19:00 UTC