Meeting #39 - 25 February 2019
Leadership Members: Denise Michel, Eric Osterweil, Russ Housley
ICANN Organization: Jennifer Bryce, Steve Conte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Laurin Weissinger
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- ICANN64 Kobe
- Confirm date of review team dinner
- Items for draft face-to-face meeting agenda
Technical writer -finalize job description this week?
Develop Thursday plenary agenda
Confirm next leadership call as Monday 4 March?
Confirm action items / decisions reached
Documents: PDF
AC Chat: EN
Action Items:
- Staff to share draft agenda with the team.
- Russ will follow up with a reminder to do homework.
- Staff to share draft engagement slides with leadership for initial edits and then team.
- Staff to update the job description based on comments to list, and send to the review team to outline how we are moving forward. Staff to then share this interally.
- Russ to reach out to Boban re: Thursday discussion on ICANN SSR
- Move SSR2 leadership call to 9pm UTC next Monday 4th March.