Meeting #36 - 4 February 2019
Leadership Members: Denise Michel, Eric Osterweil, Russ Housley, Laurin Weissinger
ICANN Organization: Jennifer Bryce, Yvette Guigneaux
Apologies: /
1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
2. Post-LA meeting blog - any final edits from leadership?
3. DNS SSR questions - confirm staff will send questions to SMEs this week after Review
Team’s deadline to enter questions into doc by EOD on Tuesday 5th February.
4. May f2f meeting - discuss next steps towards confirming location
5. Develop agenda for Thursday plenary meeting
6. AOB
7. Confirm action items/decisions reached
Documents: PDF
AC Chat: EN
Action Items:
- Laurin and Denise to review the blog and share any suggested edits by end of the day.
- Staff to circulate the list of DNS SSR questions to SMEs on Wednesday
- Ask the review team members to share any preferred locations for a meeting in Europe
- Ask meetings team to provide a quote for Jamaica to hold the f2f meeting 17-19 May
- Laurin to share a note with Ssr2 RT to let them know changes to SSR1 implementation doc discussed in LA have been implemented
- Russ to send a note to the SSR2 RT to let them know the meeting has been cancelled. Staff to send the cancellation notice.
- Set up a time for Negar and Russ to discuss substantive support for the Review Team and how this might look.