Zoom chat: 2024-04-02 At-Large Webinar on the ICANN Grant Program
16:36:10 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Welcome to At-Large Webinar on the ICANN Grant Program taking place on Tuesday, 02 April 2024 at 14:00 UTC.
16:36:13 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/jCPxBQ
17:10:06 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
If I apply to produce an ICANN Musical, would that be considered a conflict?
17:10:45 From Aziz Hilali to Everyone:
Reacted to "If I apply to produc..." with
17:10:58 From Emmanuel Onyango to Everyone:
Reacted to If I apply to produc... with
17:10:59 From Emmanuel Onyango to Everyone:
Removed a reaction from "If I apply to produc..."
17:15:23 From Bill Jouris to Everyone:
Replying to "If I apply to produc..."
Perhaps if you are making a movie of a musical...?
17:17:13 From Internet South Africa to Everyone:
Hi my name is Kodishang Tshwaane - can a chapter under Internet Society apply for a grant?
17:17:51 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Reacted to "If I apply to produc..." with
17:18:01 From Thoko Miya - South Africa to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hi my name is Kodish…" with
17:18:01 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Replying to "If I apply to produc..."
The usual sequence seems to be movie, musical, movie of the musical.
17:18:23 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
Reacted to "If I apply to produc…" with
17:18:47 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
If the ISOC chapter is a non profit than it should be able to apply
17:19:10 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Replying to "If the ISOC chapter ..."
and confirms to Not for Profit status as per US laws
17:19:32 From Internet South Africa to Everyone:
Replying to "If the ISOC chapter ..."
Thank you, we are. internetsouthafrica.org.za
17:19:44 From Thoko Miya - South Africa to Everyone:
Removed a reaction from "Hi my name is Kodish…"
17:19:48 From Thoko Miya - South Africa to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hi my name is Kodish…" with
17:19:58 From Ashrafur Rahman Piaus -- to Everyone:
Reacted to If I apply to produc... with
17:20:24 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Replying to "If the ISOC chapter ..."
would suggest visiting the Grant website for all the criteria and check if your chapter meets those objectives.
17:20:41 From Internet South Africa to Everyone:
Replying to "If the ISOC chapter ..."
Thank you, we will do that...
17:20:51 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you, we will d..." with
17:27:00 From Eduardo Díaz to Everyone:
If you are a non-profit organization in the USA, do you need to have 501(c)(3) status?
17:27:16 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Project should be Global in nature?
17:27:21 From Lito Ibarra to Everyone:
A ccTLD that legally is a not for profit organization is able to apply, providing the others requisites are met?
17:29:11 From Thoko Miya - South Africa to Everyone:
Removed a reaction from "Hi my name is Kodish…"
17:30:20 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
17:31:06 From Eduardo Díaz to Everyone:
Can At-Large submit proposals on its own? Given that At-Large lacks a bank account, which is a required criterion, this poses a challenge.
17:31:29 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Replying to "Can At-Large submit ..."
I guess At Large cannot as it is not a legal entity
17:31:40 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
Replying to "Can At-Large submit …"
Eduardo— as Alan says, at large is not a non profit
17:31:46 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Replying to "Can At-Large submit ..."
No, we can't. We're not an independent organization. An ALS can or we could probably engage a fiscal sponsor to apply for something.
17:31:56 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Reacted to "No, we can't. We're ..." with
17:31:59 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
Reacted to "No, we can't. We're …" with
17:32:12 From Bill Jouris to Everyone:
Replying to "Can At-Large submit ..."
An At Large shell company...
17:32:53 From Jenny Galindo- IPANDETEC Panamá to Everyone:
Can we find these slides on the website?
17:33:08 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Replying to "Can At-Large submit ..."
There are a TON on unincorporated "non-profits" who partner with a non-profit whose sole purpose is to be the "shell company."
17:33:23 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
Replying to "Can At-Large submit …"
Also none of the members of the auction proceeds can be in that chapter/ALS that apply for the fund
17:33:33 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Yes, slides are posted on the Wiki agenda page. https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99689356/2024-04-02+At-Large+Webinar+on+the+ICANN+Grant+Program
17:33:35 From Victoria (AHERI) to Everyone:
what kind of infrastructure support is covered under this grant?
17:35:10 From Eduardo Díaz to Everyone:
Replying to "Can At-Large submit ..."
No, we can't. We're not an independent organization. An ALS can or we could probably engage a fiscal sponsor to apply for something.
Thus, an ISOC chapter that is duly incorporated as a non-profit organization and possesses a bank account can serve as a fiscal sponsor. The primary concern then becomes the execution of the project on behalf of At-Large.
17:35:12 From Jenny Galindo- IPANDETEC Panamá to Everyone:
Reacted to "Yes, slides are post..." with
17:35:35 From Pedro de Perdigão Lana to Everyone:
Replying to "what kind of infrast..."
The applicant guide mentions the following: Durable Goods and Equipment – Equipment and/or infrastructure costs deemed necessary to launch and operate the project. Generally, these goods have a useful life of more than a year. Equipment purchased with grant funds must remain in charitable use after the project duration ends and disposed of under certain conditions for charitable organizations.
17:35:40 From Aziz Hilali to Everyone:
Must we necessarily include in the application documents such as agreements proving that the applicant has partners?
17:36:15 From Pedro de Perdigão Lana to Everyone:
Replying to "what kind of infrast..."
It looks like a broad concept
17:38:39 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Very good question Judith
17:39:47 From Kodishang Tshwaane - Internet South Africa to Everyone:
It sounds like we need to send our concept ahead of time to the grantsprogram email before the closing date so that we are in the clear...
17:42:35 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
+1 Sebastian
17:42:51 From Rookayya Gulmahamed to Everyone:
Reacted to "+1 Sebastian" with
17:43:01 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Reacted to "+1 Sebastian" with
17:43:08 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
Exactly, the non profit are very small and do not have the capability to do that
17:43:27 From Pari Esfandiari to Everyone:
+ Sebastian
17:44:10 From Pari Esfandiari to Everyone:
The requirements need to be clear.
17:46:06 From Raymond Mamattah to Everyone:
It would have been nice if there could be an initial stage 1 proposal, then ICANN org checks if the applicants meets the eligibility. After that ICANN org can then give the go ahead to do the full application. Most organization adopt this approach so we don't end up spending lots of time and later being told we are not qualified.
17:46:29 From Jason Hynds to Everyone:
Hi. Thanks for the session. How are the ideas in the grant submissions protected from misuse?
17:47:02 From Ashrafur Rahman Piaus -- to Everyone:
Is the SIG chapter eligible to apply?
17:50:01 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Thanks Shayna
17:50:31 From Samuel Danso to Everyone:
Thank you Shyna
17:51:09 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Completely understand the requirement and to avoid conflict of gaming the system. But the issue is for edge case
17:53:16 From Jason Hynds to Everyone:
Good question @Claire Craig!
17:55:52 From Raymond Mamattah to Everyone:
Great one Pari to see you having the same thoughts as I typed above.
17:58:16 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
+1 alan
17:58:33 From Alan Greenberg (ALAC) to Everyone:
I have another meeting. Bye
17:58:43 From Hadia’s iPhone to Everyone:
+1 Alan
17:59:20 From Lito Ibarra to Everyone:
Posting again, to leave it here for later response: A ccTLD that legally is a not for profit organization is able to apply, providing the others requisites are met?
17:59:51 From Lito Ibarra to Everyone:
Apologies. I have to leave. Thanks everyone.
18:01:43 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Thank you so much for this session
18:01:54 From Bikram Shrestha- Nepal Internet Foundation to Everyone:
Thank you
18:01:55 From Pedro de Perdigão Lana to Everyone:
18:01:58 From Adrian Schmidt to Everyone:
18:01:58 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
Thank you for this session
18:01:59 From Bikram Shrestha- Nepal Internet Foundation to Everyone:
Wonderful session
18:01:59 From Rookayya Gulmahamed to Everyone:
18:02:01 From Bikram Shrestha- Nepal Internet Foundation to Everyone:
18:02:02 From Maureen Adongo to Everyone:
18:02:02 From Emmanuel Onyango to Everyone:
Thank you
18:02:03 From Hadia’s iPhone to Everyone:
Apologies for catching the last bit
18:02:04 From Marius Andriamparany (NIC-MG) to Everyone:
18:02:06 From Hadia’s iPhone to Everyone:
Thank you all
18:02:07 From Ashrafur Rahman Piaus -- to Everyone:
Thanks a lot for this informative session.
18:02:15 From Bikram Shrestha- Nepal Internet Foundation to Everyone:
18:02:26 From Jahongir Jabborov /ICANN79 Fellow to Everyone: