AFRALO 06.10.10 Transcript - EN

AFRALO 06.10.10 Transcript - EN


Hawa Diakite:                                   We are going to do a roll call, Hawa is on the line, Tijani is there, Fatimata, are you there, Michelle is there, Dave is there, [Budwan] are you there?

Unidentified:                                     Yes he is.

Hawa Diakite:                                   Very good, he said he was there. Who else is there, Yaovi is there, sorry you were the first one. So we just did role call Fatimata. Valerie is not there.              We can’t get a hold of him; however he is going to be there in 10 minutes. The second point on the agenda actions to do. There is one, Tijani we are going to send him an email to bring to his attention for the Visa to get into Columbia.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                           Yes, and that’s been done. We had a lot of email exchanges; he explained what was going on so it’s been done. Third point on the agenda, public consultations that are open have a small a, that should be on the agenda. That was just translated.

So that is the small a, the small b, yes, for the small a, are we going to have time to talk about that? So these are just consultations, it is a reminder, but we’re not going to develop that today. Second small be, public consultations. We have two, first the work group on the Recommendation #6 it is about NAPO, the limit date was October 22nd.

Aziz Hilali:                                       Hello?

Hawa Diakite:                                   Who is this? Aziz, hello Aziz, very good, I am going to continue. So, we’re - the Recommendation #6 about public order and the guidebook. This is just to remind people that we’re going to talk about this and that the deadline is October 22nd.

We want to prepare in the work group, the contribution of people and ask them how AFRALO wants to prepare these comments. The report exists; follow the link on the agenda. You can find out more information. I want to remind you about the report, you will remember after the point XXX, the government was a little concerned about this and they talked about the security of public order.

In the guidebook they put a condition asking the IC to fill out this information. It was for the people At-Large, the work group at IND and we asked them why they were worried about it.

They said that the government required the work group of the At-Large committee that Kat had some reserves, but that wasn’t true, so that was why we created an internal work group to talk about the ALA the GAP, the difference organizations were present, so this report, we need to prepare a statement from the ALAC concerning this guidebook.

So the work group will present this. They have asked us our input from each region so the question that the IED asked how would AFRALO like to prepare the conference? I think I explained that well, exactly yes that was good.

So if you want my opinion, each one of us should read the report and each ALA needs to give their opinion, though it is kind of a controversial point. It depends on a lot of things exactly what was immoral 10 years ago might not be today and what was immoral in Indonesia is not in France or the USA, each region needs to read the report and after reading it, everyone on the list needs to give their opinion.

And I can compile those opinions to be able to present it on behalf of AFRALO. I think I have already given my opinion, but I can do it again. It was the reaction to XXX. So, but it is not the same thing, it is a little more serious because it’s more general. Do we have a deadline?

Because, so when we set a deadline for these different answers from the ALS, can we know how much time we have. If we don’t have an answer by next Wednesday, we will consider that the ALS doesn’t have anything to say about it. Okay, is that okay. That’s okay; yes for me it is fine.

So the final deadline is October 22nd and ALAC will give its statement, would like to give the statement depending on the reactions of the different regions for AFRALO. So each person needs to give their opinion so really by next Wednesday would be the maximum time.

Did we finish with that, the second point public consultation for the different points that ALAC is presenting. The second point is updating, that should be on the agenda in English.

Dave Kissoondoyal:                          Excuse me? Can you tell me what the deadline is for that reaction?

Hawa Diakite:                                   Okay next Wednesday, Dave. We have an Adobe connect if people want to intervene. You can raise your hand or you can speak. Not a problem Michelle. So the second point that ALAC is preparing a statement for, so it is updating the budget for the improvement plan of stability and security and the deadline for this statement is the 13th of October, but we moved it to November 1st.

Heidi said that the conference call for the community, At-Large Community has asked Patrick Jones who coordinates the security group at ICANN so there is nothing we need to do, it is a conference call. Thank you.

Unidentified:                                     Excuse me? Sorry, can we consider the security, I didn’t understand. Is he a coordinator? What’s his role?

Hawa Diakite:                                   Patrick Jones he coordinates the security group at ICANN. He is the acting coordinator. Okay. So Fatimata, I am going to continue. So Number 4 is a report on the workshop that AFRALO is going to prepare. Go ahead Fatimata.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       So, for the ISG in Venice, I think a lot of people followed this. We have organized a workshop on the IDN and there was.  So following our request, we explained to ICANN, we gave them a report. It really went well so we got invited to do a briefing of this activity.

There was a small report that was written on AFRALO, I hope you all read it and was ready to answer any questions, or if people have something to add, please feel free. Yes?

Unidentified:                                     I can say about this, all of the conditions were really, really favorable. The travel conditions were good, they were miraculous. Our workshop was planned the first hour of the first day, so there were a lot of people. There were some people who could not come, but the third bad point ICANN had organized another form at the same time.

But we refused that people could but there were a lot of people from ICANN who were at the other forum and didn’t come to our workshop. It was full from the beginning to the end, normally we end at 11:00, we ended at 11:10 and the room was still full. We had, people wanted to stay and talk. We had to tell them to leave.

We had 2 members of the Board who stayed the whole time and the third member, he was the Board president came at the end of the workshop and they all participated, 2 of them did in the debate. Our workshop had a very good impact so the secretary of the ICGS invited us to do a sort of summary in the final session, they also asked us, to become a member of the work group of the help and help the others.

They wanted us to talk about where we were and we did that, gave them an update of our work. I think we really succeeded in our work despite the difficulties we may have encountered; I just wanted to end like that. Go ahead Aziz. Aziz, what did you want to say?

Aziz Hilali:                                       There was another positive point despite the fact that we didn’t have the money from the ICANN. The fact that we prepared the workshop, the information did make it to the Board and I think the next time I’d ask Tijani not really to do the same thing about our organization. I think that now the Board; we should encourage this type of exchange, this type of communication.

I’d like, if you don’t have anything else to say, I’d like to add, I would like to congratulate the work of Tijani. We were very impressed. Your dedication is wonderful and I just wanted to tell you how good I think of the work you did for the young Africans, for all of us really.

Fatimata, I need to tell you I have information about Columbia. Heidi Skyped me and said that they are still in contact with them and until now they are still waiting some feedback, but they are trying to have the Visas ready at the airport for everyone.

This isn’t going to work for everyone because we have had some bad experiences in the past, not being able to travel. But normally the way we did it, you just need to write that there is an official help from the country.

Anyway, I’m going to follow up with the travel agency and I am going to require that each person who has to travel, that they have a ladder coming from, preferably from the frontend office to say that this person will have a Visa at the airport. That is a good idea, that is what you should do. Okay, let’s continue Fatimata.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       Sure. Number 5.5 the report on the work group the JAS working group to help candidates it should be on the agenda. I am raising my hand. I am so sorry I didn’t see that you raised your hand. I’m watching Adobe Connect. Okay, I’ve got it. So Yaovi would like to speak.

Yaovi Atohoun:                                 Yes. I can’t see anything; I am outside so go ahead. Thank you for this information. I would like for you to ask the organization to have the same letter for people who are traveling with us, but really to wait that long to get a Visa, I suffered a lot.

Even if we have a Visa when we get there, we really need to have a letter to the airline. Okay, I have written that down. Fatimata, we were talking about number 5 of the work group that is going to Yaovi, you still have your hand raised. Okay. I raised my hand, I spoke, now you’ve got to take it off. Okay.

So the work group has worked and it has been around the 17th of September they sent to the Board, it’s kind of a summary of what they’re doing, so where we are. Why did we send it then? It was the 24th or 25th and the Board had a retreat in Holland and it was dedicated to the program of the IND. The results of the retreat were not good news for us, because they changed their opinion about Nairobi.

I can read to you some comments. He decided to support, to encourage all of the regions to participate, but ICANN will not give us any budget for that. The regions who ask for help and who show their interests for additional help, expert counsel so that those who need help, those who have the desire can identify themselves and work together.

ICANN the Resolution #20 about Nairobi, it is just an intermediary to link the people who need help and those who can give that help. The last point that was a disaster because of the uncertainty they are going to mention in the guide book. They will be maintained for everyone.

There is no reduction of cost for the people in the regions who need it. So those were the decisions. So in our working group, I am not going to say that we were actually shocked, we thought it would be better to stop our work and I yelled the loudest.

So should we continue without taking into consideration that decision so following Resolution #20, the campaign and sensitization campaign? If ICANN really wants this program to be more lively and they don’t reject anyone, we really need their support. That has to happen; we can’t apply it like that. So that was the news from the Board so after that, we kept working.

We are almost at the end of our work. We prepared the final report and I think maybe 2 or 3 weeks from now we will have something definitive and I think that we all need to be able to say in Cartegena and really defending that we, that those who need help really need help. So, I finished my report. Does anyone have any questions or comments?

Unidentified:                                     Yes. [Inaudible 26:23] I think that presentation it shows that really what we were asking for to have a favorable treatment during this application. It’s not worth continuing, is that right? No, no, I don’t think that.

There were members of the group who thought that, but finally we convinced them there were several people who thought we should continue and this Board decision we hope we’re going to have a new Board in Cartagena with the new blood that is coming in with the people who are already there who are fighting for this cause that that will change the tendency.

Unidentified:                                     Okay. I have a question about who is going to put pressure, no Fatimata, when we are going to talk about the AFRALO; we are going to talk about the joint meet with AFRALO and ICANN in Cartegena. We are going to do the follow up with the statement that we did in Brussels and it will be a way to express our unhappiness with this Board’s decision.

That is what AFRALO can do, but also it’s not just AFRALO, everyone can put pressure I think they are going to. It’s not just Africa; there are a lot of people everyone, especially the Third World.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       Okay. Tijani, so can we go to the following point?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                           Of course. Number 7, no wait, number 6 the report on the selection process of At-Large members of the Board. Thank you. The meeting that we had and a few work sessions, we agree on the way the selection process so the application document we need to define how to evaluate these recommendations for the technical team put in place online, a document that you can use to be able to find a name for the final recommendation.

So, for this group, we will continue we hope after 2 or 3 sessions, that we can finish that process. This module is online and how to connect to it. So hopefully after 2 or 3 sessions, we will have finished. Right now, there are 22 applications I think we have 2 or 3 candidates. So where we are right now is a good start, we want to continue the selection process. Thank you, thank you Yaovi. Does anyone have any questions?

Yaovi Atohoun:                                 Can we know the names of the candidates for Africa?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                           I don’t think so. I don’t think at this stage I can speak for the group, I don’t know, I need to talk to them. Just to refresh your memory, he worked hard. He worked hard on this project. The list, as soon as we have the system in place, I will let you know. But right now I don’t have anything in front of me right now.

There is one. I know there is someone from [Inaudible 32:16] somebody like that. Okay normally, it’s not really secret, but it is confidential. So, you have to keep it secret until you prepare the voting sheets. Okay. My question is, is the updates of the ILO, is it completed because it’s a little out lawed.

Don’t they say that the At-Large Director since nothing was modified; there is no need to do that. I think when we were talking, we haven’t really finished our work, but was the law changed because we didn’t know, so we are still working on this.

No, no, I understand, but it’s uncomfortable to work without the solid bases judicial solid bases. I am not really waiting for an answer because we are still working on it. But the Board hasn’t given us those changes. Okay. Can I ask Adego to call Aziz? Yes, I will let them know. So, Fatimata, let’s go back to the agenda.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       Yes, yes, yes, I’m here. Tell us did you hear what Yaovi said? Do you have anything to add? 

Yaovi Atohoun:                                 I’m sorry Fatimata. No I think Yaovi went over it well, so all of the candidates are in place. No, I think he explained it well.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       Thank you. Number 7 developing the budget for 2011, so this topic I’m supposed to do the presentation so you know.

Unidentified:                                     Fatimata are you there?

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       Yes, I’m here.

Unidentified:                                     Can you give me the authorization to continue?

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       You have all the rights. So, you know we have in the improvement plan of the At-Large improvement plan to put into place this work we created for web team 1 is called ITC and they work on the financial questions. This Work Team C has all the members of the subcommittee At-Large subcommittee for finance.

So, in this work team we are going to start looking at what we’ve done in the past. We have 2 recommendations that we would like to suggest. One of the questions that was the most urgent was to know where we’re going.

The historical background that we have, the subcommittee for a while tried to present actions financed by ICANN but ICANN has not financed anything or almost nothing. It is not in the budget and that doesn’t work either. So, we asked the question and they told us now we’re going to have another mission to prepare the budget for 2011 and 2012.

The preparation is going to start soon and I think that people have already changed, not the same mentality and now that people are a little bit more open to receive our requests. We just need that our requests show clearly that the actions that we want to carry out reinforce the development process of the ICANN.

We also need to give more detail than before so I asked how much detail do we need to provide. We don’t know yet, it will be in October that Kevin is going to give the details of this new approach about the budget. In October we will know more.

So we wrote a letter to him, he answered us saying that he is ready to work with us. He is preparing his work and in October, he is going to give us more information. So they asked us ALAC and ALO and the ALSs to prepare carefully prepare our requests and they have to be ready by at the latest at the end of January 2011.

So, in January 2011, we need to think about future projects, very clear detailed projects. How are those actions going to improve and reinforce the political development process of ICANN? DO you have any questions or comments? Yes? Tijani.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                           Thank you. I know it’s never, you said never give up. Last year you presented a difference outreach budget points. We need to make a big effort. How can we improve the participation and the end users of the different regions? Fatimata that was, I had that same idea.

So, I asked them so what we presented in the past, it wasn’t enough detail. They said we’re going to wait for them to tell us how they our requests to be made. So, what do they want? What interests them? That’s what kind of activities. Okay. I hope it doesn’t happen that way.

We need to present the activities that we think should be necessary for a proved participation of our ALSs that is very important to me. Right now, there is a very weak participation, almost zero in the development of the political, development of ICANN, sorry.

So the participation of the ALSs and the outreach was more or less conditioned based on the fact that how can I say, ah the local language, based on the local language. It was accepted by all the ALSs and the ILAC so that is what we use to start with, to start working on this. But the result is there. Maybe we are not on track in the eyes of ICANN, but we thought we were.

No, we did do some good outreach program in Kenya in one country whether it is Tunisia or Senegal, we want to have more participation. Maybe we could do just like we’re doing it now, each time there is a meeting in a region, in Africa we try to do the outreach among the different regions.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       No, I agree. It is a very broad topic. You’re going to have more ALSs and the ones that exist already are not participating and that worries me that bother me. It’s the requirements; they should be able to participate. We want to know why they don’t participate.

But unfortunately, several didn’t answer for AFRALO, we have this level of participation. But, I think the participation is necessary. If you want your opinion to matter, you have to say you can’t say in the street or in an open forum, you have to have a working group or a subcommittee where the policies are being discussed.

Your opinion will never be taken into consideration. So, that is why we for that we need to write more for the ALSs who are here. What are the resources that are available to be part of these discussion groups? For example, today we have different processes Tijani, you are participating, [Budwan] is participating in a group, but we need to have more participation. Oh, I agree. Do you understand?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                           No I do, I understand. That’s what I mean. So, it’s been 2 years that we’re talking about the same thing, we need to, we need to, we need to. So, what do we need to do to make it happen? No, you’re right. I’m not saying that it has to be done. Yaovi would like to speak. I just want to say. Is this [Budwan]? Yes. Hold on, Yaovi is first. Go ahead. I’ve lost the train of thought. Are you letting Yaovi speak? Yes, go ahead Yaovi. Go ahead and then [Budwan].

Yaovi Atohoun:                                 What I want to say is that we need to go in both directions for the recruitment during a meeting we need to follow the agenda. We need to put these topics in the agenda even if we are recruiting new ALSs, we are the base. It is very important that during one of our meetings. I also wanted to say we need to know who is participating. We need to put that in the report for the confidential nature of the report. I didn’t know it was that confidential.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       [Budwan]?

[Budwan]:                                          Yes, thank you I want to talk about participation. We need to realize -

Translator:                                        I cannot hear what he is saying. Yeah, Fatimata said I can’t understand anything you’re saying, I can’t hear you. The line got cut. Okay we have a connection problem. I am going to go online. Dave would like to say something. Okay. Dave?

Dave Kissoondoyal:                          Yes. What I would like to say we the Africans, we’re just not updated so something of the things that we’re talking about today, we can’t submit, and we’re not on the same level as the others. We’re not on the same level. So first of all, we need to have ALSs that are regular that participate on a regular basis on the same level.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       Thank you, thank you Dave. I think in order to advance, we’re going to take Yaovi’s recommendation so that in the agenda for the next meeting, we will talk about the participation of the ALSs, our participation and then at that time we might be able to come up with some recommendations and the actions that we’re going to take.

Yaovi would like to speak. Yes Yaovi. He is not going to now. So we were at point Number 7 budget development. Now let’s go to Number 8, the work group in AFRALO. This point is presented by Dave who is a member of ex-comm.

Dave Kissoondoyal:                          Yes. This committee made a decision to have a working group. Right now we have Carlton who works with ALAC. What we would like, we wanted all of them to be represented. He is going to take the report that is already, that is already made. The working group is going to analyze the report. I am going to remind you as a member of ALAC and following what ex-comm decided the members of this working group should not be members of ALAC. So maybe we will look for someone else.

Yes. Who is a member of the whois working group? We would like to have a volunteer, anybody? Tijani, who is a member of ALAC and who isn’t? Right now for the next term, there is Dave, Muhammed and myself. Right now there is Dave, Muhammed, and Ayowa. Okay. So maybe ask Aziz if he could do it. Sure. We have to be strategic about it. Aziz are you there?

Translator:                                        Yes, he is on another line, but unfortunately his line was not good, so just one moment. They just told me that he was there. Hold on just one moment please. So, are there any other candidates for this working group? Complete silence. Aziz has been recommended, but we haven’t heard his reaction. Something is wrong with the connection.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       Okay, well let him talk. Adego just said he is on line, but I don’t know if we can hear him. So according to Adego, he is there. Aziz, push on *7 so you can speak or put him in an active status. Oh now we can hear you. I have had trouble connecting, I don’t know what happened.

So, did you hear our suggestion? No. I just got connected. So we are on point Number 8. ALAC created a work group for the OAEs. They want a representative from each ARALO and we have suggested that you are part of this work group. It depends; I haven’t looked at the details of this yet. I don’t think it will be a problem. I like what you are saying.

I like people who are here to work absolutely. So, can you give me some time to take a look and find out more? There’s not really a deadline. Sure, think about it and if we have another candidate, you could even be too in this work group. Think about it and if you can, that would be awesome. I agree as long as I can be useful. Okay. Are there any other candidates?

Unidentified:                                     Fatimata, you don’t want to suggest people? Michele, what are you doing? Michele he can’t, he doesn’t speak English and the work group language is English. Okay. I would have liked to have done it, but right now I can’t. I don’t want to be part of a group just to be a warm body. Fatimata, you didn’t ask anyone. Yaovi, go ahead, are you there? The work group Yaovi?

Yaovi Atohoun:                                 Can you hear me? Yeah. Yaovi, go ahead. Yaovi are you there? Can you hear me? Yes we do. I got cut off. We were talking about the work group. So, it depends I was in this group 2 years ago, but it depends on how often we work. Once a week, I probably can’t. I am already a member of another group.

Yaovi, you know it’s almost finished with the other group, you will have time to participate in this new work group. I think you could sign up for Aziz’s, okay I will. But I don’t think it’s weekly. They get together maybe every other week.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       Okay. So we can put Yaovi on the list and Aziz we will wait for your confirmation. Okay, let’s go to the next point.

Translator:                                        Fatimata? Oh no, we lost our president.

Hawa Diakite:                                   Okay, we are going to go to Number 9, the aide for AFRALO, the 39th meeting in Cartegena. I wish Fatimata was here, we have planned a meeting, an AFRALO meeting for Thursday December 9th at 6 pm at the time of the conference call.

We are going to do it on Thursday instead of doing it on the first or second of December, instead of doing it on the regular date, we are just going to push it back so that we can have a face-to-face meeting for those who are going to be in Cartegena.

So the participation will be the same. Those who can’t get to Cartegena, you can participate as usual, but instead of doing the first Thursday of the month; it will be the second Thursday. So that is the first thing to say. We can start thinking about what we want to put on the agenda for this meeting concerning the At-Large maybe a special agenda, putting that in place.

The second activity there is to have, it was a good habit that we started in Brussels a joint meeting between AFRALO and ICANN. This meeting this time will be dedicated to a follow up of the meeting at Brussels talking about aids that can be offered. I would like to try to determine during this meeting how the next meeting is going to take place in North America.

So, those are our 2 activities that AFRALO will do in Cartegena. Yes? So about the joint meeting, we are going to start preparing the meeting, the logistical side and also any texts that we need to prepare so that it is ready. So, did anyone want to say something? Yaovi?

Michelle:                                           Fatimata can I say something?

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                                   Yes, go ahead Michele.

Michelle:                                           I want to talk about the participation on the agenda, the 39th meeting in Cartegena. I think we need to talk about who is going to participate. If there are a lot of participants like the one in Mexico we really got stuck on the question of financing, when we talked about this before. Are we going to have the sufficient financing to be able to participate?

We can’t, if people haven’t received the tools, and to get the tools that will motivate them so that the ALS in the African region, the distance is great. We are lucky to have a few people like you and Fatimata and Yaovi but we need to be more numerous. We need more participation at this meeting.

Hawa Diakite:                                   Okay. So you’re talking about the AFRALO meeting?

Michelle:                                           Yes.

Hawa Diakite:                                   So we need to put that on the agenda, the question of participation. Okay. Who else would like to say something about the meeting in Cartegena? Okay. I am going to talk about point Number 10 report on the recent activities of the ALAC and Dave has some comments to make because he is a member of ALAC.

So at the last meeting, we had 4 workgroups A, B, C, D and we had all the ARLO that we’re there, our goal how to improve participation of ALAC in ICANN. We just as it has been said before, we’re beginning to work on the meeting in Cartegena. Oh, I forgot something. No, I didn’t forget anything then. Okay. Does anyone have any questions or comments?

Unidentified:                                     I have a question. I’m in one of the groups and I realize it is in English, we are not very coherent in the planning of the meeting.

Hawa Diakite:                                   Which one?

Unidentified:                                     I’m in the work group B, B has already had meetings? Yes, yeah we have sent to the governor. Okay. Why? What was the problem? No, I saw that recently. No, I just know that we are going to summarize at the next meeting because you didn’t write a report. Fatimata, welcome back.

So, we did the activities of AFRALO and the meeting of ICANN in Cartegena, the meeting of AFRALO with a conference call in December. It is not going to happen until Wednesday, but the second Thursday of December at the same time. What? That’s four? No, at the same time 6 o’clock GMT and it was done on purpose.

We could have done it on Wednesday during the meeting, but we couldn’t have done it at 6 o’clock and I said no because at 6 o’clock GMT time, we have a lot more participation so I talked about that and after that, yeah what did you say? Yes. I hope there won’t be any people going home on Thursday. No. Friday is the close.

No, no Thursday people will still be there. We don’t have a choice. So, we didn’t have a choice, it was either Tuesday or Thursday and then the joint meeting with AFRALO and ICANN will take place, it will be 2 o’clock local time and this meeting we’ll talk about the follow up of our statement that we made in Brussels.

I think it will be a good habit to get into and we want to perpetuate that good habit to have a joint meeting and we’re also going to set the term, the dates for the next meeting and how to improve the participation, so that is what we said until now. Then we talked about the recent activities of ALAC. So, that’s where we are. Okay, thank you. And now, question Number 11, miscellaneous comments or questions.

Yaovi Atohoun:                                 Fatimata? Did somebody ask to speak?

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       No, Yaovi. I think he has another meeting.

Dave Kissoondoyal:                          No, no I’m here.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       Dave? Do you want to talk about, that’s at 9 o’clock. So Dave is going to speak.

Dave Kissoondoyal:                          I just wanted to ask a question. Are the members of ALAC who are going to Cartegena, have they already received the invitation or have they received the information. I can answer that. I just had a Skype with Ivy and they said they are having a meeting with the travel and they are finalizing the agreement with the host country. For me personally, I haven’t received anything. Sorry. Tijani, you did or you did not receive anything?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                           I haven’t, no, no I haven’t received anything. I got an invitation from Raphael just that we normally receive.

Hawa Diakite:                                   When did you get that? Fatimata.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       When, probably 2 or 3 days ago. I haven’t received anything yet. I got it on Saturday. I haven’t received anything. Yaovi hasn’t received anything, I haven’t. And Dave has. Well, I think they are sending them out little by little we will get them eventually.

Okay. If there is nothing else to say, I think I am going to go. Dave and Yaovi have asked to speak. Yaovi is fine and Dave has finished. Dave has finished as well. Did you have anything to say?

Dave Kissoondoyal:                          No, no, I don’t, have a nice evening.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:                       I hope we can prepare a nice meeting in Cartegena and I think we will have a lot of success the way we are going and I hope all our actions will be successful. Thank you Tijani, everyone have a good evening.

-End of Recorded Material-