AFRALO 06.10.2010 Summary Minutes EN

AFRALO 06.10.2010 Summary Minutes EN

Participants: Dave Kissoondoyal, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Yaovi Atohoun, Baudouin, Michel Tchonang, Fatimata Seye Sylla

Excuses: Hawa Diakite, Mohamed El Bashir

Staff: Heidi Ullrich

Review of the Action Items of 1 September 2010

Tijani sent an email to Cheryl and the staff to raise awareness of the difficulties associated with obtaining visas for Colombia - done and subsequent emails echanged

Members were informed on Open Public Consultations

a. At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule
b. Public Consultations on which ALAC will be preparing statements:
i. Community Working Group Report on Implementation of GNSO New gTLD Recommondation Number 6 (deadline 22 October 2010)
The ALAC statement will be prepared within the new gTLD WG. Input from the regions is requested.
How does AFRALO wish to prepare its comments?

Tijani gave a summary on the work of the WG
He mentioned that Afralo ALS should read the WG report and give their views on the list by latest Wednesday 13th October 2010

ii. FY 11 Update to Plan for Enhancing Internet Security, Stability and Resiliency(ends 13 October 2010) (An extension to 1 November upon the request of the ALAC)
An At-Large Community Briefing Call is being organized with guest speaker, Patrick Jones, acting ICANN coordinator of the Security group.

Feedback from AFRALO Workshop at the IGF
Fatimata and Tijani gave Feedback from AFRALO Workshop at the IGF. It was a success; the room was full and we had two board members who attended the workshop from start till end.
Though we did not receive financing from ICANN, we had been very successful and have been invited to give a brief in the plenary session.

Update on Joint SO/AC (JAS) Working Group on New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group

Tijani gave an update on the Joint SO/AC (JAS) Working Group on New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group.  We deplored the Board resolution during retreat regarding Applicant Support. Some of the members of the WG were so discouraged that they wanted to stop the work of the WG. Finally members decided that we should continue on the work since we are at the stage of finalizing the report.

At-Large Board Director Selection process

Yaovi gave an update on the At-Large Board Director Selection process. He mentioned that the members have agreed with the procedures if the election process. We are left with two to three meetings to complete the process. We have received 22 applications out of which 2 or 3 are from African Regions.

We deplored that the bylaws have not been modified yet to allow the selection of a board member by the ALAC members. It is most unfortunate that we have to work under this condition.

FY12 Budget Development
The development of the FY12 Budget will include a new, more inclusive approach. In October Kevin Wilson will provide details of this new approach for the preparation of FY12 Budget.
We will need to submit our requests by approximately end of January 2011. These requests are to include information on how the requested activity will strengthen ICANN's policy development process.We discussed that our proposed activities should encourage more participation from African ALS.

Dave mentioned that the African ALS do not participate actively since they are not up to date with the currents issues and policies of ICANN

Yaovi proposed that in our next agenda, we should have a specific item on ALS participation after Fatimata mentioned that we have been discussing for more than a year that we lack participation from African ALS

AFRALO Represenative for Whois WG
The ALAC Executive Committee has requested that each region selected a representative (non-ALAC member) for the Whois WG.
This Whois WG will review and comment on the Whois studies that are currently being finalized.
Yaovi volunteered to form part of this Group and Aziz mentioned that he will confirm at a later stage.

AFRALO at the 39th ICANN Meeting in Cartagena

Members were informed about the AFRALO meeting at the 39th ICANN Meeting in Cartagena
a. AFRALO Meeting - currently scheduled for Thursday, 9 December 2010 at 18:00 hrs GMT
Capacity Building will be one of the items on the agenda

b. Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting
A follow up meeting from the Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN meeting in Brussels is being planned to be held at 19:00 hrs on Thursday, 9 December 2010 just after the AFRALO meeting.

Action items for next meeting:
Staff to make sure that
a.    all members who need to travel to Cartagena have received their invitation emails from Constituency travel
b.    Constituency travel informs all airline companies through which our members travelling that the visa for Colombia will be received on arrival in Colombia at the airport