LACRALO Summary Minutes EN 2012-12-17

LACRALO Summary Minutes EN 2012-12-17



Summary Minutes and Action Items
Monthly LACRALO call
Monday 17 December 2012 at 2300 UTC

Meeting Minutes

Herlein Sylvia welcomed. He also stressed that today was the day that ICANN would do the draw of gTLDs
Step assistance
Roll call - Assistance-Staff.

Item 3

Given the success of the training conrinuaremos since March 2013. And so units will be able to help us choose the speakers.

General Assembly: Today ended comments within General Assembly the next step would vote. But as you have seen all the amendments were withdrawn. Iten was the 15 and 16 and both will be discussed in the working groups of Governance and Strategic Planning.
Step-read the email from Jose: (read the email) in which Jose Arce adjourned the General Assembly.

Item 5
Regional Strategic Plan

Fatima: New we had, today send an email to the list where we discussed the latest developments. He put us Links Home on the wiki page.
This week is scheduled the first meeting.
Then we'll be reporting what Avanze in the teleconference.

Vanda: There are high expectations for this work. LACRALO Participation is considered by the Board and this work is very important, everyone must participate.

LACRALO workgroups
Some groups have already submitted their work, so I invited representatives of groups.

Juan Manuel: Group Communication: The style guide is the result, including the recommendations we receive from the list. This document must be translated from Spanish to English. I acknowledge the contributions of Dev and staff.

Erick: Group Strategic Plan. We are finalizing.
Alberto Soto: We've sent an email to the group, we have the approval to the calendar, we need everyone's input.

Dev: I posted a link to the 4 key problems and proposed solutions 4. Emails without punctuation would not be translated also the communication working group produced a style manual for emails.

Antonio Medina. This is a group that has a very complex issue. We hope to have something to deliver in the coming weeks.

Item 7. Other topics

Shipping to the list the two reports we did in NomCom. The most interesting is well detailed. The most interesting were the initial decisions we make in Toronto. First we will record all conversations throughout the NomCom work. These serve as the basis for the minutes and to find information.
This year we decided to create a monthly report.
Ensure that the management of the process will be public. Names of the candidates, all to ensure the privacy of the candidates.
Selection of persons for the GNSO. We must select NomCom, but internally the GNSO has a way of working to ensure a balance between the members of the other groups.

Fatima: Today we had the first meeting of the group capacity building. In this working group will review the indicators which will be very useful.
They develop the mission and LACRALO workgroups. Besides coordinating consider what other groups are doing ICANN will be analyzed.
One of the documents for public comment is the R3. (Link posted).
It would be important that our community can participate.

Dev: One of the announcements made by ICANN's objections period for new gTLDs has been extended from January to March 2013. At Large has posiblidada making objections.

We will have a connection between the website and the wiki for easy navigation.

Sylvia wish you all a Happy 2013!

January 21 at 23:00 UTC First Conference of 2013.