Luis Diego Espinoza, .cr
I'm Luis Espinoza from Costa Rica.
Working at University of Costa Rica for 20 years and for 15 years at NIC that manage .cr with IT related jobs.
Involved in Internet areas, working with the people who's setup the Internet links to Costa Rica, Central America and Caribbean region in the 90's.
Co-designer in wide scale Internet project for the country as adviser of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Good knowledges in IP routing, information security systems, many operating systems (linux, OS X, Windows Server, Solaris, etc), web technologies, VoIP, GIS, IT hardware, IT strategic planning.
I define my self like a geek but with abilities to socialize and keep a family.
Right now, I have 2 weeks working formally full time like CTO of the NIC (15 years like part time adviser and IT support) a small ccTLD, but keeping part time with University.
At ICANN, participating in the ccNSO Incident Response WG and member of ccNSO Tech WG and very worry about the near future stability of Internet.
I expect to provide the point of view of a small ccTLD from a Latinomerican country and in the other side learn to much from you.