Background materials

Background materials

The DSSA is reviewing a variety of documents about the security and stability of the DNS.  In many cases we're finding it helpful to produce extracts or summaries of those documents.  This page is where we maintain that documentation.

Document types:

PDF -- these are read-only files that allow navigation of the mind-map -- but they must be opened in Adobe Reader 9 or later

MMAP -- these are the editable mind-map files -- can be loaded directly into Mindjet's MindManager product or imported into the open-source Freemind program

MM -- these are also mind-map files -- we switched to using Freemind for our work (thus avoiding the cost and complexity of Mindjet's product) in early January 2012

HTML -- these are straight text html files that can be read by any web browser

Results from the 1-Sept teleconference

Background materials.pdf

Background materials.mmap

Background materials.html

Results from the 8-Sept teleconference

Background materials v7v.pdf

Background materials v7.mmap

Background materials v7.html

17-Jan, 2012 -- mindmap converted to Freemind format

DSSA -- Background materials v9.mm