Matt Larson, VeriSign
I'm Matt Larson, currently working in Verisign's Office of the CTO,
where I do a little bit of everything related to DNS. Previous jobs
include DNS consulting and training as co-founder of Acme Byte & Wire
and a stint doing network engineering and a member of the professional
services organization at HP. Full bio at
Since we seem to be mentioning music: I have a BM in church music and
organ performance from Northwestern University. I'm a freelance
organist and choir conductor (will wave hands for money), though I've
held permanent church jobs in the past. I have a piano, two
harpsichords (N+1 redundancy) and a 10-rank pipe organ (about 600
pipes) in my living room. To my knowledge, this is the only pipe
organ purchased with the proceeds of DNS consulting and training. :-)