Cheryl Langdon-Orr
I'm also in the WG from a Non Tech POV although was instrumental as the then serving Chair of the ALAC along with my fellow SO/AC Chairs of the time Chris and Chuck (ccNSO & GNSO) for getting the whole concept off the ground and the Charter organised etc., after the Nairobi Meeting of ICANN... I'll describe myself as " .... a simple Internet end-user / consumer / registrant..." but as I Director of auDA I have also a particular interest in the aspects of our work from a ccTLD perspective. lots of relevant details if your interested about me in Bio materials I post for ICANN use at Some of you have worked with me before :-) and I look forward to meeting the rest of you and getting to know you as well...
I have absolutely NO musical talent at all but have good negotiation, consensus building, strategy and policy development skill sets...
Much of my working life has been related to or involved in areas quality management systems; analytical laboratory and reporting processes, risk analysis / critical point assessment and risk minimization in industries ranging from meat and livestock, abattoirs and slaughterhouses, viticulture, soil science, human pathology laboratories, analytical standards production, food production (HACCP), turn-key laboratories and NATA accreditable processes and facilities through to the demolition, building and construction world; So I'd suggest I'm a generalist with eclectic but experiences in critical systems where high levels of accountability and often transparency are required and have some of the analysis and process problem solving skill sets we might find useful in our planned work.
Also, like Mikey, I live in a rural environment; but we have only a small portion of arable land adjacent to some of our beautiful Australian bushland in the Hawkesbury sandstone region of outer (NW Sydney) here is a link to the Google maps reference,151.028924&spn=0.002596,0.005284&t=h&z=18