2016-12-15 IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protections Mechanisms PDP WG

2016-12-15 IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protections Mechanisms PDP WG

The IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms Working Group call will take place on Thursday, 15 December at 17:00 UTC

09:00 PST, 12:00 EST, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/hpun6q8


  1. Roll call and updates to SOIs
  2. Identify issues or gaps that are not addressed in the draft Initial Report
  3. Confirm date of publication of Initial Report
  4. Next steps / next meeting




AC Chat

Apologies:  Lori Schulman - IPC


As Phil notes, the Working Group members who were on the call that just ended have agreed on the following timeline for the publication of our Initial Report:


  • Thursday 22 December 2016 – deadline for submitting any other comments or edits you may have on the draft that was circulated (attached again here as a PDF document). Please send your comments and edits to this email list to allow all other members to view them, and to ensure that we do not lose anyone’s comments on what is a fairly long document.


  • End of first week of January 2017 – staff to circulate an updated version of the draft, as a proposed final version of the Initial Report.


  • End of second week of January 2017 (7 days from circulation of the proposed final document) – deadline for Working Group members to send final comments (which are expected to be mostly typographical or editorial at that stage).


  • Beginning of third week of January 2017 (latest) – staff to publish Initial Report for public comment, for the minimum mandatory 40-day period (note that the Working Group can decide to extend the duration of the comment period if there is a request from the community to do so)


  • Late February 2017 – close of public comment period (unless extended).


  • 11-16 March 2017 – ICANN58 in Copenhagen; Working Group to hold open session to discuss its review of public comments and any potential changes to its preliminary recommendations with the community.


  • Following ICANN58 – Working Group to complete Final Report and submit it to the GNSO Council for the Council’s review and action.


The Working Group co-chairs will determine, in consultation with staff and the Working Group, whether to hold a webinar (i.e. an information session) 2-3 weeks after the publication of the Initial Report, to explain the preliminary recommendations and take questions from the community.


The Working Group co-chairs will also determine the date of the next Working Group meeting. This is likely to occur toward the end of the public comment period, unless a number of substantive comments are sent in early on.


Thanks to everyone for all the work that has gone into this PDP – staff would like to take this opportunity to also wish you all a very happy new year!