2016-12-01 IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protections Mechanisms PDP WG

2016-12-01 IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protections Mechanisms PDP WG

The IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms Working Group call will take place on Thursday, 1 December at 17:00 UTC

09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CEST

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/jf3dewr

The proposed agenda for our Working Group meeting this Thursday is as follows:

  1. Roll call and updates to Statements of Interest
  2. Review of discussions at ICANN57 – GAC Communique and WG open session
  3. Confirm WG comments in draft Initial Report concerning its review of the IGO Small Group Proposal
  4. Confirm intended date of publication of Initial Report and other milestones leading to the Final Report
  5. Any other business

For #2, here is the link to the GAC Communique: https://gacweb.icann.org/download/attachments/27132037/GAC%20ICANN%2057%20Communique.pdf?version=6&modificationDate=1478668059355&api=v2[gacweb.icann.org], and to the transcript of the Working Group session at ICANN57: http://schd.ws/hosted_files/icann572016/c3/Transcript%20IGO-INGO%20CRP%20Hyderabad%2007%20Nov%202016.pdf[schd.ws]. We note that a link to the slides that were used at that WG session had been circulated previously (see below).

In addition, for #2, WG members may wish to consider the question that was raised by the representative of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) who attended the WG open session: “whether [standing kicks in at the time that a notification is submitted to WIPO or whether it kicks in once it's disseminated to all of the Paris Convention member countries and whether they decide whether or not to reject or not reject that notification.”

For #3, please find attached an initial draft of what will be Section 4 (Deliberations of the PDP Working Group) of our Initial Report (where Section 6 – which we have been discussing – contains our Preliminary Recommendations). As noted previously, Section 4 complements Section 6 by providing both the process background and related narrative to the actual text of the preliminary recommendations.

For purposes of the call this week, staff suggests a focus on Section 4.4 (where the process background and the WG’s conclusions on the Small Group Proposal are described and tabulated).

We are also attaching a clean copy of the latest version of Section 6, updated following the last WG call before ICANN57. Please note that in the interests of getting the draft Deliberations document out to everyone as soon as we could, staff has not yet done a full sweep through the Section 6 document to spot overlaps and gaps.




Joining late: 

Apologies:  Petter Rindforth 

Reference Documents: 

DRAFT - Deliberations - 28 Nov 2016

CLEAN updated Section 6 - 30 Oct