Action | Who | Date | Due Date | Status | Notes |
Action Item 146-01: The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the ICANN Secretary and candidates accordingly and invite the future Councillors for the upcoming Council workshop at the Kobe meeting. | Katrina | |
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Action Item 146-02: The Council requests the secretariat to publish this resolution and Terms of Reference as soon as possible and send out a call for volunteers as proposed. ( On-Boarding Programme) |
Action Item 146-03: The ccNSO Chair [with the assistance of the Secretariat] draft a response to Roelof Meijer’s email regarding the Emoji Study Group. An email will also be drafted to the study group reminding them in addition to the technical aspects of using emojis as second level domains, to include the rationale as to why some ccTLDs do allow this, in their report. | Katrina | |
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Action Item 146-04: The Chair of the ccNSO Council is requested to inform ICANN Org on their decision to reconfirm candidates and requests them to seek approval from the other appointing members on behalf of the ccNSO | |
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Action Item 146-05: The Chair of the ccNSO Council along with the assistance of Bart Boswinkel, draft an explanatory note to be include in the email from Trang Nguyen to the appointing groups | |
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Action Item 146-07: Post travel funding guideline to community mailing lists by end of week for community consultation | Katrina |
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Action Item 146-08: Secretariat to develop maintenance plan to be presented at the February meeting. |
Action Item 146-09: The Secretariat is requested to inform ICANN staff regarding appointment of Alejandra Reynoso as representative and mentor on the ICANN Fellowship Program. |
Action Item 146-10: The Chair of the ccNSO Council along with Peter Vergote and the Secretariat to inform the community of the topic of moving the joint meeting with the GAC to Sunday so they can prepare for a more meaningful discussion on this subject. To be send late January or in February | |
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Action Item 146-11: Council statement to be drafted and submitted regarding PDP Subsequent procedures WT 5. | ccNSO Council |
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Action Item 145-03: Secretariat to draft resolution and send it to the council list. Councilors to suggest edits and at the end have an online vote. | Secretariat | |
Action Item 145-02: The GRC is requested to inform the Council and broader community on progress at the next face to face meeting in Kobe. | Guidelines Review Committe | | Kobe Meeting | |
Action Item 145-01: The ccNSO Council requests the Secretariat to publish this resolution as soon as possible after the closure of this ccNSO Council meeting (CCWG-Accountability) | secretariat | | | |
Action Item 144-01: Secretariat to inform Programme Standing Committee of approved charter change and make necessary changes to website, etc. |
Action Item 144-02: Council to provide additional comments/suggestions to the ccNSO Council submission on the initial WT1-4 report. (by 24 September) |
Action Item 144-03: The Chair of the ccNSO Council is requested to inform the GNSO Council accordingly and, if the GNSO Council also adopts the Template, together with the Chair of the GNSO Council inform the ICANN Board of Directors, the President and CEO of ICANN and the CSC accordingly |
Action Item 144-04: Discuss with ICANN Board in Barcelona on how internet governance issues are addressed – and coordinated discussion with community. | Council | | By Barcelona | |
Action Item 144-05: Councilors and ROs to let the secretariat know about their meetings in 2019, to avoid conflicts <secretariat will send proposed 2019 dates to Council> | Secretariat | | By Barcelona | |
Action Item 143:01: Chair to inform NomCom and relevant ICANN staff about appointment Pablo Rodriguez as ccNSO member of the NomCom | Chair |
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Action Item 143:02: ccNSO Secretariat to reach out to ICANN Org to check names of full state to be shared | Bart Boswinkel |
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Action Item 143-03: Chair/Secretariat to ask Young Eum Lee for written update | Bart Boswinkel |
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Action Item 143:04: The ccNSO Council is requested to review the responses on questions (and proposed amended charter) in preparation of the September Council meeting. |
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Action Item 143-05: Secretariat to schedule onboarding, include NomCom Councilors | Secretariat |
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Action Item 143-06: Issue a Call for Expression of Interests for IFRT, if no/not enough applications received by the due date. | Secretariat |
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Action Item 143-07: Alejandra Reynoso, Margarita Valdes and Jelena Ozegovic include analysis of announcement on fellowship program. | Community reps |
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Action Item 142-01: Secretariat/Council chair check with the CCWG on the expectations from the ccNSO on their final report (approval, timing, etc.) | Chair/Secretariat |
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Action Item 142-02: The Secretariat along with Alejandra Reynoso, Margarita Valdes and Jelena Ozegovic to develop an options paper for the Onboarding – Mentor/Mentee program by the August or September Council meeting. Elements from current program, including tracking, should be included. | Secretariat |
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Action Item 142-03: Revised Charter of the Programme Working Group to reflect change from Working Group to Committee. |
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Action Item 142-04: Review/revise TLD OPS charter to reflect addition of a co-chair and increased “powers” to organize workshop, etc. |
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Action Item 142-05: Subscribe Giovanni Seppia to all relevant mailing lists as well as update website/wiki. | Secretariat | ASAP |
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Action Item 141-01: Secretariat to publish guideline on Rejection Action Petition | Secretariat |
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Action Item 141-02: The Secretariat to send out call for volunteers to Councillor to seek Rejection Action Petition Manager and an alternate. | Secretariat |
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Action Item 141-03: The Secretariat to send out a call for volunteers to Council list to seek two additional Councillors as members of the Rejection Action Petition Review Committee | Secretariat |
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Action Item 141-04: Chair to inform Adebiyi and the GNSO Council of appointment of liaison to the GNSO | Secretariat/Chair |
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Action Item 141-05: Further, the ccNSO Council requests the Guideline Review Committee to review and update the relevant guideline to include terms for appointment. | Chair |
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Action Item 141-06: The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform ICANN Org and SSAC accordingly. The Chair is also requested to extend through the chair of SSAC an invite to members of SSAC to participate in a personal capacity or any other way they find appropriate. | Chair |
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Action Item 141-07: The secretariat is further requested to inform the community as soon as possible on the upcoming CSC member nomination and selection process. | Secretariat |
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Action Item 141-08: The GRC is requested to prepare a draft Statement to be finalized by the Council | Chair |
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Action Item 141-09: The ccNSO Chair to resend the questions asked to the CCWG IG – adding new questions if any. | Chair |
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Action Item 140-01: Councilors are asked to volunteer to organize this session or to put forward ideas. | Council |
| ASAP | |
Action Item 140-02: Follow up with the TLD-OPS Committee and Tech working group on their involvement in these sessions | Katrina / Secretariat |
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Action Item 140-03: Email to the community asking for suggestions on what to include in the disaster recovery session [and active involvement from the Programme Working Group] | secretariat |
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Action Item 140-04: Secretariat to send out call for volunteers for study group on use of emoji as top-level domain and to inform ICANN and SSAC | secretariat |
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Action Item 140-05: A small group will need to be established who understand the CSC process to liaise with the GNSO – to include at least one Councilor | Bart Boswinkel |
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Action Item 139-01: The Secretariat is requested to seek reconfirmation of those persons who were appointed in January 2107 for the ccNSO Review Working Party (RWP) | Secretariat |
| ASAP | |
Action Item 139-02: The ccNSO Council requests the Secretariat to send out a call for volunteers as soon as possible to invite new members to the Guideline review committee | Secretariat |
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Action Item 139-03: With respect to the work plan, the Chair and Secretariat are requested to complete the draft prior to the next meeting for discussion and adoption, taking into account the results of the Council Workshop | Chair / Secretariat |
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Action Item 139-04: Guidelines Review Committee is asked to review the Rules of the ccNSO and make recommendations. | Bart Boswinkel |
| ASAP | |
Action Item 139-05: Bart Boswinkel to circulate Terms of Reference for Study Group on use of Emojis as top level domains. Council to revisit call for volunteers in April. | Bart Boswinkel |
| |
Action Item 139-06: Start process of selecting new liaison to the GNSO | Secretariat |
| ASAP | |
Action Item 139-07: Council to review/discuss topic of disaster recovery – ways forward | Council |
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Action Item 139-08: Secretariat to summarize discussions from joint sessions (board, gnso, gac) and Council workshop | Secretariat |
| Ongoing | |
Action Item 138-01: The ccNSO Chair will forward letter regarding SSR2 from GNSO to the Counci | Chair | ASAP | ASAP | |
Action Item 138-02: ccNSO Council Chair will circulate Resolutions on the mailing list for decision. | Chair | ASAP | ASAP | |
Action Item 137-01: The ccNSO Council thanks its travel committee for its report, and request the GRC to take the results into account and finalize the draft travel guideline by the next Council meeting for adoption by Council. | GRC |
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Action Item 137-02: following the discussion the chair is requested to propose a resolution for an on-line decision as soon as feasible. | Council Chair |
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Action Item 137-03: The Councillors to provide comment on-line by 25 January 2018 23.59 UTC. The Chair to propose final text for on-line adoption by 29 January 2018, 23.59 UTC. And submit the agreed upon Council Statement by 2 February 2018. | Council | ASAP | next meeting | |
Action Item 137-04: The secretariat is requested to propose a timeline taking into account the results of today’s discussion on timing and inform the Council by 2 February 2018 to allow Council to take a decision, if any, by its next meeting. | Secretariat |
| ASAP | |
Action Item 136-01: The Secretariat is requested to inform the review team accordingly (ccNSO meeting strategy). | Secretariat | ASAP | ASAP | |
Action Item 136-02: Secretariat is requested to send email to Council for volunteers (Ethos awards panel). | Secretariat | ASAP | ASAP | |
Action Item 136-03: Ask the secretariat to check the references in the current Fast Track documentation and overall recommended policy to understand if and how references to relevant RFC’s is included and report back to Council by February meeting in time for our meeting in Puerto Rico. | Secretariat | Ongoing | Ongoing | |