Action Items - 2022

Action Items - 2022

Action Items from Council Meetings:




Due Date



Action Item 179-01:
Councilors are asked to complete the Doodle for the Community Trends Session


Action Item 179-02:
GAC Liaison: Chair is requested to inform the Chair of the GAC accordingly


Action Item 179-03:
Mentor Fellowship: The Secretariat of the ccNSO is requested to inform ICANN support
staff of the Fellowship program accordingly


Action Item 179-04:
IGLC Leadership: The Chair is requested to inform the IGLC of the appointment of Anneliese and Abdullah

Action Item: 179-06
Secretariat to prepare outreach plan for ccNSO Rules

Action Item 179-07:

Chair to inform ICANN org that the ccNSO agrees with forming a coordination group and ask GRC to appoint a representative

Action Item 179-07:

Secretariat is requested to schedule the Council ICANN73 prep call 

Action Item 179-08:

Councilors to submit suggested topics via mailing list for the Q&A with ccTLD-related ICANN Board members -

Action Item 181-01:

Secretariat to launch a call for a volunteer on the Root Server System Governance Working Group

Action Item 181-02:

The Secretariat to publish the Roadmap [as proposed by the DNS Abuse ad hoc group] on the ccNSO website, and inform the community accordingly

Action Item 181-03:

Circulate to Council DNS Abuse Standing Committee Terms of Reference for approval.

Action Item 181-04:

Review / identify existing terms of references which require updating and begin process

Action Item 181-05: Chair election Alejandra Reynoso: the secretariat is requested to inform the ICANN secretary accordingly and post an announcement on the ccNSO Website.

Action Item 181-06: Vice chair election Jordan Carter:the secretariatis requested to inform the ICANN secretary accordingly and post an announcement on the ccNSO Website

Action Item 181-07: Vice chair election Adebiyi Oladipo:The secretariat is requested to inform the ICANN secretary accordingly and post anannouncement on the ccNSO Website. 

Action Item 181-08: Draft and circulate response to the feedback received on ccNSO Council Statement on impartiality

Intermeeting Decisions (since meeting 181, March 2022) ●Adoption clarification impartiality statement●Adoption amendment Terms of Reference Triage committee ●Adoption Terms of Reference DNS Abuse Standing Committee and launch call volunteers●Appointment Qing Cai (.cn) as ccNSO liaison to the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG)●Appointment Peter Koch to theRoot Server System Governance Working Group (GWG)●Launch call volunteers ccNSO appointee to 2023 NomCom