Post ATLAS II Implementation - ALT

Post ATLAS II Implementation - ALT

 No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus
4ICANN should study the possibility of enhancing and increasing the role of Liaisons between its different Advisory Committees and Supporting Organizations (AC/SOs) to do away with the “silo culture”.ICANN SO & AC ChairsTG1
  • ALT



Implementation Details

The At-Large Community has led the efforts of breaking down the “silo culture” in ICANN and bridging the gap between different stakeholder groups in ICANN.

Besides its liaisons to the ccNSO, GNSO, and SSAC, the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) has recently appointed a liaison to the GAC. The ALAC has chartered major cross community working groups and initiated a few, such as the Cross Community Committee on Accessibility. Several Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs) have established Memorandum of Understanding with Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). At-Large has also actively participated in staff-led programs and groups, such as the Civil Society Engagement Program and the Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team.

These efforts have improved At-Large’s understanding of and communications with other community groups, making it a constructive voice in the policymaking in ICANN.

Next Step

To continue this effort, more RALOs will harmonize relationship and establish formal linkage with RIRs. At-Large will also encourage more members to participate in GNSO Policy Development Process Working Groups.


 (ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce meeting - ICANN54) 

  • ALAC to discuss the possibility of establishing a liaison with the GAC  


  • Focus on developing training and mentoring opportunities for future successors of liaisons.
  • Potential collaboration is needed between the ALAC and other SOs/ACs.

 (Post ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce meeting - ICANN54) 

  • The Post ATLAS II Implementation taskforce has relay the request to the ALAC with regard to establishing a formal ALAC liaison to the GAC. Hence this recommendation is marked completed in the taskforce side. 
  • Cross Community initiatives, such as the civil society engagement project, will ultimately do away with the silo culture. 
  • In ICANN, some of the social and corridor activities contribute to the creation of silos. The NomCom becomes an engine in creating these silos. Some of the evening activities that happen within certain groups that are invite-only events create an us-and-them sort of culture. Although it is a difficult thing to tackle because these are private events that are outside the remit of ICANN, they are under the broader umbrella of ICANN, and they do create a dividing culture. 
  • There should be a lot of participation by ALAC in other areas and other activities. We have got liaisons, but do we actually take anything out of it and do something as a result of what the liaison say? 

(ALT monthly teleconference) 

  • ALAC liaison to the GAC was a topic of discussion during the ALT monthly meeting. Since the teleconference, the ALAC and the GAC have coordinated efforts to establish this position through an appropriate mechanism. 





No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus
16ICANN needs to improve their direct communications regardless of time zones.ICANN Board; ICANN GSE StaffTG2
  • ALT

COMPLETED - No Response Required


Implementation Details

The At-Large Community has made a firm commitment for the rotation of its teleconferences, webinars, and briefings to cater to participants in various time zones.

At-Large has also made ICANN treats time zone accommodation a priority in enhancing inclusion and diversity.

As a result, there has been an absolute increase of the rotation of teleconferences across ICANN, particularly in cross community working groups and webinars and briefings held by staff departments. 

Next Step

At-Large will maintain a watching brief on the rotation of teleconferences within ICANN and other improvements of communications across various time zones.


    • ATLAS II IT to ask ALT to confirm that there has been a firm commitment re continuing the system of rotation for At-Large calls, webinars, and briefings 
    • ALAC to ask ICANN Board and GSE Staff to confirm that there has been a firm commitment re continuing the system of rotation for ICANN calls, webinars, and briefings  


  • An absolute increase of the rotation of calls among different time zones; especially the rotation of calls in the IANA CWG, Accountability CCWG, and ICG are supported by our community; 
  • The At-Large calls are about to rotate to cater to attendees in different time zones 
  • Making decision within 24hr period is still a challenge 
  • (update from the GSE, slides
    • Note on slide: This is being addressed through rotation of time zones for QSC and in some working groups with rotation of call times. This recommendation is not limited to GSE, but also applies to other departments across ICANN.