Post ATLAS II Implementation - Individuals
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
1 | ICANN should continue to support outreach programmes that engage a broader audience, in order to reinforce participation from all stakeholders. | ICANN Board; ICANN Staff | TG1 |
Implementation Details
The At-Large Community, especially the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement, has closely collaborated with ICANN staff departments in the creation, implementation, and refinement of outreach programs that aim to engage audience in various geographic regions.
These efforts include Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Department’s regional strategies, NextGen, Fellowship, and Mentorship programs under the Development and Public Responsibility Department, and the Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program.
As a direct beneficiary of those programs, At-Large has seen a marked increase of accredited At-Large Structures in all regions, as well as the attendance of its teleconferences, webinars, briefings, and face-to-face meetings. Greater engagement has brought active participation and diverse views to the policy activities in ICANN.
Next Step
At-Large will continue collaborating with ICANN staff to ensure the lasting success of those programs and will help develop future outreach programs and services.
- Chair of TG1 (Leon Sanchez, Rafid Fatani, Evan Leibovitch, Adam Peake) to develop a paragraph and expand the notion of 'broader' based on the materials of the TG1;
- :
- Ariel Liang to ask whether the original assignees can still follow up on Rec 1
- Leon Sanchez to touch base with whoever still available to implement Rec 1 to push for progress
- Assignees to contact the Next Gen program (Nora Abusitta & Lauren Allison from UPRD) and encourage the Next Gen students to engage more with ICANN community groups during ICANN meetings (e.g. invite them to ALAC sessions, showcase)
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- Dev Anand Teelucksingh to relay this recommendation to the O&E SC and note whether meeting B will be a good opportunity to implement this recommendation
- Broader audience = underrepresented community members?
- ICANN’s efforts to bring in new people should not be limited to people in developing countries but also under-represented community members that live in developed countries. Therefore, ICANN should extend its programs in place to all underserved communities.
- : Next Gen students are brought to ICANN Meetings but have limited exposure to ICANN community groups. To enhance this program's outreach effect, Next Gen students should participate more in community sessions during ICANN Meetings.
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- This recommendation is linked to Recommendation #21:
- B meeting will be an opportunity to implement Recommendation #1 (more than recommendation #21?), as it is the only meeting that ICANN communities will have a specific day dedicated to outreach and it may be easier for the community to make specific request to conduct those activities.
- (update from the GSE, slides)
- Note on Slide: The regional engagement strategies describe how outreach activities reinforce participation across all stakeholder groups.
- Pierre Dandijnou on the 2nd version of the Africa outreach strategy:
- It has 2 objectives: 1) to increase participation from Africa, 2) to support the DNS market and contribute to the digital economy in Africa.
- There are a host of projects around, and the flagship projects are the DNSSEC, for instance, for the security issues. GSE is also working on the DNS entrepreneurship and startups will be launched. GSE is expecting quick results to increase participation within ICANN, but also make sure that ICANN is better known in Africa.
- Rodrigo De la Parra on Latin American and Caribbean Strategy:
- There is a renewed strategy goes from 2016 to 2020 (presentation on Jan 28, 2016)
- The new objectives for the Latin American plan are now aligned to the new ICANN Strategy
- One of the main concerns in the Latin America and Caribbean community is to have more participation of Latin American and Caribbean participants in ICANN, especially in terms of occupying leadership positions within the community.
- Capacity building has also been one of the main issues and main focuses in our strategy.
- Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Is there good coordination between the different VPs? It looks at the moment that some regions have made more progress than other regions.
- Sally Costerton:
- Between the GSE Teams and the evenness of the programs, the ones that are community-led are community-led. So the evenness is what it is. It depends very much on what the community team wants to do. They are only facilitated by the VPs. That is a characteristic of the region and the particular priorities that that region has.
- Are we exchanging best practice at a staff level? The answer is yes, we are. We had a full day here actually with the entire GSE Team. We also had some other staff with us from other teams on Wednesday this week, to do exactly that. That was the theme of the day – to exchange best practice. So the teams are increasingly sharing information and knowledge. We’re starting to move programs, such as the policy read-out.
- Between the GSE Teams and the evenness of the programs, the ones that are community-led are community-led. So the evenness is what it is. It depends very much on what the community team wants to do. They are only facilitated by the VPs. That is a characteristic of the region and the particular priorities that that region has.
- Fatima Cambronero: Argentina was excluded from the countries that can apply as Fellows, according to the World Bank list. In Argentina there are many leaders who have been in the Fellowship Program who are currently engaged, and many activities are being organized.
- Alberto Soto: Haiti needs participation in the Fellowship program the most, because it is the country with the least penetration of the Internet. Dominican Republic has had representatives twice, and Haiti has never been represented.
- Sally Costerton: Argentina is not the only country that has fallen off the radar because of this World Bank classification. We obviously have to use something to decide where we’re going to allocate the resources. It’s becoming very clear that in some parts of South America, and also in some parts of Eastern Europe, there has been very low engagement with the ICANN issues because of this. Nora Abusitta who makes the decisions about this, is in the middle of reviewing how we do this, to make sure that these countries are engaged.
- Vanda Scartezini: We need to focus on the B meeting and focus everybody in that region on making it happen and getting good feedback from outreach.
- Sally Costerton: There’s a strong, bottom-up, community request in these proposals that we focus on outreach, and part of the point of the B Meeting is to take the meeting to places where it can’t go. So we really are very committed, at a staff level, to putting time and energy behind this, as well as money and resources.
Input from Outreach & Engagement:
- Staff has confirmed that Sally Costerton's team and Nora Abusitta's team (including Jeffrey Dunn & Janice Douma Lange) will be invited to the Sunday ALAC session in ICANN 54
- Next Gen will participate in the O&E SC meeting in Dublin
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
14 | ICANN should adjust its contractual framework to minimize conflict between its requirements and relevant national laws. | ICANN Board; ICANN Staff | TG2 |
Implementation Details
The At-Large Community has been keen on advising ICANN to systematically adjust its contractual framework and minimize the conflict between contractual requirements and national laws/regulations. For example, the ALAC is in process preparing a Statement that advises ICANN to improve the Registrar Data Retention Waiver Request process and to develop a preemptive solution that minimizes the legal, financial, and operational impact on non-US registrars.
At-Large members have also been actively contributing to the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream Jurisdiction SubGroup. One of the work areas of the SubGroup is to address ICANN’s relationships with the national jurisdictions for particular domestic issues (ccTLDs managers, protected names either for international institutions or country and other geographic names, national security, etc.), privacy, and freedom of expression.
Next Step
The ALAC will submit the advice to the ICANN Board with regard to the Registrar Data Retention Waiver Request process. At-Large will continue engaging in the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 Jurisdiction SubGroup. Seasoned At-Large leaders will encourage more At-Large members to participate proactively and make greater influence.
- The ALAC Ex-Chair (Olivier Crepin-Leblond) to informally get in touch with colleagues on other SOs and ACs about this issue
- Alan Greenberg and holly.raiche to be consulted on this matter. Update on
This problem is often found when it comes to the treatment of personal information.
Work is currently taking place two-fold:
by ICANN issuing special amendments to its contracts on a case by case basis specifically regarding its data retention waivers:
etc. Many of these are individual Data Retention Waivers but also a process to change the agreement on a more permanent basis
The ICANN Cross Community Working Group on ICANN Accountability is also looking at the Issue. I would recommend that the work of this working group be examined once it is complete
Worth noting that I have asked other SO/AC Chair in the past about this issue (prior to the work taking place above) and there was, at the time, barely any response.
It is partially completed as the ICANN has done a lot of work with respect to this recommendation, examples as mentioned above.
Part of the CCWG Accountability work (e.g. how the Review Process will be taken into account, role of local/national laws, how to write the bylaw, discussion regard the human rights at the global and national level) is relevant to this recommendation
(feedback from Alan Greenberg)
The WS2 Jurisdiction Staff Paper ( #) includes among its points:
"Relationships with the national jurisdictions for particular domestic issues (ccTLDs managers, protected names either for international institutions or country and other geographic names, national security, etc.), privacy, freedom of expression."
- So I would say it will certainly be discussed.