Zoom chat: 2023-06-27 AFRALO General Assembly Organizing Committee Call
00:23:30 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Yes, mute Aziz
00:25:54 Bukola Oronti: I'm in now, no need to dial out
00:26:14 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Reacted to "I'm in now, no need ..." with
00:26:21 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome @Bukola
00:26:54 Bukola Oronti: Reacted to "Welcome @Bukola" with
00:29:42 silvia.vivanco: @Seun noted
00:30:23 Raymond: Good evening
00:30:33 silvia.vivanco: Welcome all
00:30:58 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome Bram to audio
00:31:04 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome Raymond
00:32:43 Seun S. Ojedeji: @Gisella kindly dialout to Bukola
00:32:54 Seun S. Ojedeji: Sorry @Claudia i meant
00:33:23 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: @Seun, Bukola is on zoom
00:33:29 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome Remmy to audio
00:36:47 silvia.vivanco: This is the WIKI page (we will post the latest Agenda once approved ) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AFRALO/pages/104648494/Agenda+-+AFRALO+General+Assembly-Accra+24-25+July+2023
00:37:36 silvia.vivanco: Google doc with Agenda
00:37:40 silvia.vivanco: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14njuYIMh5eHsSYbteXzfsF11QCfCc1dw/edit
00:40:28 gisella.gruber: I will touch on remote participants and ‘registration'
00:41:18 gisella.gruber: Dinner will be at 7pm and yes for transport, if away from the venue
00:41:28 gisella.gruber: We end our meetings at 6pm
00:43:18 gisella.gruber: This is up to travel support
00:44:10 silvia.vivanco: @Gisella thank you for raising the visa concern with our meetings team
00:44:36 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: Noted Gisela
00:44:43 Raymond: I think a simple Google form will suffice
00:45:08 silvia.vivanco: AI; Gisella to follow up on visa concerns with travel team and get back to the OC
00:46:07 Raymond: It's not difficult to get a visa
00:46:13 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: It takes a min because of interpreters, thank you
00:47:42 Raymond: Bong is here for GhanaSIG and got visa on arrival.
Another person is here for GhanaSIG from Zambia without issues. If anyone needs my assistant let me know
00:48:22 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: We have less than a month
00:48:43 gisella.gruber: Please note that the restaurant and transport may not be finalised by next week
00:48:52 gisella.gruber: I will add to the agenda the timings of the events
00:49:06 gisella.gruber: Re Hotel Confirmation, noted and passed on to our Travel team
00:49:21 Seun S. Ojedeji: Exactly
00:50:10 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: https://aau.org/2023/06/the-africa-engagement-forum/ for local information
00:51:12 Bukola Oronti: If visa on arrival is certain, we might need to explore that option since the time is upon us. I will suggest ICANN travel team explore that.
00:52:07 Bukola Oronti: If they can look up all the countries members are coming from and if they will be allowed the option
00:52:19 gisella.gruber: All noted thank you and for offering to help
00:54:34 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: I suggest that people who need via apply no later than 1st July.
00:54:46 silvia.vivanco: AI: Seun and Aziz to develop the Agenda for the Webinar event
00:54:52 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: I suggest that people who need visa do apply no later than 1st July.
00:55:25 Bukola Oronti: I thought Bram and Tijani was to suggest topic for the webinar. We might just work with the topic suggested
00:55:29 Raymond: 12
00:55:35 gisella.gruber: 19th is closer to the event so maybe better. I do suggest to add any ‘homework’ to the email I will draft for them
00:56:11 silvia.vivanco: Good idea re homework
00:56:21 silvia.vivanco: Some pointers for them to prepare
00:56:36 gisella.gruber: I go with what the OC wishes :-)
00:58:18 silvia.vivanco: 19 date for the Webinar
00:59:05 silvia.vivanco: 18:30 UTC
01:00:58 silvia.vivanco: We have followed up after Aziz's email
01:01:35 silvia.vivanco: Please note that Sally COsterton will be on day 2
01:01:49 silvia.vivanco: So we have added her to that day and will delete her off day 1
01:02:29 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: Sally will not be on site
01:02:46 silvia.vivanco: Yes Sally will join remotely
01:02:49 silvia.vivanco: On day 2
01:02:59 silvia.vivanco: Nabil will be online as well
01:03:06 silvia.vivanco: And Mohamed as well online
01:03:25 silvia.vivanco: Alan Barrett- Board staff will confirm if online or in person
01:05:12 iwan.defluiter: Yes, Baher will come in person
01:06:28 Aziz Hilali: He lives in Accra
01:08:27 Aziz Hilali: No
01:08:39 Aziz Hilali: He is not
01:09:44 silvia.vivanco: DAY 0- in Agenda
01:10:35 Bukola Oronti: It's a good one
01:16:29 silvia.vivanco: Yes Sally could do a general remark
01:16:34 silvia.vivanco: And then the hot topics
01:16:59 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: Good idea
01:18:18 silvia.vivanco: So we can do Session 5: 1) Sally C- General remarks and 2) Hot Topics @icann - (and delete RALO visibility)
01:23:27 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: @Seun: Good suggestion
01:24:03 Bukola Oronti: I agree with you on that @Seun S. Ojedeji
01:24:06 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: @Seun, we had a 10 min extension
01:24:19 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: Will Prof Nabil be in Ghana?
01:25:40 silvia.vivanco: Prof Nabil will be virtually @Yaovi
01:26:10 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: @seun, Aziz can not hear you as the interpreters are speaking
01:27:00 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: 15 minutes workshop too short - 10 minutes for ALS to report not possible. We should be realistic
01:27:31 Seun S. Ojedeji: Okay thanks now i understand
01:29:11 silvia.vivanco: AI: Seun to follow up with Nabil and Abdulkarim for them to speak at the workshop event- significant part of the discussion will be at the Pre-Webinar
01:29:48 silvia.vivanco: @Seun noted
01:30:18 Aziz Hilali: AI: Email to moderators to coordinate between speakers
01:30:19 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: 5 mins ok
01:30:19 silvia.vivanco: Ok 5 mins
01:30:22 silvia.vivanco: Thanks
01:30:29 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: I hope we will not ask extension of time in Accra
01:30:31 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Ok, we have 5 mins
01:32:04 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: AEF starts at 14:30
01:33:43 Bukola Oronti: Okay
01:33:49 silvia.vivanco: Thursday 06 July 18: 00 UTC?
01:33:55 Raymond: Okay by me.
01:34:38 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: Thank you all
01:34:42 silvia.vivanco: Next call Thursday 06 July at 18:00 UTC for 90 mins
01:35:09 silvia.vivanco: I will post ACTION ITEMs for all
01:35:14 Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org: bye