2023-07-19 AFRALO Pre GA Webinar Call

2023-07-19 AFRALO Pre GA Webinar Call

Date: Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Time: 18:00 - 19:30 UTC (for the time in various time zones, click here)  

How can I participate in this meeting?

Comment participer a cette teleconference?

Conference ID: FR & EN 3535

 Zoom Room Registration (MUST REGISTER TO JOIN) : https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErduutpzspEtLUMIshdKtmH4vL2biqWQAV  Passcode: 6Qu84@!$#J


EN: Adam Ahmat Doungous, Adetokunbo Abiola, Ahmed Abdelmoneim, Alan Barrett, Allan Magezi, Amina Ramallan, Annett Bonuke, Athanase Bahizire, Bakary Kouate, Barrack Otieno, Ben Rachad Sanoussi, Brahim Ousmane, Bram Fudzulani, Bukola Oronti, Calvin Williams, Cedric Kinanga Yindu, Cedrick Mbeyet, Christelle Assirou, Dave Kissoondoyal, Dr. Jabhera Matogoro, Edward Williams, Emmanuel Mfitumukiza, Emmanuel Mmeah, Esther Ngom, Faisal Ali, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Foldestine Paye, Frank Anati, Fuseini Mugisu, Godsway Kubi, Hadia Elminiawi, Hubert Nouatin, Ihueze Nwobilor, Isaac Maposa, Jaacob Odame-Baiden, Jesse Nathan Kalange, Joel Okomoli, Joshua Ayayi, Julius Kirimi, Kabine Doumbia, Keolebogile Rantsetse, Lavish Mawuena Mensah, Lesley Tarabina, Lillian Nalwoga, Mary Uduma, Michel Tchonang Linze, Nabil Benamar, Ndiaga Gueye, Nicholas Kwame Adjei, Omar Shuran, Ore L, Otunte Otueneh, Ousmane Barra, Pastor Peters Omoragbon, Princess Lovia Tetteh, Raihanath Gbadamassi, Raymond Mamattah, Remmy Nweke, Richard Amanfu, Roger Baah, Snagaai Moliwulo, Sarah Kiden, Sarataa Omane, Seani Ramaphosa, Seun Ojedeji, Shadrach Aankrah, Shah Zahidur Rahman, Tidjani Mahamat Adoum, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Vernatius Ezeama, Zakaria Issa Moustapha

FR: Olevié Kouami, Gabriel Bombambo Boseko, Hervé Hounzandji , Michel Tchonang, Rita Menodji, Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNÉ, Aicha Abbad, Raihanath Gbadamassi, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong,

Apologies: none

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Pierre Dandjinou, Claudia Ruiz, Michelle DeSmyter

FR Interpreters: Claire & Camila

Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter

 Action Items: EN

Zoom Recording: EN

Recording: EN, FR

Zoom Chat: EN  

Transcript: EN FR


AIM: The Goal of this Webinar is to prepare members towards our upcoming General Assembly that will be held - in Accra Ghana from 24 to 25th July. 

SESSION, Moderator : Chair AFRALO 

  1. Attendance - Staff
  2. Welcome Remarks: Seun Ojedeji, AFRALO Chair (5 mins)
  3. Presentation of the GA Program   Aziz Hilali, AFRALO V-Chair & OC GA Program Committee Lead (10min)
  4. Presentation, Remarks and updates from Some of the GA Speakers (53  mins):  
    a) Update on AFRALO RoP - Isaac Maposa and Abdeldjalil  Bachar Bong - RoP Review Co-Chairs  (13 mins)
    b) Presentation of the AFRALO member performance metrics -  Tijani Ben Jemaa (15 mins)
    c) GSE role and expectation for the GA/the Engagement Forum - Pierre Dandjinou, Vice President for Africa ,ICANN(5 mins)
    d) Practical Workshop on Universal Acceptance Domain names & E-mail addresses  - Nabil Benamar and Abdulkarim Oloyede (20 mins)
  5. Logistics Update & Last minutes info - Gisella Gruber - (10 mins)
  6. General Questions/Answer- all   (5 mins)
  7. Closing Remarks – Seun Ojedeji, AFRALO Chair (2 mins)
