S&T Meeting #19 - 6 September

S&T Meeting #19 - 6 September


Team:  Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Gaonlalwe Mosweu, David Taylor, Laureen Kapin,

            Calvin Browne, Carlton Samuels, Drew Bagley

Apologies:  Fabro Steibel

Staff:  Pamela Smith, Alice Jansen, Margie Milam, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez,

          Eleeza Agopian, Antonietta Mangiacotti



1. Consider where your existing papers fit into our revised order of topics.
2. Finalize your papers. September 15th is the deadline for all final discussion papers (the Competition subteam has the same deadline). To facilitate working together more easily, I've paired folks rather than using larger groups. Ultimately, however, we'll all be reviewing each other's work.
3. Finalize all data requests and requests for ICANN staff by September 14th. In Vienna, we discussed several Compliance-related requests (Fabro, Calvin, and Carlton). Please identify those requests and work with Eleeza to get the information you need from ICANN Compliance.
4. Questions and AOB.

Discussion documents: 

Safeguards Trust Mandate with Sub-Questions v6.pdf


Chat Transcript: EN

Transcript: EN


  • ACTION ITEM - Staff to recirculate links that are relevant to Right Protection Mechanisms databases and to advise whether possible to indicate what nature of complaints was -https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/cct-metrics-compliance-2016-06-27-en.
  • ACTION ITEM - Drew and staff to connect with Fabro to ensure aware of where data sources for safeguards live.
  • ACTION ITEM - Drew and Calvin to look at compliance data that may be useful for DNS abuse complaints.
  • ACTION ITEM - All to send David comments on RPM related subquestions (if any)
  • ACTION ITEM - All to read Trust in the domain name system paper. Carlos and Laureen to discuss whether follow-ups needed.
  • ACTION ITEM - Laureen and Fabro to add to consumer trust paper: perceived value in new innovations (registration restrictions, validation, voluntary PICs)
  • ACTION ITEM - Laureen and Gao to discuss how to incorporate implementation of inovations and initiatives
  • ACTION ITEM - Jamie and Laureen to connect on consumer trust in the DNS

When working with Laureen - please use traditional email instead of google docs.

Papers need to be submitted by 15 SEPTEMBER

REMINDER - Data requests need to be articulated by 14 September

  • ACTION ITEM - S&T Team members to schedule two check-in times with their pair between 6 September and 15 September
  • ACTION ITEM - Lead Drafter to identify for Alice whether working with traditional email or google doc.