AC Chat: 2019-04-11 LACRALO Governance Working Group Call

AC Chat: 2019-04-11 LACRALO Governance Working Group Call

  Claudia Ruiz: (4/11/2019 15:16) Welcome to the LACRALO Governance Working Group Call on Thursday, 11 April 2019 at 23:00 UTC

  Silvia Vivanco: (15:52) Welcome Jacqueline

  Jacqueline Morris: (15:52) HI  - I'm great. Just getting Skype set up

  Silvia Vivanco: (15:53) :) thank you for joining

  Harold Arcos: (15:57) Hi everyone,,,

  sergio salinas porto: (15:57) hi everyone! hola a todos

  Silvia Vivanco: (15:58) Welcome all /Bienvenidos

  Silvia Vivanco: (15:58) we are still gathering/Nos estamos reuniendo

  Silvia Vivanco: (16:00) Vanda sends her apologies due to a medical emergency she is in hospital

  sergio salinas porto: (16:00) hola alberto!!!!!

  Heidi Ullrich: (16:00) Hola/Hello!

  Alberto Soto: (16:00) Hola a todos, hello everyone!

  Silvia Vivanco: (16:01) dear Jacqueline please let us know when you are on the bridge

  Jacqueline Morris: (16:02) I'm on

  sergio salinas porto: (16:02) hi jaqui!

  Claudia Ruiz: (16:06) Welcome Carlton Samuels

  Claudia Ruiz: (16:07) Welcome Lance Hinds

  Silvia Vivanco: (16:07) Welcome Lance

  Claudia Ruiz: (16:08) Bienvenido/Welcome Jose Arce

  Jose Arce: (16:11) Hola a todos

  sergio salinas porto: (16:11) hola jose

  sergio salinas porto: (16:11) hola Carlton, y Lance!

  Jose Arce: (16:12) Hola Sergio

  Claudia Ruiz: (16:12) Bienvenido/Welcome Humberto Carrasco

  Heidi Ullrich: (16:15) Carlton is asking for the floor.

  Alberto Soto: (16:16) y aprobado por consenso...

  Heidi Ullrich: (16:16) Carlton está pidiendo hablar.

  Harold Arcos: (16:31) todavía te escuchamos Alberto,,,Porfavor cierren sus micrófonos

  Claudia Ruiz: (16:32) https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1ur2yS47AApxdz-5FG8QOf0l4UBYO-2DYyT-5FB-5Fwp4w1wzZso_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=CXERzIws_vaPY8WrLB9yz2PICpecEh3yA9MaabnyyBk&m=y2VorKNPMUGL_NVpQo-vyIY602YXuKzhl1KX5SQaKEM&s=6HXO-JPViLnQ2RNUxkt8sKTHoNO3T08Y3A7N4AK3zrM&e=

  Claudia Ruiz: (16:32) You can view Operating Principles in EN in the link above

  Heidi Ullrich: (16:33) Carlton is requesting to speak

  Alberto Soto: (16:34) Estamos perdiendo tiempo para las nuevas reglas de procedimientos

  Heidi Ullrich: (16:34) Carlton está pidiendo hablar.

  Lilian Ivette De Luque: (16:35) si no llegamos a un punto de acuerdo o medio, se le debe consultar a la región, releer y decidir

  Jacqueline Morris: (16:35) Alberto,  we are wasting time now? We could have done RoP between January and now. That's the time that was wasted.

  Alberto Soto: (16:37) It is not my responsibility Jacqueline...

  Jacqueline Morris: (16:38) Isn't it all of our responsibility as members of LACRALO?

  Alberto Soto: (16:39) No Jacqueline, I´m not leader actually

  Jacqueline Morris: (16:39) Especially as members of the Governance group?

  Alberto Soto: (16:41) For a time for particular reasons, do not belong to the WG

  Lance Hinds: (16:48) We must respect the decisions made in Los Angeles and Puerto Rico.

  Jacqueline Morris: (16:49) Yes, we're hearing

  Harold Arcos: (16:51) Propuesta # 1Crear Artículo de Disposición Transitoria que especifica que los Nuevos Principios Operativos no estarán en vigencia ni operativos hasta que se apruebe las Nuevas Reglas de Procedimiento.Propuesta # 2Aplicar las Reglas de Elección anteriores para las Nuevas Posiciones.Propuesta # 3Aplicar las anteriores Reglas de Procedimientos y los anteriores Principios Operativos.

  Jacqueline Morris: (16:51) But the rotatoion was well defined in the Puerto Rico meeting

  Lance Hinds: (16:52) Correct Jacqueline

  Harold Arcos: (16:54) totally agreed +1

  Lilian Ivette De Luque: (16:55) 5 para que se rompa en caso de empate

  Jacqueline Morris: (16:55) I am still confused how anyone can believe the first paragraph MANDATES that the RoP must be updated before the OP can be in force.

  Alberto Soto: (16:55) Humberto y Sergio, aprobados

  Heidi Ullrich: (16:55) A friendly reminder that the elections are set to begin on 29 April. / Un recordatorio amistoso de que las elecciones comenzarán el 29 de abril.

  Jacqueline Morris: (16:55) These Operating Principles provide an overall governance framework to the Latin American and Caribbean Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO). This document is to be supplemented by the Rules of Procedure (to be drafted). The Rules of Procedure will provide more detailed steps regarding the implementation of these Operating Principles.

  Alberto Soto: (16:56) Exactly Jaqueline

  Heidi Ullrich: (16:56) Google translation of Jacqueline's text: Estos Principios Operativos proporcionan un marco de gobernabilidad general a la Organización Regional At-Large de América Latina y el Caribe (LACRALO). Este documento debe ser complementado por las Reglas de Procedimiento (por redactar). Las Reglas de Procedimiento proporcionarán pasos más detallados con respecto a la implementación de estos Principios Operativos.

  Harold Arcos: (16:58) te oímos Alberto,,,

  Harold Arcos: (16:59) sí,,,

  Jacqueline Morris: (16:59) Yes, hearing

  Harold Arcos: (17:00) Por favor,,hablar y leer un poco más lento para facilitar la interpretación en EN.

  Lance Hinds: (17:01) I agree

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:02) I agree with the small committee

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:02) And I agree with a postponement

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:03) @Carlton, under your motion, would the elected positions then take their seats immediately and end at the 2020 AGM?

  Harold Arcos: (17:03) I kindly request to Staff,,,to write the new proposal by Carlton,,,to cancel Elections

  Alberto Soto: (17:03) Yo estoy de acuerdo: Sergio y Humberto están aprobadoos

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:03) Would the 2020 elections for the region then run during the normal timeframe?

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:03) Yes, Heidi

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:03) to both ?

  Claudia Ruiz: (17:05) @all, please raise your hand if you want to take the floor

  Claudia Ruiz: (17:05) We have both lines speaking at the same time, thank you

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:05) I am being flexible - I agree with the small committee, and I like both Humberto's option and Carlton's option

  Claudia Ruiz: (17:06) Por favor, levante la mano si quiere tomar la palabra.

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:06) Jacqueline Morris: Estoy siendo flexible. Estoy de acuerdo con el comité pequeño, y me gusta tanto la opción de Humberto como la de Carlton.

  Alberto Soto: (17:06) Tengo que irme Sergio!!!

  sergio salinas porto: (17:06) ok alberto

  Alberto Soto: (17:07) Gracias a todos, thanks to all!! Bye Bye!!

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:07) A decision will need to be made shortly as the elections are set to begin 29 April. / Deberá tomarse una decisión en breve, ya que las elecciones comenzarán el 29 de abril.

  Harold Arcos: (17:08) +1 with Comision.  +1 Humberto, Sergio.   +1 I agree with a portion  both proposals.

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:08) I;m not feeling bad, I just wanted to make things clear.

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:08) Could you please all commit to finding a solution in the next week or so? /¿Podría por favor comprometerse a encontrar una solución en la próxima semana?

  Jose Arce: (17:08) +1 Heidi

  Lilian Ivette De Luque: (17:09) +1 Heidi is enought

  Lance Hinds: (17:09) I agree with the small committee

  Jose Arce: (17:10) + 1 al comite

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:10) All, the ALAC elections and the selection for a NomCom Delegate will continue as currently scheduled. / Todas las elecciones de ALAC y la selección de un delegado de NomCom continuarán según lo programado actualmente.

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:11) It is only the RALO positons that are in question/Solo las posturas de RALO están en cuestión.

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:12) Heidi - that's actually not how the rotation was set up

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:12) Thanks, Carlton.

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:13) ALL of the positions were considered in the rotation in Puerto Rico. I have my notes

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:13) ALAC and NomCom Delegate, correct?

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:13) @Jacqueline, are you saying that the ALAC/NomCom positions need to follow a rotation and thus can't be held?

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:13) I'm OK with letting it go forward forpractical reasons, but just wanted to make that point

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:13) This is an ALAC requirement.

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:14) The transition time will require flexibility

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:15) ok, so we all agree to hold the ALAC elections and those of the NOmCom Delegate as the ALAC scheduled, correct?

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:15) Yup. For this round

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:15) de acuerdo, todos estamos de acuerdo en celebrar las elecciones del ALAC y las del Delegado de NOmCom como el ALAC programado, ¿correcto?

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:15) thanks, Jacqueline.

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:16) Bye everyone

  Lance Hinds: (17:16) Good night all

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:16) Gracias/Thanks!

  Harold Arcos: (17:16) Thanks a lot to our interpreters,,,

  Jose Arce: (17:16) Adios

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:16) +1 Harold!

  sergio salinas porto: (17:16) byee

  Jacqueline Morris: (17:16) Yes, thanks interpreters1

  Harold Arcos: (17:16) thanks to all,,,bye bye

  Claudia Ruiz: (17:16) Thank you, all!