LACRALO 21.11.11 AC Chat Transcript
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to everyone
Natalia Enciso:Hi to everyone
Gisella Gruber-White:LACRALO Discussions 21.11.2011
Gisella Gruber-White:Fatima has joined Spanish channel
Fatima Cambronero:hi everyone/ hola a todos
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hi, everyonr
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:ack everyone!
Carlton Samuels:Hi all
Jose Arce:HI All
Jose Arce:Need Dial out please !!!
Gisella Gruber-White:Jose - your dial out is on its way
Sylvia Herlein Leite:Hi all
Jose Arce 2:Thanks Gisella :)
Cintra Sooknanan:Hello Sylvia
Natalia Enciso:yes Dev, translation is working
Gisella Gruber-White:Jose and Sylvia - are you on the call?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Sylvia Herlein Leite:yes, I do
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:isn't there a geo regions At-Large page?
Jose Arce 2:In the call now....
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Google Spreadsheet :;
Fatima Cambronero:we are listening the two channels
Jose Arce 2:me too
Natalia Enciso:the same here
Cristian Moure:Hola a todos, Hello to all
sergio salinas porto:hi everyone
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Olivier, I'm not sure there is a Geographic Regions wiki page
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:there is.
Heidi Ullrich:Will add in a moment:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The older one was:
Fatima Cambronero:Final Report in Spanish
Heidi Ullrich:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks Heidi.
sergio salinas porto:ya empezaron?
Jose Arce 2:si
Cristian Moure:si
sergio salinas porto:podes poedir quye me llamen? +54 023 4715948
Gisella Gruber-White:Yes Sergio
sergio salinas porto:tks gisella!
Jose Arce 2:Please Dial out Sergio Salinas porto to +54 023 4715948
Natalia Enciso:yo escucho muy bajo, uds?
Heidi Ullrich:ok, Sergio/Jose
Jose Arce 2:Thanks Heidi !!!
Heidi Ullrich:[4:26:37 PM] Adigo 01: that number is not correct or not going through. Tried 4 networks
Heidi Ullrich:Sergio?
sergio salinas porto:por favor insistan..
sergio salinas porto:es el mismo numeor de siempre
Jose Arce 2:Sergio esta bien el numero, el que esta aca?
sergio salinas porto:es al que llaman siempre
Cristian Moure:+54 0223 4715948
Jose Arce 2:Heidi the phone number is OK
Cristian Moure:ahi esta bien le faltaba un 2
Jose Arce 2:Could you try again?
sergio salinas porto:si no que preueban sin el "0" +54 223 471 5948
sergio salinas porto:ahhh ok
Heidi Ullrich:Ah!!
Heidi Ullrich:Adigo está intentando otra vez
Heidi Ullrich:Cintra, please speak up.
sergio salinas porto:ok tks heidi!!!!
Christina_ICANN:there is a noise in the lie and the interpreters are not receiving the sound
Christina_ICANN:this is on the EN line
Heidi Ullrich:The noisy line has been muted. Can you hear now?
Heidi Ullrich:Cintra, please speak up if you can. Thanks!
Christina_ICANN:Cintra if you could please speak up
Christina_ICANN:the Interpreter cannot hear you at all
Sabrina Mosquera:We interpreters are not receiving speakers on the English channel clearly
Cintra Sooknanan:sorry I will keep the phone nearer in my next contribution
Sabrina Mosquera:Thanks
Cintra Sooknanan:but we are affected!
Christina_ICANN:Para el canal en ES, Si por favor se pueden anuncuiar antes de exponer un comentario
Cristian Moure:please repeat for this chanel but interferency in phone
Cintra Sooknanan:we are affected because we are a group is what I was trying to explain.... it is social, political, geographical... it is the way we comb our hair... the food we eat first thing in the morning...
Cintra Sooknanan:we are ONE Caribbean!
Christina_ICANN:For the EN chanel, please announce your name before you speak
Sabrina Mosquera:Please, remember not to speak all at the same time, thanks.
Fatima Cambronero:where is the option for all the Caribe to move?
Sabrina Mosquera:Please, do not speak all at the same time. We need to be able to interpret you. Thanks.
Cintra Sooknanan:that depends on where we can get representation and ensure participation
Fatima Cambronero:who is speaking?
Cintra Sooknanan:Mr. King
Fatima Cambronero:thanks Cintra
Christina_ICANN:Please, anounce yourselves before speaking
Fatima Cambronero:the question of Natalia was for Carlton :)
Natalia Enciso:@cintra, regarding your statement, do you feel more alike to NA than LA?
Cintra Sooknanan:It is not my decision
Cintra Sooknanan:i would have loved for Caribbean ALSes to have greater representation in Lacralo
Cintra Sooknanan:I would also have loved to encourage greater participation through increased collaboration, good translation, Caribbean ALSes calls...etc
Natalia Enciso:what do you mean by greater representations?
Heidi Ullrich:¡Recepción a la reunión, Sergio!
Cintra Sooknanan:but these are ALL works in progress
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome to the meeting, Sergio!
Cintra Sooknanan:there is no resolve
Natalia Enciso:my question was not answered
Carlton Samuels:@Natalia: I am first of all for a single Carribean interface with effective representation for Caribbean interests.
Cintra Sooknanan:greater representation means what it is
Cintra Sooknanan:Representation for Caribbean ALSes
sergio salinas porto:ya estoy en la llamada gracias por los esfuerzos!!!!!
Cintra Sooknanan:from the level of ALAC
Cintra Sooknanan:come down to Working Groups
Christina_ICANN:Por ffavor, los prticipantes en el canal en ES, si pudieran poner sus telefonos en MUTE
Cintra Sooknanan:we have to ensure that we share leadership
Christina_ICANN:para logarra asi una mejr recepcion sin interprferencia y para que puedan escucharse a los miemmbros y/o participantes de este canal
Cintra Sooknanan:sharing leadership is the only way we can ensure representation and encourage participation
Cintra Sooknanan:otherwise you risk bastardising one group
Natalia Enciso:@Carlton, in NA are you ensured a greater paticipation and representation?
Cintra Sooknanan:Participation because it is the same language
Carlton Samuels:A sixth region - a Caribbean region - presents a difficulty I can't see us getting over now. My first objective is effective representation so where the Caribbean lands is determined by our sense of fulfillment.
Cintra Sooknanan:I hope :O
Christina_ICANN:alguien en el canal en ES, se ecuchan automoviles ne la linea
Heidi Ullrich:Roosevelt's line is the source
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:No 6th Region possible. It is not even an option.
Natalia Enciso:my line is mute
Heidi Ullrich:* 7 to unmute
Antonella Guayarello:thank you Heidi
Natalia Enciso:just saying that the noise is not comming from my line
Heidi Ullrich:You are correct, Natalia.
Christina_ICANN:en el canal ES se escucha un beep o interferencia repetitiva, hemos visto que proviene de un celular, por favor si pueden estar en MUTE mientras otros hablan
Heidi Ullrich:However, Adigo is saying your line is not mute, Natalia.
Natalia Enciso:ok, I will check
Natalia Enciso:lacralo?
Fatima Cambronero:why=?
Fatima Cambronero:@Carlton, why?
Christina_ICANN:@Fatima, por favor, aunque solo digas una palabra anuncia tu nombre
Natalia Enciso:@carlton, what are the other models?
Fatima Cambronero:perdón Christina! :)
Christina_ICANN:solo trato de mediar desde mi lugar para que se entiendan y todos puedan ser escuchados... gracias Fatima :)
Jean Marie ALTEMA:Hello everyone. I am on the phone and on the chat now
Natalia Enciso:hi Jean Marie
Fatima Cambronero:si, tenés razón Christina, fue un exhabrupto! :(
Jean Marie ALTEMA:hi Natalia. que tal?
Cintra Sooknanan:I am disconnected... could you please redial me at 868 739 5721
Cintra Sooknanan:Thank you very much
Heidi Ullrich:We'll ask Adigo, Cintra
Carlton Samuels:@Natalia: recognize that the Caribbean represents the a different cultural and political experience that is just not easily bridged. For example, the language situation is a challenge for Caribbean ALs.
Natalia Enciso:agree with @jose. It was what I was asking.
Sylvia Herlein Leite:Alberto Soto se disculpa pero está con corte de energía en su casa y está desconectado
Sylvia Herlein Leite:@Carlton= and for the Spanish ALS s too!!
Jose Arce 2: LA ALSes feels the same, and they do their best effort
Christina_ICANN:Thank you Silvia
Carlton Samuels:@Silvia: Absolutely correct!
Cintra Sooknanan:what is alarming for me is as much as LA reps say that they understand Carib perspective when we get to these discussion it is obvious that it is not the case
Christina_ICANN:Alberto Soto is apologizing but he has lost power in his house and cannot connect to the call
Fatima Cambronero:we are trying to understand...
Carlton Samuels:I know for example that at least 2 Caribbean ALS say they can't be bothered with the translations!
Natalia Enciso:I do want to recognize translators great work during teleconferences, which help us to get a better understanding
Sylvia Herlein Leite:@natalia = indee
Silvia Vivanco:I see Rooselvelt King has raised his hand for a while now
Cintra Sooknanan:it certainly will help us recruit more Alses if there are no translations...!
Natalia Enciso:who is talking?
Christina_ICANN:@Cintra... do you mean interpretation or Translations?
Carlton Samuels:@Natalia: yes indeed. Translators have helped. But for some the translations themselves represent an extra burden to participation
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Roosevelt
Carlton Samuels:Interpretation!
Cintra Sooknanan:translations on the mailing list
Natalia Enciso:@carlton, I dont agree. It only make easier our job
Christina_ICANN:thank you Carlton, although I am a bit lost by Cintra's comment
Christina_ICANN:you rather NOT have translation ?
Carlton Samuels:@Natalia: I'm only reporting views from the Caribbean.
Christina_ICANN:Cintra said " it certainly will help us recruit more Alses if there are no translations...!"
Cintra Sooknanan:Christina my point is it is more burdensome for Caribbean members to have to deal with translation
Cintra Sooknanan:rather than being on a NA list
Cintra Sooknanan:all in english
Christina_ICANN:I see Cintra... thank you
Carlton Samuels:However, it does take more effort to speak when you expect interpretation/translation. Word choices and colloquial expressions especially are difficult.
Cintra Sooknanan:translations have been inaccurate, and difficult to follow
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Roosevelt: at this point in time, with the small number of participants we have, it would be very hard to add more regions. Some larger regions would argue also splitting -- APRALO --> Asia + Pacific Islands + Middle East = 3 regions out of 1
Sylvia Herlein Leite:Grande Cristina, tu equipo de traductores es el mejor del mundo
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:So we'd then have 8 regions
Christina_ICANN:thank you Sylvia
Jose Arce 2:yes
Jose Arce 2:agree
sergio salinas porto:agree
Cristian Moure:yes
Roosevelt King:Oliver, because Caribbean wants to be a region does not mean that the others want regions as well. Maybe having a region will add partcipation.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:We can hear the interpreter in Spanish on the English Channel
Christina_ICANN:ES lline is waiting for the EN line to responde to Sergio's question
Roosevelt King:How many countries are not interested becaause it is LAC?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The interpreter was probably speaking on the wrong channel
Christina_ICANN:Esta hablando Carlton
Christina_ICANN: Esta hablando Carlton
Christina_ICANN:The question from Sergio was not answered
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:It was answered but I suspect that the interpreter spoke it in the English Channel.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:hence the extended silence in the ES channel
Christina_ICANN:I see... my apologies
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:at the beginning
Natalia Enciso:@livier, what was the answer?
Jean Marie ALTEMA:I am trying to understand the interest in that
Cintra Sooknanan:I have a comment
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Carlton is explaining
Jose Arce 2:that not happend here, that why all LA ALSes are here now
Jose Arce 2:many ALSes, sorry
Sylvia Herlein Leite:maybe ,trying to be integreted with more comunication??
Jose Arce 2: I not argue about NARALO, only the issue of representativeness
Carlton Samuels:@Jose: Here is a perfect example of interpretation!
Raquel Gatto:@Carlton, this is my first LACRALO meeting but can I ask one thing: you are the representant for Caribbean, right? Why do you mention they don`t feel representanted? THis looks like a paradox to me, I don`t want to confront you, just to understand your point...thanks!
Cintra Sooknanan:Raquel... who is the representative you are speaking of?
Carlton Samuels:Because the interpretation was clear to us. You were alleged to say exactly that!
Raquel Gatto:@Carlton is not the representative of the region appointed by NomCom?
Raquel Gatto:I mean @ Cintra, sorry
Roosevelt King:I hit the wrong button. Can you give me another call out?
Cintra Sooknanan:I don't understand you Raquel
Roosevelt King:maybe not because Dev is getting ready to wrap up.
Cintra Sooknanan:Raquel, i am happy to answer but please clarify your question
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Raquel - Carlton is elected by the Nomcom indepenedent of LACRALO
Christina_ICANN:Por favor, si alguien se esta moviendo o caminando con la linea, le rogamos ponga su linea en MUTE
Jean Marie ALTEMA:Please, I want to understand. What is the big interest in that
Raquel Gatto:@Cintra, I assumed that Carlton was the representative for Caribbean, that`s why it seems a paradox to say Caribbean is underrepresented, I mean you have you , him , Dev- and maybe others that I don`t know yet represented here and probably in other meetings, so I was trying to understand the argument :)
Cintra Sooknanan:Carlton's presence is independent from and not directed from LACRALO
Natalia Enciso:I dont understand why there is conflict with representative that not speak english and not the other way around. There has to be equity.
Cintra Sooknanan:where the caribbean have almost half the number of countries in Lacralo
Cintra Sooknanan:we would love to encourage more of these countries to join
Natalia Enciso:And we have to take into account portuguese and french speakers too
Cintra Sooknanan:but it is difficult given the present environment
Cintra Sooknanan:Natalia please list the number of countries in our region that speak Portuguese and French... the point is not only langugage... it is about participation, representation, culture... all of it!
Natalia Enciso:not talking only caribe but LAC
Cintra Sooknanan:the geo regions wg report is focused on the caribbean
Cintra Sooknanan:this is the point of our discussion
Raquel Gatto:@cintra, thanks for your reply! I am getting a picture now! I can say about Portuguese speakers in the region, we only have Brazil, but with a large number of users represented, so I am not sure it`s an exact math...
Christina_ICANN:Please... if the call is going to continue we ned to chaange interpreters
Cintra Sooknanan:Raquel, Lacralo voting goes by country coefficients
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:ok
Natalia Enciso:I Know Cintra, but only saying that, because you are insisting with languages barrier
Cintra Sooknanan:no this is multipronged... language is one obvious aspect
Cintra Sooknanan:right now we are having difficulty with understanding, do you not think it is language?
Cintra Sooknanan:or do you think it is something deeper?
Cintra Sooknanan:that actually scares me more!!!
Cintra Sooknanan:lol
Christina_ICANN:Please... if the call is going to continue we ned to chaange interpreters
Jean Marie ALTEMA:the language speaking is very important, but I think that we need to see it as one piece
Carlton Samuels:Thank Christina
Raquel Gatto:@Jean Marie, I agree :)
Carlton Samuels:Thanks to the interpreters!
Fatima Cambronero:because you dont explain with strong and clear argumentst, @Carlton
Cintra Sooknanan:much thanks to staff, the interpreters, Christina and Olivier\
Cintra Sooknanan:your presence is appreciated
Heidi Ullrich:Did you like the interpretation?!
Cintra Sooknanan:bye everyone
Fatima Cambronero:thanks Christina!
Christina_ICANN:My peasure Cintra
Fatima Cambronero:and Veronica!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Muchas Gracias
Cintra Sooknanan:YES Heidi!
Natalia Enciso:wednesday y showcase
Raquel Gatto:thanks, @Cintra for the replies! and all for the meeting
Christina_ICANN:I see myself participating in many more calls :)
sergio salinas porto:yes speak two languages
Christina_ICANN:listning of course
Cintra Sooknanan:no problem hope to meet you in person soon Raquel
Sylvia Herlein Leite:@agree with Natalia
Sylvia Herlein Leite:wednesday NO
Jose Arce 2:Thanks All !!!! Bye...
Antonella Guayarello:Thanks Cristina
Christina_ICANN:and helping as a mediator when I can
Cintra Sooknanan:bye Jose
sergio salinas porto:bye!
Jose Arce 2:@Cintra Bye
Sylvia Herlein Leite:bye bye
Jean Marie ALTEMA:@Cintra you didn't meet Raquel?
Cristian Moure:bye nos vemos
Cintra Sooknanan:????????
Cintra Sooknanan:you hid her Jean Marie???
Natalia Enciso:thanks everyone, see you next time!
Raquel Gatto:@Jean Marie, yes, we met in Singapore I think :)
Cintra Sooknanan:bye bye Natalia
Fatima Cambronero:thanks, bye to all
Cintra Sooknanan:ooopps... I'm better with faces :p
Jean Marie ALTEMA:or Brussels
Raquel Gatto:@Cintra, I was not active, just learning about ALAC as an ICANN Fellows! I am from Brazil :)
Jean Marie ALTEMA:@Cintra :)
Jean Marie ALTEMA:Raquel I have a pic of her from Dakar
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:btw, Raquel, welcome to the call :-)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:thanks to everyone for this discussion
Raquel Gatto:well, thank you all! It was really interesting, and hope to be here again! sorry for missing the wednesday call....
Antonella Guayarello:Hi Raquel Gatto, I am New too and I speak portuguese ans spanish too :)
Antonella Guayarello:Goodbye for everyone
Raquel Gatto:@antonella, HI!
Raquel Gatto:good to meet you!
Antonella Guayarello:Good to meet you too
Jean Marie ALTEMA:@Natalia how are things moving?
Fatima Cambronero:bye bye :)
Raquel Gatto:bye bye
Cristian Moure:good night for all, and I think we are on track bye bye
Jean Marie ALTEMA:bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Many thanks to Christina and the interpreters
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:And to Antonella Guayarello, apologies for not welcoming you sooner