08 May 2014
08 May 2014
Draft Agenda
- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Statements of Interest
- Responses From SO/ACs (IPC and any others received at: 13 Community Input )
- Review Work Plan and Consider Next Steps
1. Responses from SOs/ACs: Extended the deadline to the end of March. Rudi will speak to Michele Neylon as a reminder (Chair, Registrar SG)
2. Review Work Plan and consider next steps. Staff will create a table/matrix to summarize responses.
3. Review reports re: Verification & Validation: Look at the relevant section of the RAA; page 23 of EWG Nov Update Document; Margie Milam's blog entry.
4. Consider Requesting F2F Meetings in London: Registrars, ALAC, others?
For Review:
- Summary of Current Status/Next Steps (Stock Taking) 17 April 2014
- A Model for Exploring WHOIS Accuracy (by Margie Milam)
- Interim Report from the Expert Working Group on Internationalized Registration Data 10 April 2014
- Status update report from the EWG on gTLD Directory Services 11 November 2013
- WHOIS Accuracy Program Specification part of the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement
Proposed Questions:
- What is contact information (review and expand on the taxonomies)?
- Why are we doing this?; is this particular feature necessary?
- Who gets access to what?
- Who are the stakeholders?; who is affected? and what do they want (linking back to What)?
- How much would a particular feature cost and how to weigh the costs versus the benefits?
- When would policy come into effect?
- What should be mandatory?
- What is the difference between verification and validation?
Main questions (from the charter)
- Whether it is desirable to translate contact information to a single common language or transliterate contact information to a single common script.
- Who should decide who should bear the burden [of] translating contact information to a single common language or transliterating contact information to a single common script.
Other questions (in the charter)
- What exactly the benefits to the community are of translating and/or transliterating contact data, especially in light of the costs that may be connected to translation and or transliteration?
- Should translation and/or transliteration of contact data be mandatory for all gTLDs?
- Should translation and/or transliteration of contact data be mandatory for all registrants or only those based in certain countries and/or using specific non-ASCII scripts?
- What impact will translation/transliteration of contact data have on the WHOIS validation as set out under the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement?
- When should any new policy relating to translation and transliteration of contact information come into effect?
Related Links:
- WHOIS Review Team Internationalized Registration Data Expert Working Group: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/whoisird/overview
- Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services: http://www.icann.org/en/groups/other/gtld-directory-services