2007-11-02 - Update on Internationalized Domain Names

2007-11-02 - Update on Internationalized Domain Names

Board invites the Chairs of the ccNSO, GNSO, GAC, ALAC, and SSAC to set-up the IDNC Working Group and appoint members and directs the IDNC Working Group to deliver a status report.


Whereas, the ccNSO and the GAC collaborated to develop and submit to the Board at the San Juan ICANN meeting an "Issues Paper" relating to the selection of IDN ccTLDs associated with ISO 3166-1 two letter codes.

Whereas, the ICANN Board resolved at its meeting in San Juan on 29 June 2007 that the ICANN community, including the GNSO, ccNSO, GAC, and ALAC, provide the ICANN Board with responses to the published list of issues and questions that need to be addressed in order to move forward with IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes (IDNC) in a manner that ensures the continued security and stability of the Internet. Further, the Board resolved that the ICANN community, including these key groups, continue to work collaboratively to explore both an interim and an overall approach to IDNC (taking the technical limitations and requirements into consideration) and recommend a course of action to the ICANN Board in a timely manner.

Whereas, the GNSO, GAC and ALAC are in the process of, or have concluded, their responses on the Issues Paper.

Whereas, regarding the overall approach, the ccNSO Council approved a resolution on 2 October 2007 requesting that an Issue Report be prepared to address inter alia the questions in the Issues Paper, which is a first step in considering the launch of a ccNSO policy development process (PDP).

Whereas, based on the results of a survey conducted by the Chair of the ccNSO, the ccNSO Council concluded at its Los Angeles meeting that there is a strong indication for near term demand for IDNCs in some countries, territories, and areas of geographical interest or their subdivision. The ccNSO Council therefore recommended to the ICANN Board that an Internationalised Domain Name Working Group (IDNC Working Group) be formed under the proposed charter submitted to the Board by the ccNSO Chair.

Whereas, the GAC reaffirmed its support in principle to the possibility of an interim (or "fast track") approach, welcomed the proposal of the ccNSO Council for an IDNC Working Group, and indicated its intention to actively engage in the process.

Whereas, the GNSO and ALAC also indicated in public discussions their support for an interim approach as proposed by the ccNSO Council.

Whereas, the cross-community process as envisioned and proposed by the ccNSO Council, is consistent with ICANN's bottom up, multi-stakeholder model for considering issues and recommending to the ICANN Board a course of action.

Resolved (07.88), the Board expresses its gratitude to the work completed so far by the GNSO, ccNSO, GAC, and ALAC.

Resolved (07.89), the Board respectfully invites the Chairs of the ccNSO, GNSO, GAC, ALAC, and SSAC to set-up the IDNC Working Group and appoint members to this group as soon as possible and, when established, requests the IDNC Working Group to commence its work, in accordance with the Charter adopted by the ccNSO Council . The ICANN Board directs staff to provide the necessary support to the IDNC Working Group, and requests that the IDN Working Group provide a status report on its progress by the conclusion of the ICANN meeting in New Delhi in February 2008.

Implementation Actions

  • Set up and appoint members to IDNC Working Group.
    • Responsible entity: Chairs of ccNSO, GNSO, GAC, ALAC and SSAC
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 1 February 2008
  • Provide status report on progress of Working Group.
    • Responsible entity: IDNC Working Group
    • Due date: close of New Delhi meeting in February 2008
    • Completion date: 1 February 2008

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