2007-06-29 - .COOP Renewal Sponsor Agreement

2007-06-29 - .COOP Renewal Sponsor Agreement

Board approves the .COOP agreement and authorizes the President to take such actions as appropriate to implement the agreement.


Whereas, ICANN staff conducted good-faith negotiations with DotCooperation LLC, sponsor for the .COOP sponsored top-level domain, for the renewal of their sponsorship agreement.

Whereas, on 20 April 2007, ICANN announced that negotiations with DotCooperation LLC had been successfully completed, and posted the proposed .COOP renewal agreement for public comment <http://www.icann.org/announcements/announcement-20apr07.htm>.

Whereas, ICANN extended the public comment period on 16 May 2007 in response to community feedback on the proposed renewal agreement <http://www.icann.org/announcements/announcement-16may07.htm>.

Whereas, DotCooperation LLC wrote to ICANN on 15 June 2007 agreeing to delete a provision from the proposed agreement that would have permitted the sponsor to request exemptions from some consensus policies <http://www.icann.org/correspondence/palage-to-twomey-15jun07.pdf>.

Whereas, the Board carefully considered the proposed renewal agreement, public comments, and the sponsor's responses, and finds that approval of the proposed renewal agreement would be beneficial for ICANN and the Internet community.

It is hereby resolved (07.45), that the .COOP agreement is approved, and the President is authorized to take such actions as appropriate to implement the agreement.

Implementation Actions

  • Execute .COOP Sponsorship Agreement.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 1 July 2007

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