2007-11-02 - Review of Proposed ALAC-related Bylaws Changes

2007-11-02 - Review of Proposed ALAC-related Bylaws Changes

Board directs staff to post for comments ALAC's proposed bylaws changes regarding the process for handling applications for the At Large Community and to provide an analysis of the comments.


Whereas, the At-Large Advisory Committee has proposed a revised process for handling applications for membership in the At-Large community worldwide.

Whereas, the new process attempts to improve considerably upon the previous process, including by providing the Regional At-Large Organisations with an important role in evaluating new membership applications.

Whereas, this new process is designed to increase the transparency by which applications are judged, and at the same time help ensure that applicants will understand the criteria for judging applications in advance of submitting them.

Resolved (07.91), the Board takes note of the proposed new ALS applications process, and directs the staff to post the related proposed amendments to Article IX, S2(4)(i) of the ICANN Bylaws for public comment, and requests that staff prepare a summary and analysis of the public comments.

Implementation Actions

  • Post the proposed changes for comment.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Policy Department
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 07 November 2007
  • Provide summary and analysis of the public comments.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Policy Department
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 15 February 2008

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

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