2005-02-18 - Interim ALAC Appointments

2005-02-18 - Interim ALAC Appointments

Board appoints John Levine and Annette Muehlberg to fill vacancies on the Interim At Large Advisory Committee.


Denise Michel introduced the proposed resolution, and also reported that ALAC had selected Bret Fausett as its GNSO Liaison. Following additional discussion, Hagen Hultzsch moved, and Veni Markovski seconded, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

Whereas, Esther Dyson and Thomas Roessler, two original members of the ALAC who were appointed by the Board in 2003, announced in November 2004 that they were resigning from the ALAC (effective upon the appointment of their replacements) to pursue other endeavors.

Whereas, the Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs), which will be responsible for selecting two members of the ALAC for each region, have not yet been formed in North America or Europe, the Board is responsible for filling these vacancies.

Whereas, the ALAC solicited volunteers and public input, and received five volunteers from North America and two volunteers from Europe to fill these vacancies. The ALAC reviewed volunteers' backgrounds and statements of interest, conducted due diligence, selected finalists for additional questioning and, after extensive deliberations, selected recommended that the Board appoint John Levine to fill the North American seat, and Annette Muehlberg to fill the European seat on the ALAC.

Resolved [05.04], the Board thanks Esther Dyson and Thomas Roessler for their service to ICANN by membership on the Interim At Large Advisory Committee.

Resolved [05.05] John Levine and Annette Muehlberg are appointed to fill the vacancies on the Interim At Large Advisory Committee.

This resolution was unanimously approved by the Board, 12-0. Njeri Rionge, Alejandro Pisanty and Peter Dengate Thrush were not present for the vote.

Implementation Actions

  • None

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
  • More information on the At Large Advisory Committee is available at: http://www.atlarge.icann.org/.

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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