2005-12-04 - President's Strategy Committee

2005-12-04 - President's Strategy Committee


Board directs the President to appoint a President's Strategy Committee to give advice to the Board.


Whereas, ICANN's mission is to coordinate, at the overall level, the global Internet's systems of unique identifiers, and in particular to ensure the stable and secure operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems.

Whereas, the President and Board are committed to the bottom-up strategic and operational planning drawing on the inputs of the supporting organizations, advisory committees, and members of the ICANN community.

Whereas, the ICANN community could also benefit from the advice of a group responsible for making observations and recommendations concerning strategic issues facing ICANN; these observations and recommendations will contribute to ICANN's strategic planning process.

Resolved (05.__), the President is directed to appoint, by 28 February 2006, a President's Strategy Committee, to be responsible for giving advice to the President and the Board on strategy issues.

Implementation Actions

  • Appoint a President's Strategy Committee. 
    • Responsible entity: ICANN President
    • Due date: 28 February 2006
    • Completion date: February 2006

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