2005-12-04 - 2006 Nominating Committee Chair Appointment

2005-12-04 - 2006 Nominating Committee Chair Appointment

Board appoints Eugenio Triana as chair of the 2006 Nominating Committee.


Alejandro Pisanty introduced a motion, seconded by Raimundo Beca:

Whereas, Article VII, Section 2(1) of the Bylaws calls for the non-voting Chair of the Nominating Committee to be appointed by the ICANN Board;

Whereas, the Board Governance Committee has recommended that Eugenio Triana be appointed to chair the 2006 Nominating Committee, and Eugenio Triana has indicated a willingness to so serve;

Resolved (05.__), that Eugenio Triana is appointed as Chair of the 2006 Nominating Committee, to serve until the conclusion of the ICANN annual meeting in 2006, or until his earlier resignation, removal, or other disqualification from service; and

Resolved (05.__), the President is directed to provide support by ICANN and other sources to the Nominating Committee as determined, in consultation with the Chair of the committee, to be appropriate for the discharge of its functions.

Following discussion, the Board adopted the resolution 15-0.

Implementation Actions

  • Support Nominating Committee as necessary.
    • Responsible entity: President
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 2006

Other Related Resolutions

  • Other resolutions TBD.

Additional Information

  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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