2005-07-15 - SSAC Domain Hijacking Report

2005-07-15 - SSAC Domain Hijacking Report


Board directs staff to forward the Domain Hijacking Report to ICANN's advisory committees, supporting organizations and other interested parties for their consideration.  Board also encourages interested parties to consider developing a set of Best Common Practices for Domain Name Protection, to make this information publicly available, and to schedule a follow-up review of this subject in approximately six months.

Whereas, on 12 July 2005, ICANN's Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) published a comprehensive report on Domain Name Hijacking. The report was the subject of a valuable workshop presented by the SSAC at these meetings in Luxembourg.

Whereas, the SSAC report includes recommended steps to be taken by registries, registrars, resellers, registrants, and ICANN to protect domain registrations from the threat of domain hijacking.

Resolved (05.__), the ICANN Board hereby accepts the Domain Hijacking Report, and thanks SSAC Chair Steve Crocker, SSAC Fellow Dave Piscitello, the members of SSAC, and all other contributors for their efforts in the creation of the report.

Resolved (05.__), the ICANN Board directs staff to forward the Domain Hijacking Report to ICANN's advisory committees, supporting organizations and other interested parties for their consideration.

Resolved (05.__), the ICANN Board encourages interested parties to consider developing a set of Best Common Practices for Domain Name Protection, and to make this information publicly available, and schedule a follow-up review of this subject in approximately six months.

Implementation Actions

  • Work in cooperation with registrar and registry liaisons and GNSO to have SSAC recommendations considered in future domain transfer working group activities within the GNSO.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Policy Department, SSAC Fellow
    • Due date: September 2005
    • Completion date: August 2005
  • Forward SAC007, Domain Name Hijacking Report, to GNSO for consideration by registry and registrar constituencies.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Policy Department, SSAC Fellow
    • Due date: September 2005
    • Completion date: August 2005
  • Make information related to Domain Name Hijacking available to Internet Users and registrants in the form of interviews (Tom's Hardware, August 2005) and articles (Security Pipeline, August 2005), and post article links at SSAC website.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Policy Department, SSAC Fellow
    • Due date: October 2005
    • Completion date: August 2005

Other Related Resolutions

  • TBD

Additional Information

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