Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP)-FY23

Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP)-FY23


IMPORTANT UPDATE: FY25 CROP Workspace has moved to Google documents. Please see FY25 CROP Landing Page here.


Travel Guidance For FY23 

Please note that existing travel guidance from ICANN org in light of the COVID-19 pandemic remains in effect. As with all international travel, travelers have a responsibility to understand the entry and exit requirements of their travel and determine if they can meet those requirements before committing to the travel. Travelers may review specific travel requirements by visiting https://apply.joinsherpa.com/map or the applicable local government international traveler websites.

There is no CROP travel support through 15 January 2023. CROP travel support will be available for trips starting 16 January 2023.

Notice to Sponsored Travelers (Travelers who are funded to attend non-ICANN events):

Travel costs are provided under ICANN's Community Travel Support Guidelines as follows:

    • Airfare (most economical routing in Economy Class)
    • Hotel accommodation for a maximum of 4 days/3 nights
    • Per diem allowance for a maximum of 4 days
    • Reimbursable costs such as visa fees (actual cost or a maximum of US$200, whichever is less)

Non-reimbursable costs include:

    • Business or first class airfare
    • Travel and medical insurance

ICANN will not be providing you with any other support for your travel. Because you are voluntarily attending an event, you are advised to acquire appropriate travel and medical insurance coverage. This coverage is not being provided by ICANN and you are not being facilitated as an ICANN Funded Traveler (Travelers who are funded to attend events that are organized by ICANN) for CROP trips. 

What Has Changed For FY23? 

There are no changes in FY23. The following changes were made in FY20 and continues in this fiscal year:

  • Determining whether a specific country is within an applicable geographical region will be done in accordance with the list of countries and geographic regions currently used by ICANN org’s Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) team, and not the ICANN meeting regions - click here to see the full GSE list of countries and regions. 
  • While the rule that at least 1 out of 3 allocated trips must be to either an ICANN Public Meeting or ICANN-organized meeting taking place in the applicable region, this no longer needs to be the first CROP trip for the FY (i.e. any 1 out of the 3 allocated trips may fulfill this rule).
  • While conference registration fees will not generally be funded, a limited exception has been created that requires approval from the Vice-President for Strategic Community Operations, Planning and Engagement (SCOPE) in consultation with the relevant regional GSE Vice-President.
  • Instead of a “5 working days plus 6 weeks” deadline for trip proposals and bookings, the last day for submitting a trip proposal is now seven (7) weeks from the commencement date of the proposed trip. However, concurrence from the relevant GSE regional Vice-President must still be obtained at least six (6) weeks before the trip commencement date.

Reach out to CROP Contacts for more details.

FY23 Trip Proposal Submission Deadline - Friday, 12 May 2023

CROP Trip Proposal Submission Deadline for ICANN Meetings in FY23

ICANN76 | Cancun, Mexico - Friday, 20 January 2023

ICANN77 |  Washington, DC, USA - Monday, 24 April 2023

Read the CROP Procedures And Guidelines Before Applying

If you would like to read the CROP Procedures and Guidelines, click HERE

CROP Forms 

Based on your affiliation, find the appropriate blank CROP forms that you wish to complete under the workspaces below  

The following abbreviations have been used throughout this section of the CROP Wiki Space:

  • AFRALO = African Regional At-Large Organization
  • APRALO = Asian, Australasian, and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization
  • EURALO = European Regional At-Large Organization
  • LACRALO = Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization
  • NARALO = North American Regional At-Large Organization
  • BC = Business Constituency
  • IPC = Intellectual Property Constituency
  • ISPC = Internet Services Providers Constituency
  • NCUC = Non-Commercial Users Constituency
  • NPOC = Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency

CROP Archive

*CROP has become a core ICANN program in FY18. Before then, it was a pilot program referred to as the Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program, with the acronym 'CROPP'

SCOPE Team Wiki