CEO-SO/AC/SG Leadership Connect

CEO-SO/AC/SG Leadership Connect

CEO-SO/AC/SG Leadership Connect


 Establish more regular opportunities for Senior ICANN Staff (CEO, et al.) to connect with community (AC/SO/SG) leaders to:

  1. increase information flow about the work of senior management – sharing particular key messages on a regular basis, 
  2. create a channel for community leader views/concerns/goals/ambitions to be expressed to senior staff, and 
  3. create more opportunities to share information and build trust.

Value Proposition:

  • The level of ICANN activity continues to grow – particular community interest in Internet governance initiatives and developments.
  • The organization needs to improve its links with community leaders to sharing info about organization-wide direction, objectives and goals, and about how individual projects/activities fit into that bigger picture.
  • More regular senior staff (CEO, etc.) communications can create opportunities to share staff thoughts/perspectives and in-turn also create reverse channel opportunities for community leaders to voice their views/thoughts/concerns/ambitions.
  • Regular communications can help to address/ameliorate community “process” concerns.

Structure of this Space: 

SCOPE Team Wiki