FY23 Frequently Asked Questions
Click each question to reveal the answer.
General Program Questions
Why is the program now called CROP rather than CROPP?
Outreach Strategy Plan Questions
My organization completed an Outreach Strategic Plan for CROP-FY19. Can we just reuse it for FY23's program?
Can the CROP forms/templates be completed before the Outreach Strategic Plan is submitted and approved?
Policies/Guidelines Questions
Why do approved requests need to be delivered to ICANN Constituency Travel at least 7 weeks in advance of an approved trip?
Trip Proposal/Allocation Questions
I am a member of the NCSG, but I do not belong to the NCUC or NPOC. How can I participate in this program since trips appear to be allocated only to Constituencies?
Who is supposed to complete, review, and approve the Trip Assessment Report?
Why are outreach events no longer available to be hosted, co-hosted or funded via the CROP program for GNSO Constituencies?
Regional Questions
For transparency purposes, what criteria will the GSE regional VPs use in determining whether to concur with a proposed trip?
Can you please define, for the purposes of this program, what is a “Region”? There are five official ICANN meeting regions; however, there may more operational regions if the GSE list of countries and regions is used. For example, what happens if a traveler is leaving from New Zealand and traveling to the Pacific Islands? That seems to be only one official ICANN region, but would involve two GSE regional VPs.
Trip Proposals are supposed to be consistent with regional strategies; however, do they exist and, if so, where can we find them?
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