How to Share Content with Others

How to Share Content with Others

It is easy to share content with other Confluence users without having to leave the Wiki environment. 

  1. At the top options menu of each page or blog, click on the <Share> button. 
  2. One at a time, type in the name of the user(s) with whom you wish to share this page content. A drop-down list will be presented as soon as Confluence recognizes the person you entered. You can send to as many users as you like. 
  3. Type a personal note introducing the information you are sharing, e.g., "This is a draft page that I created based on our last conference call." 
  4. Click Share.

An e-mail will be sent to the registered addresses for each of the users entered. They will be provided with a link directly to the page/blog from their e-mail application.