How to Search Confluence

How to Search Confluence

To use Search:

  1. Type your query into the Search box located at the top right-hand corner of every screen. As you start typing letters, a drop-down list of suggestions will appear. If your match occurs in the list, select it and continue. 
  2. If you press the Enter key, you will bypass the drop-down list of titles offered by Confluence's quick navigation and a Search results screen will appear. 
    1. On the left of the screen you will see a text block for each item that matched the search criteria, with the following information for each item:
      • An icon representing the content type (space, page, blog post, user profile, etc).
      • The title or name of the content item.
      • For attachments: the size and type of file, with a link to download or view the attachment where relevant.
      • For image files: a thumbnail of the image will display to the right of the file name.
      • The most relevant few lines of content from within the item. Any words that match your search query are highlighted within the content.
      • The space to which the item belongs, displayed on the last line of the item's text block.
      • The date when the content item was last modified.

On the right of the screen are further options which allow you to tailor or filter your search results as described below.

Filtering your Search results:

By default, Confluence will search all content across your site including all spaces, attachments, and all other content types.

On the right of the screen are options which allow you to tailor or filter the search results.

Enter your filter criteria as described below, then click the Filter button.

  • Where ...restricts your search results to a particular space, or to your favourite spaces, global spaces or personal spaces.
  • What ...restricts your search results to a particular content type (pages, attachments, comments, blog posts, etc).
  • When ...restricts your search results to content modified within a particular period of time (today, yesterday, within the last week or within the last month).
  • Who ...restricts your search results to content last modified by a particular user. You can start typing the person's Username (e.g., john.smith) or part of their name (e.g., john or smith) into the text box as follows. Confluence will offer you a list of possible matches. Use your mouse to select the person you want, then press the Enter key to filter the search results.